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The National Land Survey's website renewed

On the website, we have reformed the structure of the Real property section and the cadastral survey pages.

On the cadastral survey pages, there is now a more detailed description of the various stages of a cadastral survey. Moreover, the price information is now more visible. We have compressed the contents and written the text in a simpler language.

The cadastral survey pages now have clearer headings. We have also grouped the pages in a different way in the navigation on the left. We have given own pages to some of the services, such as parcelling (in Finnish) and partitioning. Rights of way (in Finnish) and road maintenance associations (in Finnish) are now in a section of their own.

The objective of the reform is to make it easier to find contents, make the pages more understandable and offer answers to the most common questions. In the reform, we have taken into account feedback from customers.

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