Street address
Opastinsilta 12 K (Pasilan virastokeskus)
029 530 1110
Opening hours
Service point opening hours
How to reach the Pasila office centre
By car
You may park your car in the office centre’s free customer car park in Asemapäällikönkatu 11. You can pick up a parking permit at the Info Desk in the lobby on Aurinkoraitti (you must provide your registration number). Maximum parking time: 4 hours per day. Entry to customer parking garage until 17:15 and exit by 19:00.
You can also park in the P-Veturi underground car park subject to a charge. There are two entrances and exits: on Ratapihantie near the Pasila station via the central lane and at the end of Kumpulantie behind the parking lot.
Parking subject to a charge is also available in Mall of Tripla.
By bicycle
There are bicycle stands in the car park in Asemapäällikönkatu 11 and on street level in the inner yard on the north side of the office centre. Free parking is also available near the bicycle park Pyörähotelli at Mall of Tripla.
By train
All commuter and long-distance trains stop at Pasila.
By tram
Trams 2, 7 stop at Pasila bridge and 9 stop at Ratapihantie.
By bus
The following buses stop at Pasila bridge: 23, 50, 59, 500, 510 and 518. And the following buses stop at Ratapihantie: 69, 506, 662 and 848.
The National Land Survey’s service point is accessible by wheelchair from the Pasila station.
By foot
There is a footbridge leading straight from Pasila Station to the office centre.