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Create Map

With the help of the "Create Map" function in Paikkatietoikkuna, you can publish a map on your own website. With the help of the function, you can define the layout of the map view and the tools to be used on the map. When you have finished defining the layout, you can publish the map by inserting a string of HTML code to the code of your website. You need to register to be able to use the tool.

Return to Instructions of Paikkatietoikkuna -website.

Figure. An example of an embedded map. 

Select the "Create Map" function from the menu on the left of the map window. All publishable and active map layers are listed in the pop-up window. Click the Continue button to start publishing your map. The map is published in three phases:

  1. Define the settings for your map.
  2. Publish the embedded map.
  3. Edit the map settings, if needed.

You will receive a string of HTML code of the following type to add to your website:

<iframe src="" style="border: none; width: 700px; height: 525px;"></iframe>

Define the settings for the map

Define the following settings for the map to be published:

  1. Basic settings
  2. Map size
  3. Map layers
  4. Tools
  5. Tool placement
  6. Graphic Layout

Basic settings

Define the following mandatory information for your map:

  • Website name: Type the name of the website. The name is the URL without the http or www prefixes. Do not add names of subpages. The correct format is, for instance, You may publish the map on this website only. The name of the website is mandatory information.
  • Map name: Type a descriptive name for the map. Please note that the map name should be typed in the same language as other parts of the map. The map name is mandatory information.
  • Language: Select the language to be used on the map. The place names and user interface are shown in this language. Currently, the options are Finnish, Swedish and English.

Map size

The map size is automatically defined according to the size defined on the website. The possible options are:

  • Space filling. The map size is scaled according to the size available on the webpage.
  • Small (580 x 387 pixels)
  • Medium (700 x 600 pixels)
  • Large (1,240 x 700 pixels)
  • Custom size

You can change the map size in the HTML code you receive after publishing the map by converting the height and width parameters into pixels. For instance, if you want the map width to always be 760 pixels, convert "width: 100%" into "width: 760px".

Map layers

The map layers listed in this menu are shown on the map to be published. You can select more map layers to the map by clicking Add map layer. Please note that only some of the map layers can be used in published maps. The map layers that can be published are marked "Publication permitted" in the Selected layers menu.

Define the map layer properties:

  • Arrange the map layers by dragging them with the mouse. Users of published maps cannot change the order of map layers.
  • Adjust the opacity of the map layers. Users of published maps cannot change the opacity of map layers.


Select the tools to be shown on the map (* = shown by default):

  • Scale bar*
  • Index map
  • Map layer menu: If this is selected, the user can choose which map layers are shown on the map. Select which map layers are background map layers. You can select a default background map layer in the map preview.
  • Moving the map with the arrow keys.
  • Zoom bar
  • Map tools: Available functions are moving to the previous and following views and measuring distances and areas as well as saving your own features.
  • Centre to location
  • Place search
  • Coordinate tool
  • Show map legend
  • Show map focal point
  • Centre to location
  • Pan by mouse*
  • Feature query tool*
  • Feedback (Open311) service: If you are using a feedback interface according to the Open311 standard, you can feed its data here to add a feedback functionality to the map. To be able to use this function you need RPC functions as well. More detailed documentation will be published later.
  • Enable map rotation. You can rotate a published map by pressing CTRL+ALT+left mouse button.

Tool Placement

Select left-handed, right-handed or custom placement.

Figure. If the placement is left-handed, the zoom bar, panning arrows and scale bar are on the left. The search, tool menu and index map are on the right.

Figure. If the placement is right-handed, the zoom bar, panning arrows and scale bar are on the right. The search, tool menu and index map are on the left.

Figure. In a custom placement, you can decide yourself in which order the tools are on the map. You can move tools by dragging them from one box to another.

Graphic Layout

Define the font and tool style for the map. As default, the map layout is similar to the original in Paikkatietoikkuna.

  • Font: Select either Arial (sans-serif) or Georgia (serif) as the font. The selection affects the way all text is displayed in the user interface. It does not affect place names or other textual elements.
  • Tool style: Select the style for map tools. The selection affects the way all tools are displayed.

Publish an embedded map

When all the definitions are done:

  1. Click Save.
  2. Press CTRL+C to copy the HTML code from the pop-up window to the clipboard.
  3. Paste the code into the code of your website.
  4. The map is now shown on your website.

Edit Map Settings

You can edit the settings of your map after publishing either via the My Data menu or with the help of parameters.

Edit settings via the My Data menu

Edit the settings of your embedded map via the My Data menu:

  1. Go to the Embedded Maps tab in the My Data menu.
  2. Select desired map by clicking Edit.
  3. Make desired changes in the map settings.
  4. Click the Update button.

The changes will be visible on your embedded map after a short delay. You do not need to copy HTML code again.

Edit settings with the help of parameters

You can also change the settings by adding parameters to the HTML code.

  • Example code: <iframe src="//" ></iframe>
  • Map address format: http://APPLICATION_ADDRESS/published/LANGUAGE_CODE/ID
  • ID = the embedded map's identifier.
  • LANGUAGE_CODE = the embedded map's language. The options are fi (Finnish), sv (Swedish) and en (English). You can change the embedded map's language by changing the language code in the web address.

Change the settings of an embedded map:

  1. Type a question mark (?) after the identifier.
  2. Add desired parameters after the question mark.

Now the map address format is:
APPLICATION_ADDRESS/published/LANGUAGE_CODE/ID?PARAMETER, where PARAMETER is one of the parameters listed below.

If you add several parameters, separate them with &. Then the map address format is:

You can add one or more of the following parameters to the end of the map address:


  • This parameter defines the focal point coordinates for the map view. Coordinates are informed as metric in the coordinate system ETRS-TM35FIN.
  • EASTING is a six-digit easting point (E coordinate), for instance 572000.
  • NORTHING is a seven-digit northing point (N coordinate), for instance 6800000.


  • This parameter defines the zoom level for the initial view of the embedded map.
  • There are 12 zoom levels available. ZOOMLEVEL is shown as an integer between 0 and 12. If the level is 0, the whole of Finland is shown.


  • This parameter defines whether or not the focal point is marked with a symbol on the embedded map.
  • If the parameter's value is "true", the focal point is marked with a symbol. If the parameter's value is "false", the focal point is not marked with a symbol.


  • This parameter defines to which address the embedded map is centred.
  • The address consists of a street name (STREET), an address number (NUMBER) and a municipality name (MUNICIPALITY).
  • STREET is the name of a street, for instance, Main Street.
  • NUMBER is the address number of the street address. The address number of, for instance, "1A Main Street" is 1.
  • MUNICIPALITY is the name of the municipality, for instance, LONDON.


  • This parameter defines whether or not the feature data of the focal point is shown in an info window on top of the map.
  • The feature data is shown from all map layers that contain feature data.
  • If you want the data of a specific feature, focus the map with the help of coord, address or nationalCadastralReference parameters. Then the map's focal point is definitely in the desired location.
  • If the parameter's value is "true", the feature data of the focal point is shown. If the parameter's value is "false", the feature data is not shown.


  • This parameter defines to which real estate unit the embedded map is centred.
  • The real estate unit is defined with a property identifier.
  • CADASTRE has the format xxx-yyy-nnnn-zzzz, for instance, 092-416-11-123.