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Who owns this property unit?

Property ownership information consists of the property identifier, the name of the property and the property owner's name and address. You can obtain this information from the National Land Survey, if it has been saved in the register.

Two ways to find out the information related to the owner of a property:

Requesting information from customer service

Before requesting ownership information from our customer service, you need to know the property identifier.

When you know the property identifier, you can:

  • By phone (029 530 1110), you can request ownership information about a maximum of ten properties without charge during a twelve-month period.
  • Ordering the ownership information of one or more property units by e-mail. In your order, include a form where you explain why you need this information. The form is available in Finnish (pdf) and Swedish (pdf). Send your order and the signed form to: The order carries a charge.

Please note! We do not provide property ownership information for use in direct marketing or opinion polls or market surveys.

Land Information System extracts and certificates from customer service or ordered using the online form

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Certificate of title
18,00 No VAT
Certificate of mortgages and encumbrances
18,00 No VAT
Certificate of leasehold
18,00 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre
18,00 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre for unseparated parcel
18,00 No VAT
Right-of-use unit extract
18,00 No VAT
Register unit map extract
18,00 No VAT
Lists of municipalities, location areas, groups and units, separately provided lists of shareholders and other comparable lists
18,00 No VAT

Land Information System extracts, certificates and queries ordered from the NLS e-service

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Certificate of title
14,00 No VAT
Certificate of mortgages and encumbrances
14,00 No VAT
Certificate of leasehold
14,00 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre
14,00 No VAT
Register unit map extract
14,00 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre for unseparated parcel
14,00 No VAT
Right-of-use unit extract
14,00 No VAT

Property ownership and address information

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Ownership and address information, identification data (and area), 1–6 register units
20,41 25,61
Ownership and address information, identification data (and area), more than 6 register units, EUR per register unit
3,10 3,89
Road maintenance association contact information, 1–6 contacts
20,41 25,61
Road maintenance association contact information, more than 6 contacts, €/contact
3,10 3,89
List of shareholders of joint property unit, incl. owners and addresses, 1–6 shareholders
20,41 25,61
List of shareholders of joint property unit, incl. owners and addresses, more than 6 shareholders, EUR per shareholder
3,10 3,89
More detailed specification of owners and shareholders, EUR per hour
101,21 127,02

The minimum charge period is 15 minutes. Hourly pricing is used in specifications of ownership, for instance, when the property is owned by a death estate and the information of the parties to the death estate is not in the National Land Survey's register. The National Land Survey can check in the Population Information System if the deceased has a living spouse or children and search the address information from there.