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Lotsari, Eliisa; Hackney, Christopher; Salmela, J.; Kasvi, Elina et al. 2020.
Sub-arctic river bank dynamics and driving processes during the open-channel flow period. Wiley. Earth surface processes and landforms, 45(5).
Louwsma, Marije; Konttinen, Kalle; Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene; Zhovtonog, Olga. 2020.
Generic Tooling for Land Consolidation – the Concept Explained.
Lundvall, Anniina. 2020.
Paikkatiedot tutuiksi verkkokoulutuksen avulla. Positio, (1).
Lundvall, Anniina. 2020.
Lapin tuntemattomat tukikohdat ja kadonneet vankileirit päivänvaloon. Positio, (4).
Maconi, Göran; Helander, Petteri; Gritsevich, Maria; Salmi, Ari et al. 2020.
4 pi Scatterometer:A new technique for understanding the general and complete scattering properties of particulate media. Elsevier. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer, 106910.
Maksimainen, Mikko; Vaaja, Matti T.; Kurkela, Matti; Virtanen, Juho-Pekka et al. 2020.
Nighttime Mobile Laser Scanning and 3D Luminance Measurement : Verifying the Outcome of Roadside Tree Pruning with Mobile Measurement of the Road Environment. MDPI AG. Isprs international journal of geo-information, 9(7), 455.
Marila, Simo; Andrei, Octavian; Koivula, Hannu; Häkli, Pasi et al. 2020.
GNSS Positioning Aspects for the Intelligent Shipping Test Laboratory at Rauma Harbor. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2626.
Matikainen, Leena; Karila, Kirsi; Litkey, Paula; Ahokas, Eero et al. 2020.
Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser scanning for land cover classification. Elsevier Science Publishers. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 164.
Milillo, A.; Fujimoto, M.; Murakami, G.; Benkhoff, J. et al. 2020.
Investigating Mercury’s Environment with the Two-Spacecraft BepiColombo Mission. Springer. Space science reviews, 216(5), 93.
Miyoshi, Gabriela Takahashi; Arruda, Mauro dos Santos; Osco, Lucas Prado; Marcato Junior, Jose et al. 2020.
A Novel Deep Learning Method to Identify Single Tree Species in UAV-Based Hyperspectral Images. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(8), 1294.
Miyoshi, Gabriela Takahashi; Imai, Nilton Nobuhiro; Garcia Tommaselli, Antonio Maria; Antunes de Moraes, Marcus Vinicius et al. 2020.
Evaluation of Hyperspectral Multitemporal Information to Improve Tree Species Identification in the Highly Diverse Atlantic Forest. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(2), 244.
Moreno-Ibanez, Manuel; Gritsevich, Maria; Trigo-Rodriguez, Josep M.; Silber, Elizabeth A.. 2020.
Physically based alternative to the PE criterion for meteoroids. Oxford University Press. Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society, 494(1).
Muinonen, K.; Torppa, J.; Wang, X.-B.; Cellino, A. et al. 2020.
Asteroid lightcurve inversion with Bayesian inference. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 642, A138.
Mäkelä, Maija; Rantanen, Jesperi; Ilinca, Julian; Kirkko-Jaakkola, Martti et al. 2020.
Cooperative environment recognition utilizing UWB waveforms and CNNs. IEEE.
Nezami, Somayeh ; Khoramshahi, Ehsan; Nevalainen, Olli ; Pölönen, Ilkka et al. 2020.
Tree Species Classification of Drone Hyperspectral and RGB Imagery with Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks. MDPI. Remote sensing, 12(7), 1070.
Nikolskiy, Sergey; Bredenbeck, Anton; Rikkinen, Topi; Vallet, Jose et al. 2020.
GNSS Signal Quality Monitoring Based on a Reference Station Network. IEEE. 2020 European Navigation Conference (ENC).
Nordman, Maaria. 2020.
Maannousu Suomen rannikoilla. Maankäyttö ry. Maankäyttö, (4/2020).
Nordman, Maaria; Peltola, Aleksi; Bilker-Koivula, Mirjam; Lahtinen, Sonja. 2020.
Past and Future Sea Level Changes and Land Uplift in the Baltic Sea Seen by Geodetic Observations. Springer. International Association of Geodesy symposia.
Oliveira, Raquel Alves; Näsi, Roope; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Nyholm, Laura et al. 2020.
Machine learning estimators for the quantity and quality of grass swards used for silage production using drone-based imaging spectrometry and photogrammetry. Elsevier. Remote sensing of environment, 246, 111830.
Ouattara, Issouf; Hyyti, Heikki; Visala, Arto. 2020.
Drone based Mapping and Identification of Young Spruce Stand for Semiautonomous Cleaning. Elsevier. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2).
Pei, Ling; Liu, Kun; Zou, Danping; Tao, Li et al. 2020.
IVPR: An Instant Visual Place Recognition Approach Based on Structural Lines in Manhattan World. IEEE. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(7).
Peltoniemi, Jouni I.; Gritsevich, Maria; Markkanen, Johannes; Hakala, Teemu et al. 2020.
A Composite Model for Reflectance and Polarisation of Light from Granulate Materials. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-1-2020.
Penttilä, Antti; Väisänen, Timo; Markkanen, Johannes; Martikainen, Julia et al. 2020.
Rigorous light-scattering simulations of nanophase iron space-weathering affects on reflectance spectra of olivine grains. Icarus, 345, 113727.
Perheentupa, Viljami; Mäkinen, Ville; Habicht, Hando-Laur; Oksanen, Juha. 2020.
Animated visualization of post-glacial land uplift and shore displacement from modeled paleotopographic reconstructions. Elsevier. Applied Computing and Geosciences, 8, 100042.
Piedra, Patricio; Gobert, Christian; Kalume, Aimable; Pan, Yong-Le et al. 2020.
Where is the Machine Looking? Locating Discriminative Light-Scattering Features by Class-Activation Mapping. Elsevier. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 247, 106936.
Piedra, Patricio; Gobert, Christian; Kalume, Aimable; Pan, Yong-Le et al. 2020.
Where is the machine looking? Locating discriminative light-scattering features by class-activation mapping. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer, 247, 106936.
Poutanen, Markku. 2020.
IAG Representatives to Scientific Bodies. Springer. Journal of Geodesy, 94(11).
Poutanen, Markku. 2020.
International Association of Geodesy (IAG). Springer. Journal of Geodesy, 94(11).
Poutanen, Markku. 2020.
Delegates to the IAG Council. Springer. Journal of Geodesy, 94(11).
Poutanen, Markku; Rózsa, Szabolcs. 2020.
The Geodesist’s Handbook 2020. Springer. Journal of Geodesy, 94(11), 109.
Poutanen, Markku; Rozsa, Szabolcs. 2020.
Foreword. Springer. Journal of Geodesy, 94(11).
Puustinen, Tuulia; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Lönnroth, Tea; Falkenbach, Heidi et al. 2020.
Maankäyttöpolitiikalla kestävää kaupunkikehitystä. Maankäyttö ry. Maankäyttö, (4/2020).
Rahkonen, Jukka. 2020.
Maastiedot GeoPackage-muodossa. Positio, (4).
Reini, Jari. 2020.
OGC API Features määrittelee uudet suuntaviivat rajapintapalveluille. Positio, (1).
Ronzhin, Stanislav; Folmer, Erwin; Lemmens, Rob; Mellum, Roy et al. 2020.
Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure: Lessons from Linked Data Implementations Across Europe. European Commission. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 14.
Rothery, David A.; Massironi, Matteo; Alemanno, Giulia; Barraud, Oceane et al. 2020.
Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury's Surface and Composition. Springer. Space science reviews, 216(4), 66.
Ruotsalainen, Laura; Renaudin, Valerie; Pei, Ling; Piras, Marco et al. 2020.
Toward Autonomous Driving in Arctic Areas. IEEE. IEEE intelligent transportation systems magazine, 12(3).
Rönneberg, Mikko; Koski, Christian; Kettunen, Pyry; Oksanen, Juha. 2020.
Enhancing interaction in maritime spatial planning workshops through collaborative GIS. Copernicus Publications. Abstracts of the ICA, 2, 45.
Rönneberg, Mikko; Koski, Christian; Oksanen, Juha; Morf, Andrea et al. 2020.
Using a Collaborative GIS for Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning Courses. (23rd).
Rönty, Hannu; Notko, Petri; Hokkanen, Jani. 2020.
Parcel Lifecycle: from Unseparated Parcel to Independent Real Estate.
Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville; Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Viljanen, Niko et al. 2020.
Assessing the effects of thinning on stem growth allocation of individual Scots pine trees. Elsevier. Forest ecology and management, 474, 118344.
Salmela, J.; Kasvi, E.; Alho, P.. 2020.
River plume and sediment transport seasonality in a non-tidal semi-enclosed brackish water estuary of the Baltic Sea. Academic Press in association with the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. Estuarine coastal and shelf science, 245, 106986.
Salmela, Jouni ; Kasvi, Elina; Vaaja, Matti Tapio; Kaartinen, Harri et al. 2020.
Morphological changes and riffle-pool dynamics related to flow in a meandering river channel based on a 5-year monitoring period using close-range remote sensing. Elsevier. Geomorphology, 352, 106982.
Sandru, Andrei; Hyyti, Heikki; Visala, Arto; Kujala, Pentti. 2020.
A Complete Process For Shipborne Sea-Ice Field Analysis Using Machine Vision. Elsevier. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2).
Savola, Sakeri. 2020.
Osoitehaavilla täydennetään nykyisiä osoitetietoja. Positio, (1).
Shao, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Li, Wei; Jiang, Changhui et al. 2020.
An Investigation of Spectral Band Selection for Hyperspectral LiDAR Technique. MDPI. Electronics, 9(1), 148.
Shao, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Yang, Zhirong; Jiang, Changhui et al. 2020.
Feasibility Study on Hyperspectral LiDAR for Ancient Huizhou-Style Architecture Preservation. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 12(1), 88.
Shao, Hui; Chen, Yuwei; Yang, Zirong; Jiang, Changhui et al. 2020.
A 91-Channel Hyperspectral LiDAR for Coal/Rock Classification. IEEE. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17(6).
Song, Shao-Jing; Chen, Yu-Wei; Hu, Hai-Jiang; Hu, Jin-Yan et al. 2020.
The feasibility study of wavelength selection of multi-spectral LiDAR for autonomous driving. Kexue Chubanshe. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 39(1).

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