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Public purchase witnessing

The conveyance of a property (such as a purchase or a gift) is witnessed in the presence of everyone who has signed the conveyance document (bill of sale, deed of gift). If a property conveyance has not been witnessed, it is not valid and the buyer cannot be granted title to the property. Only a public purchase witness can witness a property conveyance.

The fee for public purchase witnessing is shown in our pricelist (in Finnish).

When property is transferred using the Property Transaction Service, a public purchase witness is not necessary.

Read more about Property Transaction Service

If you use a public purchase witness to enter into an agreement, you do not need to apply for a title registration yourself. You can ask the public purchase witness to apply for a title registration on your behalf in conjunction with a transfer notification.

Find a public purchase witness

The Public Purchase Witness Directory (in Finnish) contains the contact information of Finnish public purchase witnesses. You can search for a public purchase witness by typing one or more search terms. Click on a name of a public purchase witness for more information. Contact a public purchase witness directly to agree on witnessing a purchase.

Log into the Public Purchase Witness Directory via Identification. You can identify yourself using Finnish bank codes, a mobile certificate or an electronic ID or smart card issued by the Digital and Population Services Agency. The service is in FInnish and in Swedish.

Log into the Public Purchase Witness Directory

You can also request a public purchase witness from the National Land Survey's customer service if you cannot use the Public Purchase Witness Directory.

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