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Delays in our telephone service – answers to frequently asked questions

Our telephone service is periodically affected by delays. This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about apartments.

How do I apply for registration of ownership of my apartment?

If you have a paper share certificate, you can apply for registration of ownership of your apartment in the NLS e-service (in Finnish) and send the share certificate by post to Vaasa or bring it to one of our customer service points

If your apartment has an electronic record of ownership, you can apply for registration of ownership using our form (in Finnish)

More information about registration of ownership

Why is my apartment matter decision taking such a long time? 

There are delays in the processing of apartment matters. The processing time for registration of ownership is approx. 6 months. The delay in processing may be longer than that.

Average application processing times

When will I receive my cancelled share certificate?

There are delays in returning cancelled share certificates to owners who have requested them. If you have handed in your share certificate to our service point in Helsinki, the cancelled share certificate will be sent to you within approx. 3 months following the registration of ownership. Elsewhere in Finland, cancelled certificates will be sent within approx. one month following the registration of ownership.

How do I update my contact information in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System?

The postal address of the apartment owner is generally updated automatically from the Population Information System. 

If you wish to receive an invitation to the housing company general meeting by e-mail and your e-mail has changed, you can notify us of the new e-mail address using our online form.

If you are unsure whether your contact information is correct in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System, you can check the information in the NLS e-service (individual customers, in Finnish and in Swedish and organisational customers, in Finnish and in Swedish).

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