Techical description (Vector tiles)
Technical description contents
- Interface service versions
- Data content
- Technical properties
- Vector tiles from topographic data
- Data content, metadata, style files, vector tile files and tile matrices
- Vector tiles from property division data
- Data content, metadata, style files, vector tile files and tile matrices
- Vector tiles and QGIS
Interface service versions
- V20 - Url:
- Visibility of feature classes on zoom levels using default settings
- V21 - Url:
- Thin road lines (vehicle path, pedestrian and cycling routes, etc.) Are shown one zoom level earlier. Features pertaining to land use, water courses and constructions are drawn earlier, as are contour lines..
- Features are drawn in the new way in both coordinate reference systems (WGS84_Pseudo-Mercator and ETRS-TM35FIN)
Data content
The interface service provides access to spatial data features in the National Land Survey's Topographic Database and the Cadastre's property division dataset.
The data content of vector tiles based on the Topographic Database is more extensive than that of the raster background map, but less extensive than that of the topographic map. Its key object groups are roads and railways, buildings and constructions, administrative borders, geographical names, waterways, land use and elevations. Vector tiles provided by the service are appropriate for use in scales 1:2 500–1:10 000 000. There are also two style files for using the vector tiles to produce either a view resembling a raster background map or a more detailed map that takes advantage of the rich data contents provided by the vector tiles.
The vector tiles based on the property division of the Cadastre can be used to produce a map view equivalent to the cadastral index map containing property boundaries, property markers and property identifiers. In/kartat-ja-paikkatieto/aineistot-ja-rajapinnat/tuotekuvaukset/kiinteistorekisterikartta-vektori addition, partial unseparated parcels are shown as spatial data features conforming to point or area geometry. The service offers style file options for showing property division on a base map or orthophoto.
For vector tiles from the Topographic Database as well as property division, the customer app that uses the interface can use its own style file to create a customised presentation style.
Vector tiles for topographic data and property division are available from separate subservice addresses. The services have sveral technical properties in common.
Technical properties
Vector tiles comply with the Mapbox Vector Tiles 2.1 definition and they are available in both ETRS-TM35FIN (EPSG:3067) and Web-Mercator (EPSG:3857) projections. Vector tile files are requested from the service with HTTP requests that are compatible with the GetTile operation of the WMTS standard.
TileJSON 2.2 compliant metadata description contains a list of map layers matching the vector tile data contents (in the vector_layers element) and a definition of the URL-template that is used for requesting vector tile files (in the element tiles). The metadata description is available separately for the ETRS-TM35FIN and Web Mercator coordinate reference systems.
Style files (MapBox GL JS) are used to define a presentation style for the map levels listed in the TileJSON metadata description. It is possible to set the appropriate presentation style for the customer app that uses the interface either with the app's own style file or a style provided by the service. The style files are created separately for the Web Mercator and ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate reference systems.
To use the interface, it is necessary to have an API key in conjunction with queries. Instructions can be found at Instructions for using the API key.
On the demo site there's a presentation in English on how to use vector tiles, including links to example code based on JavaScript.
Example code including source code is also available from the National Land Survey's GitHub:
Vector tiles from topographic data
Vector tile data content
The data products available in this service are based on the Topographic database and the small-scale datasets derived from that, as well as datasets based on the Geographic Names Register. The most detailed datasets derived from the Topographic Database and the datasets of the Geographic Names Register are updated continuously.
A more detailed presentation of the service is in a separate document (in Finnish): Maanmittauslaitoksen vektoritiilipalvelun esittely.pdf The modification of presentation styles of the vector tile map is presented in the following document (in Finnish): Maanmittauslaitoksen vektoritiilikartan esitystyylien muokkaus.pdf.
The following documents (schema descriptions) describe the contents of the vector tile versions provided in the service (in Finnish):
The schema defines the datasets that are included on the vector tiles for each zoom level. The zoom levels conform to the JHS 180 ETRS-TM35FIN tile matrix.
Take a look at our demo app showing vector tiles with topographic data and alternative presentation styles.
Map layer metadata
TileJSON metadata descriptions (Web Mercator and ETRS-TM35FIN)::<your own API key><your own API key>
Style files
Alternative presentation style files for vector tiles (Web Mercator:<your own API key><your own API key>
Alternative presentation style files for vector tiles (ETRS-TM35FIN)::<your own API key><your own API key>
The presentation style "taustakartta" (background map) is equivalent to the National Land Survey's raster background map. The style "backgroundmap" contains more topographic features than the standard background map and also includes altitude contours. The parameter ”TileMatrixSet” is optional, the default is ”WGS_84_Pseudo-Mercator”, the most commonly used option in online maps.
Vector tile files
How to download vector tile files from the service (example):<your own API key>
Tile matrices
Information about the map tile models, that is tile matrices, for vector tiles (in the elements "TileMatrixSet" of the response):<your own API key>
Vector tiles from property division data
Vector tile data content
Data contents of vector tiles containing information about property divisions in the Cadastre:
- Boundary marker location data
- Property boundary location data
- Property identifier location data
- Parcel location data
- Location data of a part of an unseparated parcel
A more precise product description is in the technical description of the Open products interface of the Land Information Query Service (OGC API Features) (in Finnish). The vector tiles contain the same attribute data as the corresponding products in the OGC API Features service, but they are provided using a different technology.
Take a look at the example source code in GitHub, includes examples of how to use OpenLayers and MapLibre libraries.
Map layer metadata
TileJSON-metatietokuvaukset (Web Mercator ja ETRS-TM35FIN):<your own API key><your own API key>
Style files (cadastral index map)
Alternative presentation style files for vector tiles (Web Mercator):<your own API key><your own API key>
Alternative presentation style files for vector tiles (ETRS-TM35FIN):<your own API key><your own API key>
The style file "kiinteistöjaotus" corresponds to the presentation style of the cadastral index map and is suitable for viewing on top of a background base map. We recommend using the style file ”kiinteistojaotus_ortokuva_pohjalla” when the background contains orthophotos.
The styles include symbols and aligning the presentation styles on the basis of the feature attributes using filters. Some software (for example QGIS) may have issues with displaying such presentation styles in the MapBox GL JS format.
Style files (simplified)
Tarjolla on myös pelkistetymmät esitystyyliversiot, jotka toimivat laajemmassa joukossa asiakasohjelmistoja:<your own API key><your own API key><your own API keyn><your own API key>
Style sheets provided by the service can also be used as a starting point for customising styles to fit your own needs.
Vector tile files
How to download vector tile files from the service (example):<your own API keyn>
Tile matrices
Information about the map tile models, that is tile matrices, for vector tiles (in the elements "TileMatrixSet" of the response):<oma-api-avain>
Vector tiles and QGIS
Topographic Data
- Instructions on how to add vector tiles with topographic data into QGIS is available from the NLS GitHub.
- Presentation styles corresponding to the National Land Survey's background map can be shown in QGIS by using the QML syle file that has been desgned for the vector tile service.
- Currently there is no style file available that matches the presentation styles of the National Land Survey's topographic map.
Property information
- Instructions on how to add vector tiles with property division data into QGIS is available from the NLS GitHub.
- Two separate style sheets for property division data have been produced that can be used in QGIS superimposed on a topographic or background map or alternatively superimposed on an orthophoto.
Version management
Hyvinvointialueiden rajat lisätty Maastotietojen hallinnollisiin rajoihin 2023-07
Kiinteistöjaotus (kiinteistörekisterikartta) saataville tuotannolliseen rajapintaan 2022-06
Tuotannollinen julkaisu (maastotietokanta taustakartta vastaavana esityksenä) 2020-06
BETA palvelu julkaistu 2020-03