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Reini, Jari. 2019.
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Ronzhin, Stanislav; Folmer, Erwin; Lemmens, Rob; Mellum, Roy et al. 2019.
Next Generation of Spatial Data Infrastructure: Lessons from Linked Data implementations across Europe. European Commission. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 14.
Rönneberg, Mikko; Koski, Christian; Kettunen, Pyry; Oksanen, Juha et al. 2019.
Guidelines for the establishment of the SDSS platform for MSP. European Union. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 5.4.
Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville; Pyorala, Jiri; Yrttimaa, Tuomas et al. 2019.
Assessing the Effects of Sample Size on Parametrizing a Taper Curve Equation and the Resultant Stem-Volume Estimates. Forests, 10(10), 848.
Sansom, Eleanor K.; Gritsevich, Maria; Devillepoix, Hadrien A. R.; Jansen-Sturgeon, Trent et al. 2019.
Determining fire-ball fates using the α-β criterion. IOP Publishing. Astrophysical journal, 885(2), 115.
Saukkola, Atte; Melkas, Timo; Riekki, Kirsi; Sirparanta, Sanna et al. 2019.
Predicting Forest Inventory Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning, Aerial Imagery, and Harvester Data. Remote sensing, 11(7), 797.
Shevchenko, Vasilij G.; Belskaya, Irina N.; Mikhalchenko, Olga I.; Muinonen, Karri et al. 2019.
Phase integral of asteroids. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 626, A87.
Sulonen, Kimmo; Konttinen, Kalle. 2019.
Kunnan maa- ja metsätalousmaat hyötykäyttöön. Maankäyttö, (3).
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Customer-oriented approach in cadastral procedures – Case study from Finland. Elsevier. Land use policy, 90, 104209.
Tanhuanpää, Topi; Yu, Xiaowei; Luoma, Ville; Saarinen, Ninni et al. 2019.
Effect of canopy structure on the performance of tree mapping methods in urban parks. Urban forestry and urban greening, 44, 126441.
Thombre, Sarang; Marila, Simo; Kirkko-Jaakkola, Martti; Honkala, Salomon et al. 2019.
What are the challenges to localization in autonomous cars in the Arctic?. Inside GNSS Media & Research LLC. InsideGNSS, 14(2).
Tommaselli, Antonio M.G.; Santos, Lucas D.; Oliveira, Raquel; Berveglieri, Adilson et al. 2019.
Refining the Interior Orientation of a Hyperspectral Frame Camera with Preliminary Bands Co-Registration. IEEE. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(7).
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Virtanen, Juho-Pekka; Antin, Kim-Niklas; Kurkela, Matti; Hyyppä, Hannu. 2019.
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Visuri, Hanna; Jokela, Joonas; Mesterton, Nils; Latvala, Pekka et al. 2019.
Producing and visualizing a country-wide 3D data repository in Finland. Copernicus Publications. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4/W15, 2019.
Väisänen, Timo; Markkanen, Johannes; Penttilä, Antti; Muinonen, Karri. 2019.
Radiative transfer with reciprocal transactions: numerical method and its implementation. PLoS ONE, 14(1), 0210155.
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Wang, Yunsheng; Lehtomäki, Matti; Liang, Xinlian; Pyörälä, Jiri Kristian et al. 2019.
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In situ biomass estimation at tree and plot levels: What did data record and what did algorithms derive from terrestrial and aerial point clouds in boreal forest. Elsevier Science Publishers. Remote Sensing of Environment, 232.
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Xiao, Wen; Zaforemska, Aleksandra; Smigaj, Magdalena; Wang, Yunsheng et al. 2019.
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Rapid and Precise Wavelength Determination Approach Based on Visually Patterned Integrated Narrow Bandpass Filters. IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(1).
Yang, Sheng; Li, Leilei; Liu, Jingbin; Chen, Qusen et al. 2019.
Effective Cycle Slip Detection and Repair for PPP/INS Integrated Systems. MDPI. Sensors, 19(3), 502.
Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Saarinen, Ninni; Kankare, Ville; Liang, Xinlian et al. 2019.
Investigating the Feasibility of Multi-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Characterize Tree Communities in Southern Boreal Forests. Remote sensing, 11(12), 1423.
Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Saarinen, Ninni; Luoma, Ville; Tanhuanpää, Tomi et al. 2019.
Detecting and characterizing downed dead wood using terrestrial laser scanning. Elsevier. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 151.
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Aasen, Helge; Honkavaara, Eija; Lucieer, Arko; Zarco-Tejada, Pablo J.. 2018.
Quantitative Remote Sensing at Ultra-High Resolution with UAV Spectroscopy: A Review of Sensor Technology, Measurement Procedures, and Data Correction Workflows. MDPI. Remote Sensing, 10(7).
Acanfora, Maria; Krata, Przemysław; Montewka, Jakub; Kujala, Pentti. 2018.
Towards a method for detecting large roll motions suitable for oceangoing ships. Elsevier. Applied ocean research, 79.
Ahlavuo, Marika; Alho, Sami; Kurkela, Matti; Kallio, Jussi-Matti et al. 2018.
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Andrei, Constantin-Octavian; Lahtinen, Sonja; Nordman, Maaria; Näränen, Jyri et al. 2018.
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Berveglieri, Adilson; Imai, Nilton N.; Tommaselli, Antonio M.G.; Casagrande, Baltazar et al. 2018.
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Blomqvist, Minna; Kosunen, Maiju; Starr, Mike; Kantola, Tuula et al. 2018.
Modelling the predisposition of Norway spruce to Ips typographus L. infestation by means of environmental factors in southern Finland. Springer. European journal of forest research, 137(5).
Bocanegra-Bahamón, Tatiana; Molera Calvés, Guifré; Gurvits, Leonid I.; Duev, Dmitry A. et al. 2018.
Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) Technique: a Test Case of the Mars Express Phobos Fly-by. 2. Doppler tracking: Formulation of observed and computed values, and noise budget.. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 609, A59.
Calle, Mikel; Alho, Petteri; Benito, Gerardo. 2018.
Monitoring ephemeral river changes during floods with Sfm photogrammetry. Journal of Iberian Geology. Journal of iberian geology, 44(3).
Campos, Mariana Batista; Tommaselli, Antonio Maria Garcia; Marcato Junior, José; Honkavaara, Eija. 2018.
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Chen, Shoubin; Liu, Jingbin; Huang, Wenchao; Chen, Ruichi. 2018.
Wide Swath Stereo Mapping from Gaofen-1 Wide-Field-View (WFV) Images Using Calibration. Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI). Sensors, 18(3), 739.
Chen, Yuwei; Jiang, Changhui; Hyyppä, Juha; Qiu, Shi et al. 2018.
Feasibility study of ore classification using active hyperspectral LiDAR. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(11).
Chen, Yuwei; Tang, Jian; Jiang, Changhui; Zhu, Lingli et al. 2018.
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Cristodaro, Calogero; Ruotsalainen, Laura; Dovis, Fabio. 2018.
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Della Monica, Andrea; Ruotsalainen, Laura; Dovis, Fabio. 2018.
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Dost, Ümit; Koski, Christian; Reiter, Ida; Luhtala, Hanna et al. 2018.
State of the Art Report on Multi-Channel Map Applications. European Union. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 5.2..
Escobar-Cerezo, J.; Penttilä, Antti; Kohout, T.; Munoz, O. et al. 2018.
Simulations of Effects of Nanophase Iron Space Weather Products on Lunar Regolith Reflectance Spectra. Astrophysical journal, 853(1), 71.
Fedorets, Grigori; Muinonen, Karri; Pauwels, Thierry; Granvik, Mikael et al. 2018.
Optimizing asteroid orbit computation for Gaia with normal points. Astronomy and astrophysics, 620, A101.