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Accessibility statement:

This accessibility statement applies to the website. Specialists from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) have assessed the website’s compliance with accessibility requirements. The statement was last revised on 30 September 2024.

The e-service is not fully compliant with the accessibility requirements

The e-service’s accessibility was assessed on 23 September 2024. The assessment found that the service does not meet all the accessibility requirements.

The accessibility issues discovered during the review are listed below. The findings are based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2. The number and link provided after each finding indicates which WCAG section is not yet fulfilled at the website.

Significant perceptibility issues

  • Some of the icons used in the documentation are not transmitted to assistive technologies. Furthermore, the contrast between some icons and the background is insufficient. WCAG 1.1.1, WCAG 1.4.11
  • The colour blue is used in the menus for some documentation. It does not have sufficient contrast with the background. WCAG 1.4.3
  • Menus, accordions and specific links are not sufficiently clearly separated from the rest of the page content. In addition, the hover feature is not extensively used. WCAG 1.4.11
  • Visible key focus does not always have sufficient contrast with the element or background. WCAG 1.4.11
  • The site uses yellow as the highlight colour in connection with items such as links. The selected colour does not have sufficient contrast with the background. WCAG 1.4.1, WCAG 1.4.11

Moderate and minor perceptibility issues

  • Images’ alt texts are not always descriptive. For example, they do not describe the content of the image in the case of use cases and documentation. WCAG 1.1.1
  • Some decorative images are not hidden from assistive technologies. WCAG 1.1.1
  • In the documentation, version selection has been implemented by a button that opens a list of links. In particular, when using an assistive technology, it can be difficult for the user to understand how the version is to be selected. WCAG 1.3.1
  • The heading hierarchy is not in order in all respects. The level hierarchy does not always correspond to the visual hierarchy and, on the other hand, some heading levels are missing. In addition, there are a few shortcomings involving the marking of lists. WCAG 1.3.1
  • Magnifying only the texts is not possible. WCAG 1.4.4
  • The circles used for browsing the carousel do not have sufficient contrast with the background. WCAG 1.4.11
  • A return link at the beginning of the blog page does not have sufficient contrast with the background. WCAG 1.4.3
  • Individual long words do not fit fully in the mobile view. WCAG 1.4.10

Significant operability issues

  • Controlling the carousel with a keyboard may be difficult. The circles meant for browsing are compatible with the keyboard focus, but the feature does not always work properly. In addition, the key input goes through items that are not currently visible in the carousel. The carousel cannot be browsed with the on-screen arrow keys because they do not have keyboard focus. WCAG 2.1.1, WCAG 2.4.11
  • The footer sitemap does not fully describe the content and structure of the site. WCAG 2.4.5, WCAG 3.2.3
  • Keyboard focus goes through the links inside the accordion even if the accordion has not been opened. In the mobile view, keyboard focus also goes through the top menu even if the menu has not been opened. WCAG 2.4.11

Moderate and minor operability issues

  • There is no jump link to skip recurring sections, and the heading levels are not fully functional. The main content area has been marked, meaning that it is possible to jump to it, but the main title of the page is always omitted. WCAG 2.4.1
  • A unique title has not been defined for all the pages or the titles are wrong. WCAG 2.4.2
  • Link texts do not always indicate where the link will take the user. For example, the link text for an image link to the home page is “Oskari Logo”. WCAG 2.4.4
  • In the carousel, the link text of an individual use case consists of several parts. There is repetition, and the text is very long. WCAG 2.4.4
  • There is unnecessary repetition in the titles of blog posts, and the main title of the page is “Blog”, which does not describe the specific post. WCAG 2.4.6
  • On the blog page, the image focus is only shown as a vertical line, meaning that it is unclear which element is in focus. WCAG 2.4.7
  • The text displayed in the version selection button and the label differ from each other. The name is the title preceding the button, while the button indicates the name of the selected version. WCAG 2.5.3
  • Some button labels include the name of the icon that follows the text. WCAG 2.4.6

Moderate and minor understandability issues

  • On the blog page, the elements shown as links in focus content depend on the type of post. WCAG 3.2.4
  • In the top menu, the aim is to visually indicate which page is open. However, the identification method is not comprehensive. WCAG 3.2.4
  • Several different methods to highlight links are used. WCAG 3.2.4
  • Blog text content in Finnish is not marked with its own lang attribute. WCAG 3.1.2

Significant robustness issues

  • Pagination buttons for browsing the carousel do not explain to assistive technologies what happens when you click each button. In addition, the buttons are named in such a way that the user may not even understand that they are part of a carousel. WCAG 4.1.2
  • Selecting the version with a screen reader can be difficult and the user is not told what they have selected. WCAG 4.1.2

Moderate robustness issues

  • The accordion does not tell the screen reader whether the accordion section has been opened or closed. WCAG 4.1.2

Website correction plan

The issues discovered in the website will be corrected as soon as possible, by 31 December 2025 at the latest.

Give feedback on accessibility

You can give feedback on the accessibility of the website or request material on the website in an accessible format using an online form or by sending a request by e-mail to

We will answer your request as soon as possible, but no later than within two weeks. In extensive requests related to accessibility, the National Land Survey has the right to extend the response time with two weeks. If you are not satisfied with our reply or have not received a reply within two weeks, you can send a notification to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland (in Finnish).