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The service offers you an access to the topographic maps, aerial images and background maps produced by the National Land Survey of Finland. You can search for maps from the whole of Finland by place names and coordinates, among others.  More exact scales also show property boundaries and property identifiers.

Through the service you can also order map printouts. You can choose the area you want to print out as well as the size and scale of it.

Moreover, you can free of charge download the National Land Survey's maps and geospatial data as digital files in the Download geospatial data section.

On the MapSite, you can have a look at the National Land Survey's maps, aerial photos, and property location data as well as download geospatial data.

Legend for map symbols (pdf, in Finnish)

Background datasets in the user interface of the MapSite

You can view several map layers on top of each other and by adjusting the transparency of the layers create a customised map view. 

Topographic map

Topographic maps and basic maps are datasets depicting the terrain of all of Finland.

Background map

Background maps use light colours, and they show less data than, for example, topographic maps. The address numbers shown on the background maps are obtained from the Population Information System maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Plain map

This product is particularly intended for people with limited vision, but it also works as a background and guide map. In comparison with the Basic map, the Plain map has less information and fewer colours. The information that is shown has also been emphasised and contrast increased to make map features more easily distinguishable.

Aerial images

Aerial image data is based on aerial photographs taken during data collection for mapping.


Hillshade or shaded relief raster images are greyscale images showing the elevation of the terrain.

Property identifiers and Property boundaries

Property identifiers and boundaries are based on the Cadastre. The property division is approximate. The exact areal dimensions of a property is shown in the cadastral survey documents and the terrain. This data is only available at the most precise scales.

Address data

Address search is based on the road name data in the Topographic database. The search also finds addresses with no buildings. Addresses are address points that have been calculated from the road name data. The location of an address point does not necessarily match the address of a building.

Geographic names

The feature name search is based on the National Land Survey's place name register containing all geographic names on the basic map. There are approx. 800,000 names in the dataset.

Maps and geospatial data to be downloaded from the MapSite

In the Download geospatial data section, you can download a variety of maps and geospatial datasets such as features of the Topographic database, aerial photographs, and elevation models. The majority of the datasets cannot be viewed with customary image viewers, but you need special geospatial data software for them. Take a look at the various formats of the datasets and the applications with which you can use them.

Data sets that can be downloaded contain both open data and the Laser scanning data 5 p subject to use restrictions. Downloading data subject to use restrictions requires strong authentication of the user and that the fee is paid via an online bank or by credit card.

You can outline datasets or products in different ways, for instance, by map sheets or according to your own free demarcation. The demarcation methods vary according to dataset or product. Collect the products you want in the shopping basket and place the actual order via the checkout. Downloadable products are always free of charge, an exception is the above mentioned Laser scanning data 5 p. You will receive an confirmation of order by e-mail. It contains a link to a separate download page. On this page, you can download the products to yourself one by one or all at once. The download links are valid for 30 days from order.

Open data products in the Download geospatial data section:

Data sets Products Outlining type File formats
Background map (raster)

Background map raster 1:5 000

Background map raster1:10 000

Background map raster 1:20 000

Background map raster 1:40 000

Background map raster 1:80 000

Background map raster 1:160 000

Background map raster 1:320 000

Background map raster 1:800 000

Background map raster 1:2M

Background map raster 1:4M

Background map raster 1:8M

Whole of Finland PNG
Buildings 3D Buildings 3D Map sheets CityGML
Cadastral index map (raster)

Cadastral identifiers

Cadastral units

Map sheets PNG
Cadastral index map (vector) All objects

Map sheets

Own drawing *

Whole of Finland

Municipality selection *

Geopackage, GeoJson

Mapsheets Shp, GML

Control points Control points

Own drawing *

Whole of Finland



Division into administrative areas (vector)

1:10 000

1:100 000

1:250 000




Whole of Finland

(Annual versions available since 2012)

Division into administrative areas (raster)

1:10 000

1:100 000

1:250 000



Whole of Finland

(Annual versions available since 2012)

Elevation model



Map sheets

Own drawing *

Elevation zones (raster)





Map sheets GeoTiff
Geographical names

Map names 1:25 000

Map names 1:50 000

Map names 1:100 000

Map names 1:500 000

Map names 1:1M

Map names 1:2M

Map names 1:4,5M

Map names 1:8M


Place names

Place names, simplified

Whole of Finland GML

Hillshade 2 m

Hillshade 8 m

Hillshade 32 m

Hillshade 64 m

Hillshade 128 m

Hillshade 512 m

Map sheets

Whole of Finland  (512m)

Laser scanning data

0,5p (2008-2019)

0,5p (2020- )

Map sheets


Map sheet grid TM-35 Whole of Finland SHP



Map sheets

(Annual versions from year 2000)

Topographic map (raster)

Basic map raster 1:20 000 (print colour, background colour and print colour, no anti-aliasing)

Topographic map

1:50 000

1:100 000

1:250 000

1:500 000





Map sheets (scale 1:500 000 and bigger)

Whole of Finland (scale 1:1M and smaller)

Topographic map (vector)

1:100 000

1:250 000



Map sheets

Whole of Finland

Topographic Database

All features

All features except elevation


All features in a theme

Map sheets

Own drawing *

Whole of Finland

Municipality selection *



The datasets are available in ETRS-TM35FIN - coordinate system.

With some selections, the datasets are no longer updated after you have received the download link (* in the table above).

You can look at the contents of the datasets, the updating status and the updating rhythm in the product description of each dataset or product.

If you cannot find the dataset you need in the service, you can place a separate order at the sales of digital datasets. Orders are subject to a handling and processing charge. See more in the price list.

Geospatial data subject to use restrictions available in the Download geospatial data section:

Data sets Products                                  Outlining type                                File formats
Laser scanning material 5p  

production area

map sheet (1km x 1km)


Unpacking files

• Laser scanning data is compressed in LAZ-format. Use laszip.exe, available from to unpack the files.

• Orthophotos are compressed in JP2-format.

• Other data is compressed in zip-format (filename ends in .zip) and may be unpacked with any compression application available online.

Opportunities for advanced users

Services related to the Download geospatial data section include OGC API Processes, the updating service, and the directory user interface of the file download service. Through the interface service of OGC API Processes, you can search for datasets with, for instance, coordinates by using query parameters. By using the updating service, you can update the dataset you have downloaded, and through the directory user interface, the National Land Survey's downloadable topographic data and cadastral index map data products are available as files.

The service is open access and free of charge, and using it does not require registration. 

Some of the mapproducts are paid. All purchased products are paid with your online banking credentials or a credit card via the Payments service.

Map printouts and files from the web service – MapSite and e-services

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Map printout as file A4
16,81 21,10
Map printout as file A3
16,81 21,10
Map printout as file A2
16,81 21,10
Map printout as file A1
29,08 36,50
Map printout as file A0
29,08 36,50
Map printout A3
22,47 28,20
Map printout A2
29,08 36,50
Map printout A1
33,86 42,50
Map printout A0
58,96 74,00
Printout A2, weatherproof plastic or cloth
42,23 53,00
Printout A1, weatherproof plastic or cloth
53,39 67,00
Printout A0, weatherproof plastic or cloth
88,84 111,50

For paper printouts as a single-time order, the discount is as follows:

Number of printouts ordered for the same area Discount percentage
at least 5 10 %
at least 20 20 %
at least 50 30 %
at least 100 40 %

Laser scanning data 5 p from e-services - MapSite and e-services

ProductPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
77103010026 Laser scanning data 5 p, licence and data detachment per km2€0,026€0,033
77103010025 Laser scanning data 5 p, licence and data detachment, minimun fee€26,69€33,50

MapSite is an information service maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland. It is available at On the MapSite you can, using various search options, browse topographic maps, aerial images and background maps provided by the National Land Survey. In addition, map functions are available for example for measuring distance and converting coordinates. You can order National Land Survey products and download geodatasets via MapSite. MapSite is available to everyone free of charge. Using MapSite does not require registration.

If you intend to use MapSite, read these terms of use carefully before using MapSite. By using MapSite, you confirm that you have read the terms of use and accept them as applying to you. If you do not accept the terms of use in full on in part, you will not be allowed to use MapSite. The National Land Survey can modify these terms of use at any time. Any changes enter into force as soon as they have been implemented. 

1. Responsibility of the National Land Survey

The National Land Survey provides the MapSite to users in accordance with these terms of use. In principle, the MapSite is available to users seven days a week.

The MapSite and its contents are presented as is. As the user, you are solely responsible for using it. The National Land Survey is not responsible for the contents, correctness, accuracy or reliability of the MapSite or the data it contains, neither for the suitability nor applicability of the data to a certain usage. The National Land Survey is also not responsible for the uninterrupted, timely, and error-free functioning of the MapSite, or for the disruptions of service caused by technical faults, maintenance, or installation work, or for disruptions to data communication, or for the possible alteration or disappearance of data as a possible consequence of any disruptions.

The National Land Survey can take MapSite or a part of it out of use, for example for maintenance, updates, technical problems or any other reason. The National Land Survey can at any time modify MapSite or its contents, the products or parts of products that are available through it, prevent access to the products or close MapSite down without notice to users.

As far as possible, the National Land Survey intends to inform users ahead of time of any modifications to MapSite or any downtime. Information will be published on the MapSite's website or in another appropriate manner. Any changes enter into force as soon as they have been implemented.

The National Land Survey is not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of MapSite or its contents, or the prevention of such use.

2. Responsibility of the user

The user is responsible for using the MapSite in accordance with these terms of use and the laws and other legislation that apply to the use of Map Site.

The use of MapSite for other than customary purposes or with customary applications or equipment is prohibited. It is prohibited to use MapSite in any way that interferes with its functioning, such as the storage of large amounts of MapSite's contents with another application. If MapSite is used in a way that interferes with its functioning, the user concerned can be prevented from using MapSite at all.

The user is responsible in full for any damage caused by the use of MapSite or its contents to the National Land Survey, other users, or a third party.

3. Immaterial rights

Rights related to MapSite, including copyrights and other immaterial rights, belong to the National Land Survey. As a MapSite user you do not have the right to make MapSite, a map available via MapSite or any other part of MapSite available to the public by distributing, presenting or displaying it in public, or to store or produce copies of it without prior permission from the National Land Survey.

In spite of the above statement, users have the right to use MapSite in conjunction with educational activities funded by the Government. In addition, users have the right to copy, store and print out individual maps for private use as intended in the Copyright Act (404/1961) and for a thesis or a final year project. As a user, you have the right to publish a link to the MapSite on your website's main page or a subpage. The name MapSite must be shown in conjunction with the link. Via the link, MapSite must open in an empty browser window without frames. Any other linking is prohibited. 

Despite the statements above, the user has the right to download open datasets under the Download open datasets section and to use them in accordance with the CC 4.0 licence that applies to open datasets  provided by the National Land Survey. The terms of the licence grant users the right to copy and publish maps that are included in the open datasets in accordance with terms more precisely specified in the licence.

When using Laser scanning data 5 p its terms of use must be followed.

4. Service fees

MapSite is available to everyone free of charge. Using MapSite does not require registration. The exception is downloading Laser scanning data 5 p, where the user must be authenticated and pay a fee for the download.

MapSite may contain links to websites maintained by a third party. The National Land Survey is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites, nor for ensuring that personal data on such websites is handled in accordance with the law.

6. Applicable law and the settlement of disputes

MapSite and its use are subject to Finnish legislation except for the regulations related to the selection of applicable legislation. In case of a dispute between the National Land Survey and a user of MapSite, the intention is to primarily attempt to solve such disputes through negotiation between the parties. If such negotiation does not result in the settlement of the dispute, the first court instance to settle the dispute is the Helsinki District Court. 

More information

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