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Accessibility statement: Property Transaction Service

This accessibility statement applies to the website of the Property Transaction Service. NLS specialists have assessed the compliance of the website with accessibility requirements. The statement was revised on 14th of March 2024.

The website is not yet fully compliant with accessibility requirements

The accessibility of the website was assessed on 15 October 2021. The assessment found that the website does not yet meet all the accessibility requirements.

The accessibility issues discovered during the assessment are listed below. he findings are based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. The number and link provided after each finding indicates what WCAG section is not fulfilled at the website.

Moderate issues in perceivability

  • It may be difficult to understand which properties are being selected for the application with the help of a screen reader. WCAG 1.3.1
  • It may be difficult to visualize the field used to indicate an estimate of the area of the unseparated parcel on the deed of transfer with the help of a screen reader. WCAG 1.3.1
  • Some items have not been presented in a sufficiently structured form, due to which the screen reader reads them to the user without interruption. WCAG 1.3.1
  • Some browsers may fail to autocomplete the mailing address if the mailing address contains multiple lines. WCAG 1.3.5
  • On small screens, content may need to be scrolled in two directions. WCAG 1.4.10

Significant issues in operability

  • The function buttons in the map view of the property cannot be operated with a keypad. WCAG 2.4.7.

Moderate issues in operability

  • In the property map view, keyboard focus is not shown all the time. WCAG 2.4.7.
  • It may be difficult for users to find the form for extinguishing a mortgage. WCAG 2.4.5

Significant issues in understandability

  • The mandatory nature of all form fields cannot be determined programmatically. WCAG 3.3.2

Moderate issues in terms of understandability

  • It may be difficult for the user to perceive that they must pay the registration certificates of the desired property during the application process. WCAG 3.2.2
  • When completing applications, the focus of the keyboard may move to an illogical location when the user updates the details of the parties to the application, for example. WCAG 3.2.2
  • The navigation buttons of the applications are inconsistent. WCAG 3.2.3WCAG 3.2.4
  • A description of the stages of the applications is not presented in all stages. WCAG 3.2.4
  • Correction suggestions for incorrect inputs are not always presented to the user. WCAG 3.3.3

Moderate issues in robustness

  • The website code does not fully correspond with the HTML5 standard in terms of invalid element hierarchies and data attributes, for example. WCAG 4.1.1
  • Previewable PDF objects are not named and consequently those who use assistive technologies may have trouble understanding its significance. WCAG 4.1.2
  • The property map view function buttons are not named. WCAG 4.1.2
  • An input error in the “Haku kohdetunnuksella” (search by unit identifier) field cannot be identified with a screen reader. WCAG 4.1.2

Other accessibility issues

Some PDF documents, such as printouts, supplementing requests and decisions are not accessible. For example, documents have not been code-marked or positioned using nested tables, due to which the documents are difficult to review with a screen reader or other assistive technology. WCAG 1.1.1, WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 2.4.2, WCAG 2.4.3 and WCAG 4.1.2.

In addition, previewing the applications as PDF files is not available for all screen readers, although it has been implemented according to the HTML5 standard.

Correction plan for the website

Most of the aforementioned issues discovered at the website will be corrected as soon as possible, by 31th of March 2025 at the latest. The problems regarding property map views have also been reported to the service provider in order to speed up fixes.

Give feedback on accessibility

You can give feedback on the accessibility of the website or request material on the website in an accessible format using an online form or by sending a request by e-mail to

We will answer your request as soon as possible, but no later than within two weeks. In extensive requests related to accessibility, the National Land Survey has the right to extend the response time with two weeks. If you are not satisfied with our reply or have not received a reply within two weeks, you can send a notification to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.

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