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Map image service (WMS, WMTS, Vector Tiles)

This interface service provides your application with access to topographic, plain and background maps, orthophotos and property boundaries. More information under the subheading Products.

These products are open data covered by the National Land Survey open data Attribution CC 4.0 licence. 

The map image services provide access to current Finnish map data for spatial data software and applications.

These services are accessible 24/7.

The picture contains examples of the National Land Survey's map products

Contract or open interface service?

It is possible to sign a contract to use our map image services (WMS and WMTS). When the use of our interface services is based on a contract, the National Land Survey is responsible for ensuring that the service is running and accessible, as well as for providing user support. A user-ID and password are necessary to use the service. The service that is based on a contract carries a charge. Take a look at our price list.

You can use our map image services (WMTS and Vector Tiles) free of charge via our open interface. The open interface works using an API key. No user support is provided for the open interface service and the National Land Survey does not guarantee that the service is either available or accessible.

More information under the heading Become a user.

WMS, WMTS or vector tiles?

The products in map image services that are based on WMS and WMTS technology are in a raster format, that is, the maps consist of pixels. In the vector tile service, the data consists of points, lines or shapes. Raster map styles are standardised, whereas you can freely edit the presentation style of maps in vector format. For example, you can change the colour of roads, buildings or water areas and watercourses, or change the map's language from Finnish to Swedish. You need a tool to edit presentation styles.

When choosing a service, we recommend you consider the following differences:


  • The pixel size of maps that are available via the WMS service can be freely chosen. This makes it easier to display and print out the map in precisely the selected scale.
  • Orthophotos showing environmental destruction are only available from the WMS service.
  • The service is only available by agreement.
  • You can select the time period for orthophotos, orthophotos in colour are available from 2008 and historic aerial photographs from the 1930s onwards.


  • Better performance than in the WMS-based service.
  • The agreement-based WMTS service has the largest product range.
  • The service supports the Finnish map tile models that comply with the JHS180-recommendation, ETRS-TM35FIN (all products) and ETRS-GK (some products).
  • Some products are also available in the global Web Mercator tile system (EPSG:3857) that is common in several web mapping applications.
  • Available as a contract-based or open service (please note that the open service has a smaller product range and fewer zoom levels).

Vector Tiles

  • You need tools to modify the presentation style.
  • Modifying the presentation style is fast because you do not need to reload the map data.
  • Vector tile maps are always sharp and you can quickly move on the map or change the scale of the map.
  • You can search for features using attribute data.
  • You can easily make different language versions of maps.
  • Currently only the open service is available.

A short presentation video of the Map image service (WMTS) can be found on the National Land Survey's YouTube channel.

The Map image service (Vector tiles) has a demo app, where you can take a look at our data materials and examples of modified presentation styles. There's also a presentation video on our YouTube channel.

The following products are available from the Map image service (WMS) and (WMTS):








Topographic map x x x
Peruskartta, taustaväri x    
Background map x x x
Plain map   x x
Property boundaries and identifiers x x x
Orthophoto x

(only the most recent)


(only the most recent)

Orthophoto, false colour x x  
Orthophoto, forest x x  
Orthophoto, environmental destruction x    
Orthophoto, time series (historical) x    
Orthophoto, year of photography x    
Hillshade (elevation model)   x  
Elevation zone   x  
Theme rasters   x  

More information about the provided reference systems and zoom levels are available from the technical description under the heading Materials and products.

The vector tile service contains features from the following feature groups:

  • roads and railways
  • buildings and structures
  • administrative borders
  • geographic names
  • hydrography
  • land use
  • elevation

In addition, the vector tile service contains property division information:

  • property boundaries
  • boundary markers
  • property identifiers
  • unseparated parcel location


A more detailed description of interfaces and products is in the technical description:

Map image service (WMS, WMTS)

Materials available on the service are free of charge and fall under the NLS’s open data licence. Only a maintenance fee is charged for the data.

The service is subject to a maintenance fee based on the number of searches. The minimum fee is €247,40 per year (€310,49 per year, incl. VAT 25,5%).

The service maintenance fee is based on searches with a single size of 256 x 256 pixels. The fee depends on the actual number of searches. The table presents how much the maintenance fee is for different numbers of searches.

Number of searches (searches per year)Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
300 000226,70284,51
500 000292,70367,34
750 000358,40449,79
1 000 000413,90519,44
2 000 000585,30734,55
5 000 000925,401 161,38
10 000 0001 308,801 642,54
20 000 0001 850,902 322,88
50 000 0002 926,503 672,76
100 000 0004 138,705 194,07
150 000 0005 068,80 €6 361,34
200 000 0005 852,907 345,39
250 000 0006 543,808 212,47
300 000 0007 168,408 996,34 €
500 000 0009 254,3011 614,15
1 000 000 00013 087,6016 424,94
Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Raster WMS minimum fee
247,40 310,49
WMTS minimum fee
247,40 310,49

Agreement-based use

It is possible to sign a contract to use our map image services (WMS and WMTS). When the use of our interface services is based on a contract, the National Land Survey is responsible for ensuring that the service is running and accessible. We also provide support for those who start using our service. The agreement-based use of our interface carries a charge and requires a user-ID and password. The agreement to use our service is valid until further notice.

If you are interested in signing a contract, email the web service customer support at

For the agreement we need the organisation's Business-ID and contact and invoicing information.

Open interface-based use

The open Map image service (WMTS), (Vector Tiles) are also provided as an open service free of charge in accordance with the terms of use for the open interface of the National Land Survey of Finland. 

The product range and zoom levels of the open Map image service (WMTS) are less extensive than those offered to agreement-based users.

You can use the open interface connection freely, but the open interface service is not intended for use by high-volume services. The National Land Survey does not guarantee a sufficient capacity.

To use these services, you need an user-specific API key. More information about how to use the API key

No user support is provided for the open interface service and the National Land Survey does not guarantee that the service is either available or accessible. Information about changes to the service will be published on the service's web page.

More information about the services: Technical description (WMTS) and Technical description (Vector tiles).

Service addresses

Agreement-based Map image service (WMS):

Agreement-based Map Image Service (WMTS):

Topographic maps 

Property boundaries 

Thematic maps 

Open Map image service (WMTS):

Map image service (vector tiles):

The service addresses are in the TileJSON metadata descriptions. You need an API key to access the metadata description.


Topographic data/topographic map

TileJSON metadata description (ETRS-TM35FIN):

TileJSON metadata description (Web Mercator); 


Property division

TileJSON metadata description (ETRS-TM35FIN): 

 TileJSON metadata description (Web Mercator):

You can test use the Map image service (WMS) free of charge. The test permission is temporary.

Use the online form (only in Finnish) get test permission to use our interface services. 

The test permission is provided free of charge only for testing the technical features of the service. Using the information acquired from the services requires establishing a production contract.

The permit and the user ID for testing will be e-mailed to the contact person.

The interface support service is available on weekdays 8:00–16:00. Contact support with our online form.

For support in matters related to agreements and user-IDs contact

Notifications of disruptions of service are published in our online service for announcing disruptions Sovellusinfo (available in Finnish and Swedish). Information about changes to the service will be published on the Service messages webpage in English and in Finnish.

You can give feedback and suggestions with our online form.

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More information

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Customer service of the web services

Customer support for web service is provided in matters concerning agreements and licences. Contact customer service: or 029 530 1119.

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