Geodata portal Paikkatietoikkuna
Paikkatietoikkuna is the national geoportal presenting spatial data and related services from different data producers. Paikkatietoikkuna is an important part of Finland's implementation of INSPIRE.
By using the service, you can look at several superimposed map layers, embed a map on your own website and make statistical thematic maps. The service contains more than 3 000 map layers from about 70 organisations. The map layers are imported via APIs (interface services), which means that the data in each map layer is as up to date as in the services of the particular data producer. Map layers are added to the service at the request of data producers and based on contracts. Data producers are responsible for their data.
Paikkatietoikkuna is intended for both spatial data professionals and everyone who is interested in maps and spatial data. On weekdays the geoportal has over 4 200 daily users.
Terms of use
Paikkatietoikkuna is a national spatial data portal maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland at (hereinafter referred to as “Paikkatietoikkuna”). In Paikkatietoikkuna the user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) can:
- browse map layers at different scales separately and on top of each other (section “Map Layers”)
- publish a map view from Paikkatietoikkuna (section “Map publishing”)
- compile themed maps based on their own statistical data and datasets available in the service (section “Thematic maps”)
- carry out analyses based on the data contained in the layer (see section “Analysis”)
- create and store their own objects and datasets in the database of Paikkatietoikkuna (section “My data”)
- convert coordinates from one coordinate system to another (section “Coordinate transformation”)
as set out in the Content section below. New functionalities will be added to Paikkatietoikkuna gradually.
The Paikkatietoikkuna portal can be used by a User who is a natural person. A legal entity cannot use the service. The User of Paikkatietoikkuna must carefully read these terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”). By using Paikkatietoikkuna, the User declares that they have read the Terms of Use and accept them as binding.
The NLS may change these terms of use at any time. Any changes will enter into force immediately.
Map layers
Map layers are map images and geospatial datasets (hereinafter “Map Layer”) published by organisations providing geospatial data (hereinafter “Data Producer”). The Data Producer provides this data with the help of interface services described below to be linked to Paikkatietoikkuna. The National Land Survey of Finland will publish the Map Layers in Paikkatietoikkuna after both parties have signed an agreement on linking the datasets to Paikkatietoikkuna.
The Map Image Service is an interface service that enables the application to copy map images for viewing spatial data (Source: Geoinformatics Glossary). This can be implemented with the Web Map Service (WMS) or the Web Map Tiling Service (WMTS), for example. The INSPIRE directive (2007/2/EC) calls a map image service a view service. In Paikkatietoikkuna, map image services provide map images in raster format.
The download service is an interface service that enables the application to process the copying of spatial data (Source: Geoinformatics Glossary). This can be implemented with the Web Feature Service (WFS) or the OGC API Features, for example. The name download service comes from the INSPIRE directive (2007/2/EC). In Paikkatietoikkuna, download services provide vector-format spatial data.
The User can create a map view with one or more Map Layers. In the map view, the Map Layer can be viewed in several different scales. The User can save the map view in their own data in Paikkatietoikkuna and then create a link to the desired map view.
The User can adjust the transparency of the Map Layer, as well as familiarise themselves with the metadata describing the Map Layer and the map description, if they have been published by the Data Producer. If the Map Layer contains target data, and the Data Producer has not specifically prohibited the downloading of target data, the User can download the target data to their own device.
Map publishing
The User can use the Map Publishing function (hereinafter referred to as the “Map Publication”) to create a published map (hereinafter referred to as the “Published Map”), which the User may embed on their own website or use as such. Using Map Publishing requires the User to be registered and logged in to Paikkatietoikkuna.
The User can define the content and functionalities of the Published Map, save the specifications and with the aid of the code provided thereafter, publish the Published Map in accordance with the specifications on the public free-of-charge website maintained by the User, access to which is not restricted (for example, only for registered users).
If they wish, the Data Producer may prohibit the publication of a Map Layer in the Published Map. The National Land Survey of Finland can also limit which functionalities are available in the Published Map.
The NLS and the Data Producer may set a maximum number of service requests sent by the Published Map. The valid restrictions will be published in the Map Publishing.
Thematic maps
The User can create a thematic map based on statistical spatial data (hereinafter the “Thematic Map”). The User can define the categorisation and visualisation of the Thematic Map.
The User can use Paikkatietoikkuna’s predefined statistical data as the base data for the Thematic Map or import their own data. The regional division of the Thematic Map must be selected from the ready-made regional divisions in Paikkatietoikkuna.
The User can perform spatial analyses of the data contained in the Map Layer using the Analysis function of Paikkatietoikkuna (hereinafter referred to as “Analysis”).
My Data
The User can create their own objects in Paikkatietoikkuna and import spatial data (hereinafter referred to as “My Data”) from their own data device. The NLS may limit the number of objects and the file size and format of the datasets. The User can also save their objects on their own data device.
The User can publish their own items as a Published Map. The User’s Map Layer, in which the items to be published are stored, thus becomes public and is visible to all users of the Published Map in question. The objects can be prepared in Paikkatietoikkuna or imported in the service as spatial data.
The content of the objects must be in Finnish, Swedish or English, and the depicted sites must be located in the territory of Finland. They must also accord with the law and good practice. The User must have the right to process the content they have saved. The content must not infringe the rights of any other party.
Coordinate transformation service
The User can convert coordinates from one coordinate system to another. The output coordinates must be located within the borders of Finland in Paikkatietoikkuna’s predefined coordinate system.
The coordinates can be entered into the system individually or as a file. The National Land Survey of Finland may limit the size and format of the file.
Using Paikkatietoikkuna is free of charge and open to all. Some functions such as Map Publishing and My Data require the User to register and log in.
Registration takes place through the NLS’s OmaTili identification service. When registering, the User must provide their first name, last name and email address, as well as defining their user name and password
The data are stored in the NLS’s Customer Relations Register. When registering, the User accepts the description of the processing of personal data in the Customer Relations Register of the National Land Survey of Finland.
The username and password are personal. The User must ensure that they are not used for unauthorised purposes.
The National Land Survey of Finland may delete a User’s account from Paikkatietoikkuna if:
- The User acts or has acted in violation of the terms of use, the law or good practice
- The User has not logged in to Paikkatietoikkuna within the last six (6) months.
After deleting the User’s account, the terms of the intellectual property rights mentioned below and the terms of use related to the Map Layers mentioned above shall remain in force for as long as they are relevant, notwithstanding the termination of the agreement.
Obligations and responsibilities of the National Land Survey of Finland
The National Land Survey of Finland provides the Paikkatietoikkuna service for the use of users as described in these terms of use. As a rule, Paikkatietoikkuna is available seven days a week.
Paikkatietoikkuna and its content are presented as is. The User may use Paikkatietoikkuna at their own risk. Neither the National Land Survey of Finland nor the Data Producer is responsible for the content, accuracy or reliability of Paikkatietoikkuna or the data contained therein, or for the suitability or applicability of the data for a specific purpose.
In addition, the NLS is not responsible for the uninterrupted, timely or error-free operation of Paikkatietoikkuna, or liable for any interruptions, communication failures caused by technical failures, maintenance or installation work, or any changes or loss of data, etc. that may result from them.
The NLS may disable Paikkatietoikkuna or part of it, such as a Map Layer, for reasons such as maintenance, updates, technical problems or other reasons. At any time, the National Land Survey of Finland may change Paikkatietoikkuna or its content, functionality or parts thereof, block access to them or terminate the Paikkatietoikkuna service without notifying the User of the change.
Whenever possible, the National Land Survey of Finland will strive to inform the User of changes and outages concerning Paikkatietoikkuna in advance in the Paikkatietoikkuna service or in another suitable manner. Any changes will enter into force immediately.
The National Land Survey of Finland is not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of Paikkatietoikkuna or its content, or the blocking of their use.
User’s obligations and responsibilities
The User is obligated to use Paikkatietoikkuna in accordance with these Terms of Use and the laws and regulations applicable to Paikkatietoikkuna.
The use of Paikkatietoikkuna for other than standard purposes and with non-standard applications or devices is prohibited. Any activity that interferes with the operation of Paikkatietoikkuna such as the large-scale storing of the content of Paikkatietoikkuna with another application is prohibited. If disruptive use of Paikkatietoikkuna is observed, the User in question will be completely prevented from using the service.
The User is fully liable for any damage caused to the National Land Survey of Finland, the Data Producer, other users and third parties as a result of the use of Paikkatietoikkuna or its content.
Intellectual property rights
The rights related to Paikkatietoikkuna and the Map Layers, including copyright and other intellectual property rights, remain with the National Land Survey of Finland and the Data Producers. More information about the rights is available in the metadata of the spatial datasets that serve as the source data for the Map Layer.
Rights related to the User’s own data remain with the original owners of the rights, despite the fact that the data are stored in Paikkatietoikkuna.
The User does not have the right to make Paikkatietoikkuna or a Map Layer or another part of the service publicly available by spreading, presenting or viewing it publicly, and nor do they have the right to save or reproduce them without the National Land Survey of Finland’s prior consent.
Notwithstanding the above, the User has the right to use Paikkatietoikkuna in connection with publicly funded education. In addition, the User has the right to copy, save or print individual map images and spatial data in Paikkatietoikkuna for private use as referred to in the Copyright Act (404/1961) and for a thesis.
The User has the right to link to Paikkatietoikkuna or a Published Map from their own website. The name “Paikkatietoikkuna” must be shown in connection with the link and the Published Map. Through the link, Paikkatietoikkuna must open in a blank browser window without frames. Any other form of linking or disconnection of content is prohibited under these Terms of Use.
The National Land Survey of Finland has the right to link to Paikkatietoikkuna or the NLS’s website, to collect information on the service requests sent by the Published Map, and to publish the name, address and number of service requests sent in Paikkatietoikkuna or on the National Land Survey’s website.
The User has the right to publish a screenshot of Paikkatietoikkuna on their own website or in a magazine. In connection with the screenshot, a mention must be made of Paikkatietoikkuna, the month when the screenshot was taken, and the names of the Map Layers shown in the image, as well as its Data Producers. The image on the website must be accompanied by a link to Paikkatietoikkuna as described above.
The National Land Survey of Finland is not responsible for the preservation of the information in the My Data function or the information presented in the Published Map in Paikkatietoikkuna. The NLS has the right to view the content saved by the User and at its discretion, to remove some or all of the content. The NLS is not liable for the deletion or loss of data stored by the User.
Use of cookies
The use of Paikkatietoikkuna is monitored by means such as cookie files. The purpose of cookies is to collect information on the use of Paikkatietoikkuna to further develop the service. The user may choose to block the use of cookies in their browser, but this may limit the functionality of Paikkatietoikkuna.
Applicable law and settlement of disputes
Paikkatietoikkuna and its use are governed by Finnish law, with the exception of its conflict of laws rules.
Disputes regarding the use of Paikkatietoikkuna will be primarily settled by negotiation between the National Land Survey of Finland and the User. If no settlement can be reached through negotiations, disputes will be settled in the District Court of Helsinki in the first instance.
More information
Application and service status
Check the status and any disturbances of applications and online services.