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Vermeer, M.; Kääriäinen, J.. 1999.
National Report of Finland.
Weise, A.; Jentzsch, G.; Kiviniemi, A.; Kääriäinen, J.. 1999.
Comparison of long-period tilt measurements: results from the two clinometric stations Metsähovi and Lohja, Finland. Journal of Geodynamics.
Widen N.; Peltoniemi J.; Kuittinen R.. 1999.
Lentokoneiden kuvausjärjestelmien käyttömahdollisuudet. Geodeettinen laitos.


Amalvict, Martine; Hinderer, Jacques; Francis, Olivier; Mäkinen, J.. 1998.
Comparisons between Absolute (AG) and Superconducting (SG) Gravimeters. Geodesy on the Move.
Bilker, M.; Honkavaara, E.; Jaakkola, J.. 1998.
GPS supported aerial triangulation using untargeted ground control. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
Chen, R.; Kakkuri, J.. 1998.
GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara for 1997. Project report, PATU -98-08e. Posiva.
Chen, Ruizhi; Chen, Junyong. 1998.
Present-Day Kinematics of Central Asia Derived by Joint Inversion of Geological and Geodetic Data. Geodesy on the Move.
Chen, Ruizhi; Kakkuri, Juhani. 1998.
An Integrated GPS Monitoring System for Site Investigation of Nuclear Waste Disposal. Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames.
Ekman, M.; Mäkinen, J.. 1998.
An analysis of the first gravimetric investigations of the Earth's flattening and interior using Clairaut's theorem. Small Publications in Historical Geophysics.
Grandell, J; Pulliainen, J; Hallikainen, M. 1998.
Subpixel land use classification and retrieval of forest stem volume in the boreal forest zone by employing SSM/I data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 63(2).
Grandell, J.. 1998.
Possibilities for a synergetic use of coarse resolution active and passive microwaves for sea ice retrievals.
Grandell, J.; Johannessen, J.; Hallikainen, M.. 1998.
Comparison of ERS-1 AMI Wind Scatterometer and SSM/I Sea Ice Extent Retrievals in the Greenland and East Siberian Seas from 1992 to 1996, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Space Technology, Report 32, 22 p. Helsinki University of Technology.
Grandell, J.; Johannessen, J.; Hallikainen, M.. 1998.
Changes in the Greenland Sea and East Siberian Sea Ice Covers Affecting the Annual Cycle of Vertical Salt Fluxes, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Space Technology, Report 33, 8 p. Helsinki University of Technology.
Grandell, J.; Matikainen, L.; Koskinen, J.; Metsämäki, S. et al. 1998.
Synergy of ERS SAR, NOAA AVHRR and ground measurements for monitoring of the snow melt process.
Hinderer, J.; Amalvict, M.; Florsch, N.; Francis O. et al. 1998.
On the calibration of superconducting gravimeters with the help of absolute gravity measurements. Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série Géophysique.
Honkavaara, E.; Jaakkola, J.. 1998.
On properties of automatically measured tie point observations. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
Honkavaara, E.; Kaartinen, H.; Kuittinen, R.; Huttunen, A. et al. 1998.
The quality control of the Finnish land parcel identification system orthophoto production. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
Jaakkola, O.. 1998.
Multi-scale Categorical Data Bases with Automatic Generalization Transformations Based on Map Algebra. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems.
Jaakkola, O.. 1998.
Modelling of automatic scale transformations.
Jokela, J.. 1998.
Very high precision distance measurements of the FGI.
Jokela, Jorma. 1998.
Vectors Connecting the Geodetic Points at Metsähovi and Sjökulla. Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames.
Jokela, Jorma; Poutanen, Markku. 1998.
The Väisälä baselines in Finland. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (127).
Kakkuri, J; Wang, ZT. 1998.
Structural effects of the crust on the geoid modelled using deep seismic sounding interpretations. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 135(2).
Kemppainen, H.. 1998.
Rakennustietojen integrointi ja laatu. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote.
Kilpeläinen, T.. 1998.
Puhe promovoitujen puolesta. Polysteekki, Teknillisen korkeakoulun aikakausilehti.
Kilpeläinen, T.. 1998.
Maintenance of Multiple Representation Databases for Topographic Data.
Kilpeläinen, T.. 1998.
Maintenance of Topographic Data by Multiple Representations.
Koivula, H.. 1998.
The First Results of the Finnish Permanent GPS Network.
Koivula, H.; Ollikainen, M.; Poutanen, M.. 1998.
Densification of the EUREF89 network in Finland.
Koivula, H.; Ollikainen, M.; Poutanen, M.. 1998.
The Finnish Permanent GPS Network - FinnRef.
Koivula, Hannu; Ollikainen, Matti; Poutanen, Markku. 1998.
Use of the Finnish Permanent GPS Network (Finnnet) in Regional GPS Campaigns. Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames.
Kuittinen, R.. 1998.
Satellite remote sensing in monitoring hydrological variability caused by climate change.
Kuittinen, Risto; Ahokas, Eero; Granqvist, Maria; Heikinheimo, Martti et al. 1998.
An early crop yield estimation method for Finnish conditions: the crop growth monitoring system of the joint research centre with and without remotely sensed and other additional input data. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1998:2).
Kähkönen, J.; Kilpeläinen, T.; Sarjakoski, T.; Lehto, L.. 1998.
Interactive Multimedia Displays for Visualization of Multiple Representation Geo-databases on the Internet.
Laakso, M.; Kilpeläinen, T.; Sarjakoski, T.. 1998.
The Visualization and Animation of Earth Crust Movements and Deformation.
Lehto, L.. 1998.
Interoperable Processing of GI on the Web.
Lehto, L.. 1998.
Interoperable Processing of GI on the Web. Surveying Science in Finland, 16(1-2).
Lehto, L.. 1998.
Java / CORBA Integration - a new Opportunity for Distributed GIS on the Web.
Lehto, L.. 1998.
Java-teknologia Web-pohjaisessa paikkatietojen välityksessä. Maanmittaus.
Matikainen, Leena; Karjalainen, Mika; Kuittinen, Risto. 1998.
SAR images and ancillary data in crop species interpretation. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1998:1).
Metsämäki, S.; Jänne, S.; Koskinen, J.; Grandell, J.. 1998.
The use of NOAA AVHRR imagery in snow monitoring.
Mäkinen, J.. 1998.
Status of the absolute gravimeter JILAg-5. Warsaw University of Technology. Reports on geodesy.
Mäkinen, J.. 1998.
National report for Finland. Warsaw University of Technology. Reports on geodesy.
Mäkinen, J.; Saaranen, V.. 1998.
Determination of post-glacial land uplift from the three precise levellings in Finland. Journal of Geodesy, 72(9).
Mäkinen, J.; Ståhlberg, B.. 1998.
Long-term frequency stability and temperature response of a polarization-stabilized He-Ne laser. Measurement.
Ollikainen, M.. 1998.
GPS korkeudenmäärityksessä. Moniulotteinen mallintaminen ja visualisointi. Teknillisen korkeakoulun Geodesian ja kartografian laboratorion julkaisuja.
Ollikainen, M.. 1998.
Accuracy of GPS levelling.
Ollikainen, M.; Poutanen, M.. 1998.
Napapiiri kateissa. Tähdet ja avaruus.
Ollikainen, M.; Poutanen, M.; Koivula, H.. 1998.
Koordinaatit siirtyvät euroaikaan. Maanmittaus.
Ollikainen, Matti. 1998.
GPS Levelling Results from Two Test Areas in Finland. Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames.

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