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Takalo, Mikko. 1997.
Automated calibration of precise levelling rods in Finland. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1997:3).
Vermeer, M. 1997.
The precision of geodetic GPS and one way of improving it. Journal of Geodesy, 71(4).
Vermeer, M.. 1997.
Tex Without Tears. Linux Gazette.
Vermeer, M.. 1997.
National Report of Finland for 1997.
Vermeer, Martin; Li, Jiancheng; Guo, Chunxi. 1997.
Geoid determination by FFT techniques in the Western China test area. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1997:5).
Vermeer, Martin; Poutanen, Markku. 1997.
A Modified GRS-80 Normal Field Including Permanent Tide and Atmosphere. Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy.
Virtanen, Heikki; Kääriäinen, Jussi. 1997.
The GWR T020 superconducting gravimeter 1994 - 1996 at. the Metsähovi station, Finland. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1997:4).


Albrecht, J.; Kemppainen, H.. 1996.
A Framework for Defining the New ISO Standard for Spatial Operators.
Arabelos, Dimitrios; Vermeer, Martin. 1996.
Gravity Field Mapping from a Combination of Satellite Altimetry and Sea Gravimetry in the Mediterranean Sea. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1996:1).
Bennett, R.A.; Carlsson, T.R.; Carlsson, T.M.; Chen, R. et al. 1996.
BIFROST PROJECT: GPS Measurements to Constrain Geodynamic Processes in Fennoscandia. EOS.
Chen, R.. 1996.
Integration Analysis of the Finnish Permanent GPS Array and High Precise Local GPS Monitoring Networks.
Chen, R.; Kakkuri, J.. 1996.
GPS operations at Olkiluoto, Kivetty and Romuvaara for 1995. Project report, PATU -96-07e. Posiva.
Ekman, M; Mäkinen, J. 1996.
Recent postglacial rebound, gravity change and mantle flow in Fennoscandia. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 126(1).
Ekman, M; Mäkinen, J. 1996.
Mean sea surface topography in the Baltic Sea and its transition area to the North Sea: A geodetic solution and comparisons with oceanographic models. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 101(C5).
Fuller, R.; Brown, N.; Gerard, F.; Jaakkola, O. et al. 1996.
Work programme 6. Research and development task 6.3. Spatial generalisation. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.
Jaakkola, J.; Sarjakoski, T.. 1996.
Experimental Test on Digital Aerial Triangulation. OEEPE Official Publication.
Jaakkola, O.. 1996.
Visualization of the uncertainty of land cover data.
Jaakkola, Olli. 1996.
Quality and automatic generalization of land cover data. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (122).
Jokela, J.. 1996.
EUREF89: eurooppalainen koordinaattijärjestelmä, sen toteuttaminen ja kehittäminen.
Jokela, J.. 1996.
Densification of the EUREF network in Finland, Status report 1996.
Jokela, Jorma. 1996.
Interference measurements of the Chang Yang Standard Baseline in 1994. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (121).
Karttunen, H.; Kröger, P.; Oja, H.; Poutanen, M. et al. 1996.
Fundamental Astronomy. Third revised and enlarged edition. Springer.
Kemppainen, H.; Albrecht, J.. 1996.
Scalability of Spatial Operators.
Kleywegt, R.J.; Mäkinen, J.; Merry, C.L.; Wonnacott, R.T.. 1996.
Absolute Gravity Measurements in South Africa. BGI Bulletin d’Information.
Kuittinen, Risto. 1996.
Remote Sensing in Agriculture. Proceedings NJF Seminar, Finnish Agricultural Research Centre, Jokioinen, 21-23 Oct., 1996. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1996:4).
Kääriäinen, J.; Virtanen, H.. 1996.
The Finnish Superconducting gravimeter: Some results related to Earth Deformation.
Lehmuskoski, P.; Rouhiainen, P.. 1996.
Lisäyksiä ja korjauksia Suomen tarkkavaaitusten linjastoon 1994-1995. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote.
Lehmuskoski, Pekka. 1996.
Active fault line search in Southern and Central Finland with precise levellings. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1996:5).
Muinonen, K; Nousiainen, T; Fast, P; Lumme, K et al. 1996.
Light scattering by Gaussian random particles: Ray optics approximation. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 55(5).
Myllyniemi, P.; Sarjakoski, T.. 1996.
Itseorganisoituvat kartat alueellisessa analyysissä - Itämeren lohikannan seuranta. Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedote.
Ollikainen, M.; Koivula, H.. 1996.
The Finnish Permanent GPS Network - FinnNet.
Peltoniemi, JI. 1996.
Variational volume integral equation method for electromagnetic scattering by irregular grains. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 55(5).
Poutanen, M.. 1996.
The Baltic Ring and a preliminary plan for a remeasurement with GPS.
Poutanen, M.. 1996.
Pesiikö elämä Marsissa?. Tähdet ja Avaruus, (5).
Poutanen, Markku; Vermeer, Martin; Mäkinen, Jaakko. 1996.
The permanent tide in GPS positioning. Journal of Geodesy, 70(8).
Quanwei, Liu. 1996.
Determining the GPS Orbit with the Dynamic Collocation Model. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1996:3).
Tziavos, Ilias N.; Vermeer, Martin. 1996.
Techniques for Local Geoid Determination. Proceedings, Session G7, European Geophysical Society XXI General Assembly. The Hague, The Netherlands, 6-10 May, 1996. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1996:2).
Vermeer M.. 1996.
The New Baltic Sea and Finnish Geoids of the FGI.
Vermeer, M.. 1996.
Use of Global Positioning System for Dynamic Research in Finland.
Vermeer, M.. 1996.
National Report of Finland.
Vermeer, Martin. 1996.
Some simulated noise inversion studies of satellite geopotential missions involving “criterion functions” in the frequency domain. Journal of Geodesy, 70(7).
Virtanen, H.. 1996.
Observations of free oscillations of the Earth by superconducting gravimeter GWR T020. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 31.


Carlsson, T.R.; Carlsson, T.M.; Elgered, G.; Jaldehag, R.T.K. et al. 1995.
First results from a continuously operating GPS network in Fennoscandia. School of electrical and computer engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.
Francis, O.; Ducarme, B.; De Meyer, F.; Mäkinen, J.. 1995.
Present state of absolute gravity measurements in Brussels and comparison with the superconducting gravimeter drift. Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Seismologie.
Jaakkola, J.; Sarjakoski, T.. 1995.
Aerotriangulation using digitized images. OEEPE.
Jaakkola, O.. 1995.
Theme-based automatic hierarchic generalization for the European Land Cover Data.
Jaakkola, O.. 1995.
Automatic generalization of land cover data.
Jokela, J.. 1995.
The Realization of the EUREF Network in Finland.
Jokela, J.. 1995.
The first-order triangulation network.
Kakkuri, J.. 1995.
The Baltic Sea Level Project. Allgemeine Vermessungs Nachrichten.

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