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Do you need information about properties?

You can check your property’s information, including road rights, in the e-service (in Finnish).

If you need information about a property other than your own, you can purchase a property extract or certificate in the e-service (in Finnish).

The National Land Survey of Finland’s (NLS) purchase price register includes information about the prices of completed property transactions. For information about individual property transactions, contact the customer service.

For more information about permitted building rights, contact your municipality.

The NLS does not maintain information about underground pipelines and cables, including water and sewage pipes, as well as electric cables. Several municipalities maintain a map of pipelines and cables in their areas. You can also request such a map from pipeline and cable owners such as local water and grid companies. Certain private service providers also scan underground pipelines and cables, and show their locations in the terrain.

Rights of use and restrictions

Properties may involve various rights, including the right

  • to use a road,
  • to use public areas (e.g. water area), and
  • to keep a boat in a designated place.

You can exercise these rights as the property owner. Some rights go back a long way, and they are no longer relevant, including flax soaking places.

Properties may also be subject to various restrictions that affect their use. For example,

  • control of a property may be divided between several parties through an agreement.
  • a property may include a leasehold with tenants.
  • a property may include a road, which owners of other properties can use.
  • a property may include a power line, the area around which is subject to restrictions.

Where can I see what rights and restrictions a property has?

You can check your property’s information free of charge in the NLS e-service (in Finnish).

  • Identifying information about all rights of use and restrictions are shown, including the type and identifier of a right or restriction.
  • The extent of the information shown depends on the type of right or restriction.
  • Rights of use and restrictions are shown on a map if their location is known. You can click items on the map to view more detailed information. For example, you can click a right of use on the map to see which properties are encumbered by the specific right of use and which properties can use it.

To view information about properties other than your own, you can buy extracts and certificates in the e-service.

My property includes a road right – what does it mean?

There are two types of road rights:

  • a private road maintained by a road association, and
  • a road right.

A road association can be established to manage and maintain a private road. With regard to other road rights, holders of the right to use the road maintain the road otherwise by a mutual agreement without establishing a road association.

You can check your property’s road rights in the e-service.

  • For private roads maintained by a road association, you can see the properties through which the road travels, i.e. the properties encumbered by the road right. Road associations have up-to-date information about holders of road rights and road users. For the name and address of a road association’s contact person, call the NLS customer service.
  • You can buy a register extract for a private road maintained by a road association if the road travels through your property. The extract indicates the name and identifier of the road association, the name of its contact person (if provided), and a list of the properties through which the road travels. The extract also shows whether the road association’s rules are in the NLS’s archives.
  • For road rights, the service shows the properties through which the road travels, i.e. the properties encumbered by the road right. It also shows the entitled properties whose owners have the right to use the road.

The e-service’s map displays all private roads in an area using dashed lines. You can also click items on the map to view more detailed information.

More information

Are you looking for building information?

If you are looking for building information about a property unit you own, please contact the building supervisory authority of the municipality where your property unit is located.

The Building and Dwelling Register (BDR) is maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. The BDR is controlled by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in cooperation with the municipal building services authorities.

Read more about information in the BDR on the Agency's website