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Accessibility statement: FINPOS positioning service

This accessibility statement applies to the FINPOS positioning service portal and the RINEX service opening through it. NLS specialists have assessed the website’s compliance with accessibility requirements. The statement was revised on 4 October 2024. 

Most accessibility requirements are not fulfilled on the website 

The accessibility of the service was assessed on 21 February 2023. The conclusions were that the website does not meet all the accessibility requirements, and there are critical accessibility flaws. 

The accessibility issues discovered during the assessment are listed below. The findings are based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. The number and link provided after each finding indicates which WCAG section is not fulfilled at the website. 

Critical issues in perceivability 

  • The use of the service becomes impossible when styles are disabled to access a simpler view. For example, buttons disappear, texts overlap and are hidden, pop-up windows are difficult to identify and use, and the functioning of elements decreases. WCAG 1.3 
  • The placement of pages and pop-up windows is based on the use of tables which presents major problems, insurmountable in places, to users of screen readers in identifying and using key content. WCAG 1.3.1 
  • The RINEX service cannot be used on mobile devices because elements overlap significantly and partly disappear. In the portal, individual critical elements are partly hidden when used on mobile devices. WCAG 1.4.10 
  • The “Salasana” (Password) field and login buttons on the front page are hidden when the text spacing is changed to increase the readability of the text. WCAG 01/04/2012 

Significant issues in perceivability 

  • The service uses several HTML elements contrary to their purpose. Then again, the elements offered by HTML have not been used to implement interactive elements, for example. The code also includes several blank elements. There are problems especially in the use of tables, buttons and images. The RINEX service’s instructions for use (PDF) also include blank elements, and lists have been used illogically. WCAG 1.3.1 
  • When creating a username, the screen reader jumps over significant input fields directly to the “Lähetä” (Submit) and “Peruuta” (Cancel) buttons when accessing the page. However, the input fields can be accessed one field at a time. WCAG 1.3.2 
  • In the RINEX service, the pair of buttons with which the virtual RINEX service can be selected is located so that it does not correspond to the visual reading order or the order used by screen readers. WCAG 1.3.2 
  • The “Lataukset” (Downloads) tab in the RINEX service refers to “the icon below”. The expression based on vision is problematic, especially considering that the icon is also otherwise difficult to identify and understand when using a screen reader. WCAG 1.3.3 
  • When creating a username, user data is collected using a form, and the purpose of its input fields cannot be identified programmatically. WCAG 1.3.5 
  • Mandatory form fields and selections are only indicated using colours. WCAG 1.4.1 
  • In the portal, the button focus can only be identified by a change in the tone. There are only minor differences in tones, and the colour changes illogically when the focus changes. WCAG 1.4.1 
  • Not nearly all texts are scaled when the text size is changed. In the portal, the use of larger texts means that some elements overlap and are hidden. WCAG 1.4.4 
  • Input fields in the portal and buttons in the RINEX service cannot always be identified well from the background. In the RINEX service, the outlines of buttons in pop-up windows are often completely missing, and the buttons are in the same colour as the background. WCAG 01/04/2011 

Moderate issues in perceivability 

  • The portal includes several image elements, with images lacking the filename, or having a blank or no alternative text. The images in the RINEX service’s instructions for use (PDF) and the icons used in the text have no alternative texts.  WCAG 1.1.1 
  • Texts joined together and checkboxes or buttons may be distant from one another which creates difficulties for users with tunnel vision, in particular. WCAG 1.4 
  • The button for setting/changing the password can mainly be identified from surrounding input fields by colour. WCAG 1.4.1  
  • The portal’s forms and top bar include texts that can be poorly identified from the background. WCAG 1.4.3 
  • In the RINEX service, not all help texts can be closed without moving the cursor. WCAG 01/04/2013 

Critical issues in operability 

  • In the RINEX service, not all key functions can be used with the keyboard only. For example, stations cannot be selected, or they can only be selected using non-standard methods. When tabs are accessed using the keyboard, they do not have any content. In the “Signaali” (Signal) tab, it is challenging, or even impossible, to select frequencies and channels using basic key functions. The shopping cart, i.e. the work summary and downloading phase, cannot be accessed using the keyboard. WCAG 2.1.1 
  • Not all notifications and error messages can be closed with the keyboard. The focus can be moved back to the page, but significant parts will remain hidden behind notifications. WCAG 2.1.1 
  • When using the RINEX service with the keyboard, the visible focus is missing from so many areas that this prevents the use of the service.  WCAG 2.4.7 

Significant issues in operability 

  • The “Maa” (Country) menu in user details cannot be used by conventional means with the keyboard, and no instructions have been given for its use. It may therefore be impossible to select the country. WCAG 2.1.1 
  • Users are not always given enough time to read the content. When logging in and using the RINEX service, some notifications are only visible for a few seconds. The name of the country selected in the “Maa” (Country) menu in the portal is only shown briefly before it is replaced by the country’s abbreviation. WCAG 2.2 
  • The pages have no uniform style. They are not considered to be part of a single service, and it may be difficult to identify the relationships between the pages. WCAG 2.4 
  • Screen readers do not read the portal’s pages in any sensible order, but they will remain in certain sections, skip important parts or jump in tables, reading irrelevant sections. In the “Asema” (Station) tab in the RINEX service, the focus order jumps illogically between service sections, tab objects and map component elements. WCAG 2.4.3 
  • The pages include several additional elements with a key focus, including blank buttons.  This particularly concerns the portal. WCAG 2.4.3 
  • In the portal, the visible focus of keyboard use is missing from many sections. WCAG 2.4.7 
  • In the RINEX service, not all titles of buttons correspond to the visible title. The title may be blank, completely different or in German, for example. WCAG 2.5.3 

Moderate issues in operability 

  • When setting a password, the characters entered cannot be made visible using the keyboard only. WCAG 2.1.1 
  • It may be difficult to navigate on the website using assisting technologies. Landmarks or links to the main content have not been used in the code. The website does not include links between its content, and the front page can be accessed using the “Peruuta” (Cancel) function, for example. WCAG 2.4.1, WCAG 2.4.5 
  • The page title is missing from the “Luo käyttäjätunnus” (Create username) page, and programmatically readable titles and the title hierarchy are missing from the portal’s page content. No titles have been defined for documents in the RINEX service’s instructions for use (PDF), and the title structure of the content is illogical. WCAG 2.4.2, WCAG 2.4.6 
  • The portal’s front page includes several links and buttons of the same name. The links do not indicate whether they lead to another website or whether they open a PDF file. WCAG 2.4.4, WCAG 2.4.6 

Critical issues in understandability 

  • In the RINEX service, the error message indicating missing mandatory selections is not conveyed to assisting technologies. The work summary only includes the “Peruuta” (Cancel) button, in which case users cannot know how to complete the process. WCAG 3.3.3, WCAG 4.1.3 

Significant issues in understandability 

  • No language has been defined for the portal’s pages, page sections or elements. In the RINEX service, the page language is indicated to be English, even though Finnish seems to be the primary language. Finnish and English have been used together and side-by-side on the pages. WCAG 3.1.1, WCAG 3.1.2 
  • The portal includes visual inconsistencies. Notifications are shown as pop-up windows with varying designs and colours, and users cannot identify their meaning. The use of icons and logos is partly inconsistent and unclear. WCAG 3.2 
  • If non-permitted characters are entered as the work name in the RINEX service, the user will be thrown out from the form in which they entered content. WCAG 3.2.2 
  • In the RINEX service, partly confusing markings and terms are used during the final phases of creating a download file. WCAG 3.2.4 
  • The RINEX service includes no instructions on how to proceed in the service and what selections have to be made to successfully create a downloadable file. A blank page opens when clicking the “Ohje” (Help) button in the user menu in the RINEX service. The service’s instructions for use are given in a PDF file, which cannot be downloaded in the service. WCAG 3.3 
  • The system does not identify different errors when logging in. The proposals presented in error messages are in conflict with the input. WCAG 3.3.1, WCAG 3.3.3 
  • Login input fields do not include visual name tags that could be identified using assisting technologies (there are only placeholders). WCAG 3.3.2, WCAG 2.4.6 
  • Name tags are missing from input fields in the “Käyttäjätunnus” (Username) form and from some buttons in the window for setting/changing the password. The “Käyttäjätunnus” (Username) form includes two checkboxes, both of which have two blank name tags. WCAG 3.3.2 

Moderate issues in understandability 

  • Not all mandatory fields are indicated as mandatory when creating a username. In the RINEX service, the “Työn nimi” (Work name) input field is not indicated as mandatory, and it is not stated that the work name cannot include spaces, for example. WCAG 3.3.2 
  • When setting the password, the help texts do not apply to the inputs. WCAG 3.3.2 

Critical issues in robustness 

  • Not all error messages are conveyed to screen readers. WCAG 4.1.3 

Significant issues in robustness 

  • When logging in, entering several successive inputs and changing the window size result in a situation, where the entered characters may disappear, the predictive text function may offer an incomplete input, and screen readers may read text that has not been entered in the field. WCAG 4 
  • Not all buttons and menus have names. WCAG 4.1.2 
  • Whether an element or button is selected is not often conveyed to assisting technologies. Many selections are made especially in the RINEX service, in which case screen readers should know what sections have been selected. WCAG 4.1.2 

Plan on correcting the website 

The above issues identified on the website will be corrected urgently, and no later than on 31 October 2025.  

Give feedback on accessibility

You can give feedback on the accessibility of the website or request material on the website in an accessible format using an online form or by sending a request by e-mail to

We will answer your request as soon as possible, but no later than within two weeks. In extensive requests related to accessibility, the National Land Survey has the right to extend the response time with two weeks. If you are not satisfied with our reply or have not received a reply within two weeks, you can send a notification to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.