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Xu, Minghui; Lunz, Susanne; Anderson, James M.; Savolainen, Tuomas et al. 2021.
Evidence of the Gaia-VLBI position differences being related to radio source structure. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 647, A189.
Xu, Shan; Atherton, Jon; Riikonen, Anu; Zhang, Chao et al. 2021.
Structural and photosynthetic dynamics mediate the response of SIF to water stress in a potato crop. Elsevier. Remote sensing of environment, 263, 112555.
Xue, Tianru; Wang, Yueming; Chen, Yuwei; Jia, Jianxin et al. 2021.
Mixed Noise Estimation Model for Optimized Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation in Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 13(13), 2607.
Zhang, Zhenbing; Liu, Jingbin; Wang, Lei; Guo, Guangyi et al. 2021.
An Enhanced Smartphone Indoor Positioning Scheme with Outlier Removal Using Machine Learning. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1106.
Zheng, Xiaorou; Jia, Jianxin; Guo, Shanxin; Chen, Jinsong et al. 2021.
Full Parameter Time Complexity (FPTC): A Method to Evaluate the Running Time of Machine Learning Classifiers for Land Use/Land Cover Classification. IEEE. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14.
Zhou, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Hakala, Teemu; Feng, Ziyi et al. 2021.
The Penetration Analysis of Airborne Ku-Band Radar Versus Satellite Infrared Lidar Based on the Height and Energy Percentiles in the Boreal Forest. Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI). Remote Sensing, 13(9), 1650.


Aarnio, Timo; Jokela, Sanna. 2020.
Kuka Oskari?. Positio, (1).
Adekola, Oluwafemi; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Riekkinen, Kirsikka. 2020.
Towards Improved Land Registration Practices in Lagos State, Nigeria; Land-Allied Professionals’ Perspectives.
Ahlavuo, Marika; Hyyppä, Hannu; Haggrén, Henrik. 2020.
Pitäisikö maailman näyttää erilaiselta rakennetun ympäristön tohtorin silmin?. Maankäyttö, (4).
Ahlavuo, Marika; Hyyppä, Hannu; Handolin, Hannu; Aho, Sebastian et al. 2020.
Kokemuksia museon virtualisoinnista pandemia-aikana. Maankäyttö, (2).
Ahlavuo, Marika; Hyyppä, Hannu; Handolin, Hannu; Virtanen, Juho-Pekka et al. 2020.
Visualisointeja tieteen, taiteen ja talouden välimaastossa. Maankäyttö, (2).
Ahlavuo, Marika; Hyyppä, Hannu; Hyyppä, Juha; Kukko, Antero et al. 2020.
Suomen Akatemian laserkeilauksen huippuyksikön vaikuttavuus. Maankäyttö, (3).
Ahlavuo, Marika; Hyyppä, Hannu; Virtanen, Juho-Pekka; Kurkela, Matti et al. 2020.
Kohti kulttuurialan digitaalisia kaksosia. AALTO-YLIOPISTO, Helsinki. Aalto University publication series CROSSOVER, 2020.
Anders, Niels; Smith, Mike; Suomalainen, Juha; Cammeraat, Erik et al. 2020.
Impact of flight altitude and cover orientation on Digital Surface Model (DSM) accuracy for flood damage assessment in Murcia (Spain) using a fixed-wing UAV. Springer. Earth Science Informatics, 13(2).
Andrei, Constantin-Octavian; Johansson, Jan; Koivula, Hannu; Poutanen, Markku. 2020.
Signal performance analysis of the latest quartet of Galileo satellites during the first operational year. IEEE.
Andrei, Octavian. 2020.
Fourth GPS Civilian Signal Goes Live. North Coast Media LLC. GPS World, 31(2).
Annala, Leevi; Honkavaara, Eija; Tuominen, Sakari; Pölönen, Ilkka. 2020.
Chlorophyll Concentration Retrieval by Training Convolutional Neural Network for Stochastic Model of Leaf Optical Properties (SLOP) Inversion. MDPI. Remote sensing, 12(2), 283.
Balenović, Ivan; Liang, Xinlian; Jurjević, Luka; Hyyppä, Juha et al. 2020.
Hand-Held Personal Laser Scanning - Current Status and Perspectives for Forest Inventory Application. Zagreb University. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 42(1).
Brauer, Anna; Mäkinen, Ville; Oksanen, Juha. 2020.
Quantifying cycling traffic fluency based on big mobile tracking data.
Bucher, Bénédicte; Tiainen, Esa; Ellett von Brasch, Thomas; Janssen, Paul et al. 2020.
Conciliating perspectives from mapping agencies and Web of data on successful European SDIs: towards a European Geographic Knowledge Graph. MDPI. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Special Issue "SDI and the Revolutionary Technological Trends", 9(2 (62)).
Bunce, Emma J.; Martindale, Adrian; Lindsay, Simon; Muinonen, Karri et al. 2020.
The BepiColombo Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer: Science Goals, Instrument Performance and Operations. SPRINGER. Space science reviews, 216(8), 126.
Calle, Mikel; Calle, Javier; Alho, Petteri; Benito, Gerardo. 2020.
Inferring sediment transfers and functional connectivity of rivers from repeat topographic surveys. Wiley & Sons. Earth surface processes and landforms, 45(3).
Campos, Mariana; Litkey, Paula; Wang, Yunsheng; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2020.
A Terrestrial Laser Scanning Measurement Station to Monitor Long-Term Structural Dynamics in a Boreal Forest. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B1-2020.
Cao, Lin; Wang, Yunsheng; Tang, Hao. 2020.
Special Section Guest Editorial: Advances in Remote Sensing for Forest Structure and Functions. SPIE. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14(2), 022201.
Chen, Yuwei. 2020.
Environment Awareness with Hyperspectral LiDAR Technologies. Aalto University, Helsinki.
Chen, Yuwei; Feng, Ziyi; Li, Fashuai; Zhou, Hui et al. 2020.
Lidar-aided analysis of boreal forest backscatter at Ku band. Elsevier. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 91, 102133.
Cremonese, G.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.; Doressoundiram, A. et al. 2020.
SIMBIO-SYS: Scientific Cameras and Spectrometer for the BepiColombo Mission. Springer. Space science reviews, 216(5), 75.
Dai, Wenxia; Yang, Bisheng; Liang, Xinlian; Dong, Zhen et al. 2020.
Fast registration of forest terrestrial laser scans using key points detected from crowns and stems. Taylor & Francis. International Journal of Digital Earth.
Dong, Zhen; Liang, Fuxun; Yang, Bisheng; Xu, Yusheng et al. 2020.
Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark. Elsevier Science Publishers. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 163.
Drewes, H.; Adam, J.; Poutanen, M.. 2020.
Historical Overview. Springer. Journal of Geodesy, 94(11).
Du, Kai; Huang, Huaguo; Zhu, Yuyi; Feng, Ziyi et al. 2020.
Simulation of Ku-Band Profile Radar Waveform by Extending Radiosity Applicable to Porous Individual Objects (RAPID2) Model. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(4), 684.
El-Mahgary, Sami; Virtanen, Juho-Pekka; Hyyppä, Hannu. 2020.
A Simple Semantic-Based Data Storage Layout for Querying Point Clouds. MDPI AG. Isprs international journal of geo-information, 9(2), 9020072.
Falk, R; Pálinkáš, V; Wziontek, H; Rülke, A et al. 2020.
Final report of EURAMET.M.G-K3 regional comparison of absolute gravimeters. IOP Publishing. Metrologia, 57, 1A.
Franzese, Giulio; Linty, Nicola; Dovis, Fabio. 2020.
Semi-Supervised GNSS Scintillations Detection Based on DeepInfomax. MDPI. Applied Sciences, 10(1), 381.
Ghobadi, Hossein; Spogli, Luca; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Cesaroni, Claudio et al. 2020.
Disentangling ionospheric refraction and diffraction effects in GNSS raw phase through fast iterative filtering technique. Springer. GPS Solutions, 24, 85.
Gruber, Thomas; Ågren, Jonas; Angermann, Detlef; Ellmann, Artu et al. 2020.
Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research—Observation Concept and Preliminary Results in the Baltic Sea. MDPI AG. Remote Sensing, 12(22), 3747.
Haapalehto, S.; Malm, M.; Kaisko, O.; Marila, Simo et al. 2020.
Results of Monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2019, Rock Mechanics. Posiva Oy. Posivan työraportit, (Työraportti 2020-47).
Haggren, Henrik; Ståhle, Pirjo; Vaaja, Matti; Rönnholm, Petri et al. 2020.
Experiences from the Project Course in Geoinformatics. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-5-2020.
Hakala, Taina; Pölönen, Ilkka; Honkavaara, Eija; Näsi, Roope et al. 2020.
Using Aerial Platforms in Predicting Water Quality Parameters from Hyperspectral Imaging Data with Deep Neural Networks. Springer, Cham. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.
Helander, Petteri; Puranen, Tuomas; Meriläinen, Antti; Maconi, Göran et al. 2020.
Omnidirectional microscopy by ultrasonic sample control. Applied physics letters, 116(19), 194101.
Helmi, A.; van Leeuwen, F.; McMillan, P. J.; Massari, D. et al. 2020.
Gaia Data Release 2. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642, C1.
Helmi, A.; van Leeuwen, F.; McMillan, P.J.; Massari, D. et al. 2020.
Gaia Data Release 2: Kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way (vol 616, A12, 2018). EDP Sciences. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 637, C3.
Hernandez-Pajares, Manuel; Lyu, Haixia; Aragon-Angel, Angela; Monte-Moreno, Enric et al. 2020.
Polar Electron Content From GPS Data-Based Global Ionospheric Maps: Assessment, Case Studies, and Climatology. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(6), e2019JA027677.
Herrero-Huerta, Monica; Bucksch, Alexander; Puttonen, Eetu; Rainey, Katy M.. 2020.
Canopy Roughness: A New Phenotypic Trait to Estimate Aboveground Biomass from Unmanned Aerial System. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Plant Phenomics, 2020, 6735967.
Honkala, Salomon; Thombre, Sarang; Kirkko-Jaakkola, Martti; Zelle, Hein et al. 2020.
Performance of EGNSS-Based Timing in Various Threat Conditions. IEEE. IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 69(5).
Honkavaara, Eija; Nasi, Roope; Viljanen, Niko; Oliveira, Raquel A. et al. 2020.
Using multitemporal hyper- and multispectral UAV imaging for detecting bark beetle infestation on Norway spruce. ISPRS Council.. International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, XLIII-B3-2020.
Honkavaara, Eija; Näsi, Roope; Alves de Oliveira, Raquel; Niemeläinen, Oiva et al. 2020.
Precision agriculture in practice – utilisation of novel remote sensing technologies in grass silage production. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Grassland Science in Europe, 25.
Hu, Pei-Lun; Chen, Yu-Wei; Jiang, Chang-Hui; Lin, Qi-Nan et al. 2020.
Spectral observation and classification of typical tree species leaves based on indoor hyperspectral lidar. Science Press. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 39(3).
Hu, Peilun; Huang, Huaguo; Chen, Yuwei; Qi, Jianbo et al. 2020.
Analyzing the Angle Effect of Leaf Reflectance Measured by Indoor Hyperspectral Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 919.
Huovelin, J.; Vainio, R.; Kilpua, E.; Lehtolainen, A. et al. 2020.
Solar Intensity X-Ray and Particle Spectrometer SIXS: Instrument Design and First Results. Springer. Space science reviews, 216(5), 94.

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