Paikkatietoikkuna is the Finnish national geodataportal (hereinafter Paikkatietoikkuna) maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland (hereinafter NLS) that is available online at
As a part of the service, Paikkatietoikkuna offers a function with which it is possible to create a map window that has been detached from Paikkatietoikkuna and embedded on another website (hereinafter Create Map). Within the limits of these terms of use the Create Map function is available free of charge and according to these terms of use. The same terms of use apply to map windows that have been de-tached from Paikkatietoikkuna and embedded elsewhere (hereinafter Embedded map windows).
The NLS and producers of geographic information reserve the right to limit the use of Embedded map windows.
The NLS has the right to link Embedded map windows to Paikkatietoikkuna and to publish the number of service requests sent by each embedded map.
The parties are a registered user of Paikkatietoikkuna who has published an Embedded map window (hereinafter Publisher) and the National Land Survey of Finland (hereinafter NLS) as the administrator of Paikkatietoikkuna. The NLS has signed separate contracts with producers of geographic information (hereinafter Producers) to make maps and geographic information (hereinafter Products) available for browsing in Embedded map windows. The user of Embedded map windows (hereinafter User) is bound by the terms of use of the Map Window function of Paikkatietoikkuna.
After registering and logging in to Paikkatietoikkuna and having accepted these terms of use; a Pub-lisher can with the Create Map function define the contents and functionality of an Embedded map window, save these definitions and by embedding the code provided on a public, free website without access limitations maintained by the Publisher, publish an Embedded map window as defined above.
It is possible that contents that are accessible through the Create Map function, e.g. Products by Pro-ducers, have limited functionality in comparison with the contents that are available for browsing in the Paikkatietoikkuna map window. Similarly, the functionality that is available to and definable by Pub-lishers through the Create Map function can be less extensive than that of the Paikkatietoikkuna map window.
The Users of Embedded map windows can browse geodata Products as defined by the Publisher using various scales either separately or as superimposed map layers.
The NLS and Producers reserve the right to limit use by limiting the maximum allowed amount of ser-vice requests by Embedded map windows embedded by the Publisher. Any limits that are currently in force are announced in conjunction with the Create Map function of Paikkatietoikkuna.
Immaterial rights
The NLS and Producers retain any rights, including copyright and other immaterial rights that apply to geodatasets and Products. More information about these rights is available in the metadata of the geo-datasets that are used as source data for Products that are available via the Geodata search function of Paikkatietoikkuna.
Detaching or copying Products or parts of Products from the Create Map function or an Embedded map window and making them available to the public by any means not specified above through distributing or public performance, as well as the storage and production of individual physical products from a Product or a part of a Product, is prohibited. The User is permitted to print out individual maps from an Embedded map window for private use as specified by Finnish copyright legislation as well as for educational use. Any other copying of maps is prohibited.
Paikkatietoikkuna offers users a chance to register and log in as a User of the service. Upon registration, personal data is collected and stored in the NLS customer register (e-mail address, name, pseudonym and possibly the name of the organization the user represents). Information stored in the customer register can be used for maintaining and nurturing customer relations and also for communication associated with the development of the Map service. The pseudonym is shown in the Service to other users, but the NLS does not surrender any other information to outsiders.
The NLS aims to provide appropriate technical solutions in order to prevent access of non-authorized users to the customer register files.
Record of processing of personal data of a data subject
In cooperation with Producers the NLS strives to offer a level of service for online services as specified in the Commission Regulation No 976/2009. The NLS and Producers do not guarantee that the service will function without disruption or its continuous availability; neither are they obliged to pay compen-sation to Publishers or Users for any costs, losses or damage caused by interruptions in the functioning of the Create Map function or an Embedded map window. The NLS is not responsible for the contents of linked web pages. The Products of Producers are provided "as is" and neither the NLS nor the Pro-ducers are responsible for the validity, accuracy or reliability of the contents of Products; nor for any direct or indirect damage incurred through the use of these Products. The NLS reserves the right to change the Create Map function and to limit or prevent access to the Create Map function as well as the right to discontinue the Create Map function. The NLS reserves the right to change, limit, interrupt, prevent or discontinue the functioning of any Embedded map window.
If the immaterial rights of a Producer have been infringed due to actions taken by the Publisher, the Publisher is liable for damage both to the NLS and directly to the Producers concerned as well as other parties for any infringements.
If the immaterial rights of a Producer have been infringed due to actions taken by the User, the User is liable for damage both to the NLS and directly to the Producers concerned as well as other parties for any infringements.
Paikkatietoikkuna offers Publishers the opportunity to register and log in to the Paikkatietoikkuna ser-vice. During registration, personal data is collected and stored in the NLS customer register (e-mail address, screen name and name as well as the organisation represented by the Publisher where applicable).
Data in the customer register can be used to maintain and manage the relationship with the customer as well as any contacts that are related to the functioning of Embedded map windows and the develop-ment of the Create Map function. Screen names may be visible to other users of Paikkatietoikkuna, but the NLS will not cede any other information to third parties. A description of the personal data file, as described in the Personal Data Act is shown at the end of these terms of use.
The NLS strives to prevent unauthorised access to the data in the customer register through the use of appropriate technical solutions.
Username and password
A username and password are used to identify a Publisher. Usernames are personal and the Publisher is responsible for making sure that his or her username and password are protected from unauthorised use.
The NLS can cancel a Publisher's username if the Publisher breaches or has breached the terms of use, the law or if the Publisher has acted unethically. The NLS also has the right to temporarily block access to the Create Map function of Paikkatietoikkuna, if it is necessary for the functioning of Paikkatietoik-kuna. The NLS may block the use of the Publisher's Paikkatietoikkuna username and password if the Publisher has not logged in to Paikkatietoikkuna during the preceding six (6) months. The username and password of a Publisher, which were created during the registration process, will be removed when the right to use the service is terminated. The terms of use that apply to Products and the terms that apply to immaterial rights will remain in force for as long as they are significant in spite of the termination of contract.
Rules concerning geographic information belonging to the Publisher
The Publisher may only store his or her own geographic information that applies to Finnish territory and in the Finnish, Swedish or English languages in the Paikkatietoikkuna Map service. The data stored by the Publisher in the Map service must be legal and ethical. The Publisher must have the right to use the contents stored in the Map service, and such contents may not be stored in the Map service if that would breach the rights of any party.
The Publisher can on a website maintained by the Publisher, embed such data that he or she has stored in the Map service by using the Create Map function to create an Embedded map window.
The NLS does not guarantee that the contents that a Publisher has stored in the Paikkatietoikkuna Map service will remain there. The NLS has the right to look at the contents stored by the Publisher and re-move such contents at its discretion. The NLS is not liable to pay compensation for the removal or loss of any data stored by the Publisher. By storing data in the Paikkatietoikkuna Map service the Publisher does not cede any other rights to the stored data to the NLS.
Cookie files are used along with other means to monitor the usage of Paikkatietoikkuna and Embedded map windows that have been published using Paikkatietoikkuna. The aim is to collect information about the usage of Paikkatietoikkuna and Embedded map windows in order to further develop Paikka-tietoikkuna. The Publisher who wishes to block the use of cookies can do so in his or her browser but doing so may limit the functionality of Paikkatietoikkuna or Embedded map windows.
Linking and publishing the number of service re-quests
The Publisher has the right to link an Embedded map window to his or her own website within the lim-its of these terms of use.
The NLS has the right to link Embedded map windows that have been published with Paikkatietoik-kuna to Paikkatietoikkuna, collect information about the service requests sent by Embedded map win-dows and in Paikkatietoikkuna publish the names and addresses of Embedded map windows, the screen names of Publishers as well as the number of service requests sent by Embedded map windows.
The publisher or other parties have the right to publish a link to Paikkatietoikkuna or to a subpage of Paikkatietoikkuna on their own websites. The name Paikkatietoikkuna must be shown in conjunction with the link. When clicking the link, Paikkatietoikkuna must open in an empty browser window with-out frames.
Linking to Paikkatietoikkuna and detaching the contents of Paikkatietoikkuna by any other means is prohibited within the limits of these terms of use.