Water4All – Water Security for the Planet
The Water4All Partnership aims at enabling water security for all on the long term through boosting systemic transformations and changes across the entire research – water innovation pipeline, fostering the matchmaking between problem owners and solution providers. It gathers more than 70 partners, R&I funders, environment ministries, local authorities, European, national and regional-scale networks, research performing organisations. It will collaborate with other relevant R&I initiatives. Water4All proposes a portfolio of multi-national, cross-sectoral activities, targeting a variety of actors, intending to generate the following outputs:
- Strengthen the water R&I collaboration at European and international levels, across more than 28 countries, notably through 6 Joint Transnational Calls
- Coordinate and leverage the activities of the Water R&I community
- Support and promote the demonstration and access to market of innovative solutions
- Produce, share and better communicate water-related knowledge & data, from local to global scales
- Enhance talent development of water R&I professionals
- Foster capacity development and life-long training of water policy-makers, stakeholders and civil society
- Design & implement approaches for participatory development of innovation
Water4All will run its activities across 7 themes of its strategic agenda: water for circular economy; water for ecosystems and biodiversity; sustainable water management; water and health; water infrastructure; international cooperation; water governance.
Water4All’s outputs will contribute to:
- Deliver sound knowledge, tools and evidence basis on water for policy- & decision-making
- Improve consideration of water impacts in all relevant policies
- Enhance the field/market use of innovative solutions to water challenges
- Increase citizens’ awareness and engagement for an inclusive water
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