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Paunonen, Matti. 1982.
Studies on the Metsähovi satellite laser ranging system. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1982:2).
Vermeer, M.. 1982.
The use of mass point models for describing the Finnish gravity field.


Hakkarainen, Juhani. 1981.
Effect of some flight factors on image quality. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1981:5).
Heikkinen, Markku. 1981.
Solving the shape of the Earth by using digital density models. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1981:2).
Kakkuri, Juhani; Kiviniemi, Aimo; Konttinen, Raimo. 1981.
Contributions from the Finnish Geodetic Institute to the Tectonic Plate Motion Studies in the Area between the Pamirs and Tien-Shan Mountains. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (93).
Kääriäinen, Jussi. 1981.
Measurement of the Ekeberg baseline with invar wires. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (94).
Oterma, Liisi. 1981.
Programme de latitude du tube zénithal visuel de l'observatoire Turku-Tuorla système amélioré de 1976. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (92).
Taavitsainen, Veli-Matti. 1981.
Vertical temperature gradient prediction by second degree response surface analysis. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1981:4).
Vermeer, Martin. 1981.
QIKAIM, a fast semi-numerical algorithm for the generation of minute-of-arc accuracy satellite predictions. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1981:1).


Ducarme, B.; Kääriäinen, J.. 1980.
The Finnish Tidal Gravity Registrations in Fennoscandia. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (90).
Jaakkola, Juha. 1980.
Radial calibration of a grid for the goniometer. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1980:3).
Kiviniemi, Aimo. 1980.
Gravity measurements in 1961-1978 and the Results of the Gravity Survey of Finland in 1945-1978. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (91).
Parm, Teuvo. 1980.
Proceeding of the IAG-Symposium High Precision Geodetic Length Measurements, June 19-22, 1978, Helsinki, Finland. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1980:1).


Heikkinen, Markku. 1979.
On the Honkasalo term in tidal corrections to gravimetric observations. Bulletin Géodésique, 53(3).
Heikkinen, Markku. 1979.
Space-time representation of the gravity field. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1979:4).
Kakkuri, Juhani. 1979.
Publication dedicated to T.J. Kukkamäki on the occasion of his 70th anniversary. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (89).
Kääriäinen, Jussi. 1979.
Observing the Earth Tides with a long water-tube tiltmeter. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (88).
Kääriäinen, Jussi. 1979.
A Long Pipe as an Instrument for Determining the Horizontal Component of the Earth Tides. Terrestrial and Space Techniques in Earthquake Prediction Research.
Mikkola, S.. 1979.
Employing aerological measurements data for refraction evaluation. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1979:3).
Ojanen, Ossi. 1979.
On the analysis of the return pulse of the satellite laser. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1979:1).


Hakkarainen, Juhani. 1978.
Image evaluation of aerial cameras in Finland. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:7).
Heikkinen, Markku. 1978.
CALC - an interactive computer language with unlimited numerical precision. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:5).
Heikkinen, Markku. 1978.
On the tide-generating forces. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (85).
Kakkuri, Juhani; Ojanen, Ossi; Paunonen, Matti. 1978.
Ranging precision of the Finnish satellite laser range finder. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:8).
Kukkamäki, T.J.. 1978.
Väisälä interference comparator. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (87).
Lehmuskoski, Pekka; Mäkinen, Jaakko. 1978.
Gravity measurements on the ice of Bothnian Bay. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (86).
Mikkola, S.. 1978.
Computing astronomical refraction by means of continued fractions. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:6).
Ojanen, Ossi; Ollikainen, Matti; Mäkinen, Jaakko; Kääriäinen, Jussi et al. 1978.
Contributions of the Finnish Geodetic Institute to the 8th Meeting of the Nordic Geodetic Commission. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:4).
Parm, Teuvo. 1978.
On the determination of the scale of the Finnish stellar triangulation net. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:1).
Takalo, Mikko. 1978.
Measuring method for the third levelling of Finland. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1978:3).


Halme, Seppo J.; Kakkuri, Juhani. 1977.
Description and operation of a satellite laser system. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1977:4).
Hytönen, Erkki. 1977.
The National Report of Finland for the Commission for the New Adjustment of the European Triangulation. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1977:2).
Kakkuri, Juhani; Kääriäinen, Jussi. 1977.
The Second Levelling of Finland for the Aland archipelago. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (82).
Kalliomäki, Kari. 1977.
Guiding and data processing system of the Finnish satellite laser range finder. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1977:6).
Ollikainen, Matti. 1977.
Astronomical determinations of latitude and longitude in 1972-1975. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (81).
Ollikainen, Matti. 1977.
Astronomical azimuth determinations on triangulation stations in 1962-1970. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (84).
Paunonen, Matti V.. 1977.
A fast subnanosecond rise time electro-optical shutter for the shortening of a Q-switched ruby laser pulse. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1977:5).
Sharma, A. B.. 1977.
Experimental performance of the Metsähovi laser radar receiver. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1977:1).
Takalo, Mikko. 1977.
Suomen Toisen tarkkavaaituksen kiintopisteluettelo II. Bench mark list II of the Second Levelling of Finland. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (83).


Hirvonen, R.A.. 1976.
Precise computation of the precession. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (80).
Kakkuri, Juhani; Kalliomäki, Kari. 1976.
An automatically operated weather station. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1976:4).
Konttinen, Raimo. 1976.
Stellar triangulation points Niinisalo, Tuorla and Naulakallio. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1976:5).
Ojanen, Ossi. 1976.
Tietokoneohjelma satelliittilaserin teleskoopin suuntausta varten. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1976:1).
Oterma, Liisi. 1976.
Lunette de Galilée pour controle faisceau laser. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1976:6).
Parm, Teuvo. 1976.
High precision traverse of Finland. Finnish Geodetic Institute. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (79).


Halme, Seppo J.; Kakkuri, Juhani; Paunonen, Matti. 1975.
The Finnish - Swedish satellite laser system (distributed at the XVI General Assembly of the IUGG in Grenoble 1975). Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1975:8).
Honkasalo, Tauno. 1975.
Finnish observations and research on earth tides in 1971-1974 (distributed at the XVI General Assembly of the IUGG in Grenoble 1975). Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1975:6).
Kiviniemi, Aimo. 1975.
Measurements of wave motion in the ice surface. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1975:4).
Korhonen, Jorma. 1975.
Program for the adjustment of the Finnish First Order Triangulation. Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1975:1).
Kukkamäki, T. J.. 1975.
Utilization of the 890 km long laser geodimeter traverse in space geodesy (distributed at the Symposium on New Methods of the Space Geodesy in Leningrad 1975). Suomen Geodeettinen laitos. Suomen Geodeettisen laitoksen tiedonantoja - Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, (1975:9).