Skip to main content Maps maps provides public administrations with a centralised service for the use of maps and spatial data.

In the service, you can create a map and publish it on your organisation's website. You can also connect a published map, for instance, to be part of an e-service.

As background maps, you can use the National Land Survey's open datasets: various topographic and background maps, property boundaries, and aerial photographs. You can also add your own interfaces to the service or add own features to be published on the map.

The Maps service is intended for public administration authorities and organisations performing public duties under contract. The service is free of charge.

Watch the short tutorial videos (in Finnish) under Training to get started with the service.

The Maps service enables you to use the map layers provided by the service to create map views of your own. You can also use your own features or data from your own organisation's interface. The map views that you create can be embedded on your organisation's web site. The service also makes it possible to publish maps in the organisation's internal services. It is also possible to import your own interfaces without making them visible for other organisations that use the Maps service. The service is, however, not suitable for processing confidential data.

Using the service does not require programming skills. It is sufficient to define your desired map view in the service, such as the size and the map layers to be displayed, and to select the map tools and functions to be used.

The service creates a few lines of html code. Add them to the webpage where you want to offer the map service.

Editing the map

You can select the size of the map window from set size options or define desired size in pixels. You can also edit the layout of the map to be published. You can select from set colour options or define your own colours. There are two font types for text, and you can select the style of tools from many options.

Functions and tools that can be selected for a map to published:

  • arrows in the round arrow sign (panning function)
  • search with address, place name, or property identifier
  • map tools (go to previous/next view, measuring distance, measuring area)
  • moving map view
  • centre to location
  • coordinate tool.

Available map layers

The following of the National Land Survey's open datasets are available in the Maps service:

  • orthophoto
  • topographic map
  • background map
  • cadastral index map.

Other authorities' datasets are also available for map publications. For instance, the Finnish Environment Centre, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, and Statistics Finland have published their datasets in the service to be published by others, too.

Linking your own interfaces

You can link your WMS, WMTS or WFS interfaces to the service. The interfaces can be intended for your own use only or for all users of the Maps service.

When you want to link an interface to the service, contact application support by e-mailing sovellustuki[at]

Indicate the following information in your message:

  • access rights (whether the interface will be made available to you only or to all users of the Maps service)
  • the URL of the interface service
  • username/password if needed
  • the map layers to be added (if the interface service includes several map layers/products, define whether all or individual levels will be added)
  • for WMS services, also define whether the feature information query (GetFeatureInfo) will be activated for each layer.

Also indicate:

  • the names of map layers shown in the user interface (Finnish/Swedish/English)
  • the Paikkatietohakemisto service's dataset identifier (i.e. the unique identifier given for the dataset in Paikkatietohakemisto).

Please note any service restrictions: The functioning of the interface cannot be guaranteed. In particular, WFS interfaces may not work properly.

RPC interface for application developers

Application developers can also utilise the map component of Maps through a so-called RPC (remote procedure call) programming interface. By using the interface, you can customize the functions of a map defined in the map service in more diverse ways than by using the service's own map publishing function.

The RPC interface makes it possible to use the map as part of an e-service. It allows for the transmission of transaction-related information to the map interface, such as drawing features related to the transaction situation on the map or extracting features indicated by the user from the map into the transaction application. It is easy to utilise the RPC interface, and it is not necessary to implement a separate map in the application.

In addition to the basic functions of the map service, the RPC interface offers, for instance, a nationwide journey search based on the HSL's open journey planner.

More information about the RPC interface on the website.

To start using the service, you need a userid and password. You must agree to the terms of use before starting to use the service.

Order form for Maps

All public administration authorities and organisations performing public duties under contract are entitled to use the Maps service. Such organisations are, for instance, government agencies, municipalities, cooperation bodies of municipalities, and universities. Private persons, foundations, and self-employed individuals are not entitled to use the service.

In section 3.1, subsection 9 of the Support Services Act (in Finnish), Suomi-fi Maps (in the Support Services Act, Map service for the public administration) has been defined as one of the common administrative e-service support services.

Additional information:

The authority publishing the maps must agree to the terms of use of the Maps service.

The terms of use of published map services (in Finnish) are applied to map services published by using the Map service. The publisher is responsible for the users of the published map service committing to following these terms.

Terms of use of the maps Maps (in legislation, Map service for the public administration, hereinafter "HKP") is an e-service support service referred to in section 3.1, subsection 9 of the Act on Common Administrative E-Service Support Services (571/2016, hereinafter "Support Services Act").

The National Land Survey of Finland (hereinafter "NLS") is responsible for the production and development of HKP on the basis of section 4, subsection 3 of the Support Services Act.

HKP can be used by all public administration authorities and other entities performing public tasks as specified in section 5 of the Support Services Act, under the conditions stipulated in the regulation.

Authorities or other such parties using HKP must carefully read these terms of use. By using HKP, the user of HKP accepts these terms as binding.

1. Parties to the service

In these terms of use, the following names are used for the parties:

  • The HKP "Administrator" is NLS
  • The "Publisher" is an authority or other entity performing public tasks that publishes a map service by using HKP
  • The "User" is a natural person or legal person who uses the map service published by the authority or other entity performing public tasks
  • The "Information Provider" is a party offering interfaces of HKP

2. Contents of the service

With HKP the Publisher can add a map service to their own website. The Publisher shall select the functions and maps of the map service from the options available in HKP.

The Publisher can take into use their own interface services in HKP and add features with the tools in HKP (dots, lines, or areas, and give them attribute data) as well as upload features by saving the file in the HKP database.

The Publisher can via HKP offer their interface service to other Publishers of HKP to be used in their services. The use of interface services intended for Publishers of HKP must be free of charge.

The Publisher embeds HKP to their website by copying the needed lines of code from HKP to the website.

The Publisher can utilise the map component of HKP through a so-called RPC (remote procedure call) programming interface. By using the RPC programming interface, it is possible to customise the functions of a map defined in HKP. The RPC programming interface offers functions for processing the map and presenting feature data, adding own markers, positioning, and routing.

The contents and maintenance of the service have been described more in detail in the Maps service description (pdf, in Finnish).

3. Using the service

The Publisher may use HKP and the datasets that are included in HKP within the scope permitted by these terms of use and legislation. The use of HKP and the datasets that are included in HKP is free of charge.

Map services that the Publisher publishes by using HKP are subject to separate map service terms of use (in Finnish). The Publisher is responsible for the Users of the map service published by the Publisher by using HKP committing to following the terms of use of the map service before using the map service.

Neither is secret data in accordance with the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) or other legislation processed in HKP, nor may the Publisher transfer such data to HKP. By using the RPC programming interface, features from the Publisher's own data system can be shown on a map defined in HKP. Such features will not be transferred to HKP. The prohibition to transfer secret data does not apply to such features.

4. Responsibility for the service

NLS is responsible for the quality and data security of HKP as stipulated in sections 16, 17 and 18 of the Support Services Act. NLS is not responsible for ensuring that HKP works in the Publisher's system or machine environment.

NLS is not responsible for any errors or deficiencies in datasets included in HKP. NLS will correct errors and deficiencies detected in an NLS dataset within a reasonable time from the moment when the error or deficiency was detected. Neither is NLS responsible for datasets that the Publishers offers in HKP, nor does the service description of HKP (pdf, in Finnish) apply to them.

NLS reserves the right to change HKP, datasets included in HKP, and these terms of use and to restrict the use of HKP. NLS intends to inform of changes at the HKP website before the changes. Any changes will enter into force immediately.

NLS is not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use or prevention of use of HKP or datasets included in HKP, unless otherwise provided in legislation.

The Publisher is responsible for informing NLS of any disruption or threat directed at a datasystem that they have attached to HKP, as stipulated in section 18, subsection 3 of the Support Services Act.

5. Immaterial rights

Copyrights and other immaterial rights to orthophotos, background map and topographic map datasets included in HKP belong to NLS. Copyrights and other immaterial rights to cadastral datasets included in HKP belong to NLS and the municipalities maintaining the cadastre. Copyrights and other immaterial rights to other datasets offered in HKP belong to the Information Providers.

The aforementioned copyrights and other immaterial rights belong to the holders of the rights and are not transferred to the Publisher as a result of the use of HKP. When using the datasets included in HKP, the Publisher must mention the holders of copyrights and other immaterial rights.

The Publisher has no other rights than the right to use HKP and datasets included in it referred to in these terms of use and in legislation.

The use of the service is free of charge, and the right to use it is granted to public administration authorities and other entities performing public tasks as referred to in section 5 of the Support Services Act, under the conditions stipulated therein. There is no limitation of usage.

Service description of maps (pdf, in Finnish)

You can send questions and feedback related to the use of the service via the Palaute (Feedback)  link on the left side of the Maps user interface. 

Browser requirements Maps works on the most popular browsers. Supported browsers are Internet Explorer version 10.0 and higher, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.

Disruption communications

The service is available at any time (24/7/365), but NLS responds to possible disruptions during office hours. NLS notifies of interruptions and disruptions on the service's webpages. 

Server environment Maps is located in a server environment offered by NLS. Features that the customer creates in the service are also saved in the Maps server environment.

Version management

Information about changes in the version update is available at GitHub (in English), regarding versions 2.12 and 2.13.

You can send feedback and development ideas on our online form


Application and service status

Check the status and any disturbances of applications and online services.

Problems using the service?