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Order Maps

Use this form to order access to Maps. You will receive a userid and password to access the service and be able to edit and manage the maps you publish.

The Maps service can be used by all public administration authorities and other organisations performing public tasks as specified in section 5 of the Support Servicec Act (in Finnish). A public administration authority does not need to describe for which official duty they use the service. A private organisation must describe the official duty for which they use the service.

Orderer information
Other than public administration organisation

A private organisation can take the Maps service into use when performing a public task under contract.

Describe the public task for which the Maps service is used.
I accept the terms of use

The userid will be delivered in approximately one week. Several users can use the same userid. Only the userid that published a map can edit it. Should the organisation need several userids for different functions, you can use this same form to order them.

Additional information: