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General information about interface services

The interface service is a technical connection to the server of the National Land Survey of Finland, which you can contact using geospatial software or a self-programmed application, and obtain the desired materials from the server. The interfaces are based on various standards, including WMS, WMTS, WFS, REST and OGC API Feature standards.

The benefit of interface services is that the material is up-to-date, you do not need to download a copy of the material to your information system, and you can access the material immediately.

The materials and use of the interface services of the National Land Survey of Finland can be divided as follows:

1. Open, free (services at the BETA stage) There may be some exceptions concerning identification. The matter is explained in the service description.
2. Open, free, Log-in with an API key.
3. Based on an agreement and subject to a fee (test use possible, contains open data)
4. Subject to a permit, based on an agreement, subject to a fee (test use possible)

For open interface services, the user accepts The terms of use of the open interface of the National Land Survey of Finland. The materials are subject to an open data licence. For BETA services, possible licences and terms of use are indicated in the description of each service.

Some of the open interface services are also available under an agreement. In agreement-based interface use, the National Land Survey of Finland ensures the functionality and availability of the service for the users. More information is indicated in the description of each service. Support for adopting the service is also offered. Service pricing is based on a technical maintenance fee.

An agreement, a permit, as well as an information security appendix, depending on service, are submitted for viewing and signature concerning services based on agreement and/or permission The agreements are valid until further notice. Service pricing is based on a technical maintenance fee and a material fee. There are service- and customer group-specific differences in pricing, based on special legislation concerning the service. 

Adoption of interface services

  1. Read about interface services and select the service you need. If your service belongs to the above categories 1 and 2, you can access the services immediately.
  2. You can subscribe to a free one-month test use period for interfaces belonging to categories 3 and 4.
  3. If you want to access the service you have tested in production, please contact interface service customer support (, which provides guidance and sends the agreement for signature.
  4. Once you have received a test use permit/signed the agreement, customer support will send you the password and user ID so that you can log into the service to which you have subscribed.
  5. Everything is ready!

Available interface services

Unfortunately, the service descriptions are only available in Finnish. There is a general service description and technical description for each service.

More information

Customer service of the web services

Customer support for web service is provided in matters concerning agreements and licences. Contact customer service: or 029 530 1119.