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Application forms and mailing addresses

Applications and attachments submitted to the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) include personal data or other confidential information that need to be protected. The classified e-mail service offers a secure way to submit such data. More detailed instructions for using our secured email service.

Application forms are only in Finnish and in Swedish.

Apartment ownership and using an apartment as security for a loan

By answering the questions in our interactive instructions, you can check how to apply for registration of your apartment in various situations, for example, when you have a paper share certificate or an electronic registration of ownership.

Send the application and attachments to one of the addresses below.

 If the original share certificate or temporary certificate is required as an attachment, send the application and attached document by post or deliver them to the nearest location. Please note that the share certificate is a transferable security and it is important to select a secure delivery method. For additional information, see the Posti website, for example. If you have a large number of share certificates, please send them by post to Vaasa.

Contact information of the shareholder for the housing company's shareholder list

Property ownership and mortgages

Using the NLS e-service (individual customers, in Finnish and organisational customers, in Finnish) you can apply for 

  • registration of ownership to your property
  • registration or transfer of a leasehold
  • registration or modification of another special right
  • amendment of a mortgage

Using the Property Transaction Service you can apply for

  • a new mortgage or extinguishing of a mortgage
  • transfer of an electronic mortgage deed

Please note that our online services are only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you are unable to use our online services, you can send the application by post. Send the application including appendices to the following address:

  • Maanmittauslaitos / Kiinteistöt, PL 3300, 65101 Vaasa

Applications for registration for cadastral surveys

Please send applications for cadastral surveys to the following address:

  • Maanmittauslaitos / Toimitushakemukset, PL 3300, 65101 Vaasa.

Other mail

All other mail should be sent to the following address:

  • Maanmittauslaitos / Registry, PB 84, 00521 Helsinki
  • Via our secured email service to


More information