In addition to lists of shares, information about the renovations by housing companies and shareholders, housing company loans and maintenance charges is entered in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System. The aim is to improve the availability of the information and enable comprehensive residential and commercial property information services for various parties.
Building managers and housing companies must submit information by 30 June 2026
Building managers can start submitting information about maintenance and modifications to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System from 1 June 2025.
If a building manager does not use a building management system, they can start submitting the information from January 2026 through a free user interface. The information must be submitted to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System by 30 June 2026.
Once information about maintenance and modifications has been entered in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System, it must be updated at least once a year.
What information needs to be submitted to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System?
Submit information about the following to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System:
• maintenance and modifications (meaning renovations by the housing company and shareholders);
• a description of maintenance needs;
• housing company loans, loan shares and maintenance charges.
‘Maintenance and modifications’ mean such renovations, modifications or repairs that must be recorded in the building manager’s certificate. Information about any scheduled maintenance and minor repairs conducted by a housing company does not need to be entered in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System.
Renovations by shareholders only need to be submitted if the shareholder must have notified the housing company’s board of the renovation. Information about shareholders’ renovations should only be submitted once they have been completed.
Maintenance loans related to the continuous operation of housing companies do not need to be submitted to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System. Charges such as maintenance, plot and capital cost charges need to be submitted, but not fees for use such as laundry room fees.
The period for submitting company loans starts from 1 September 2025
Banks and loan providers must submit information about housing company loans for purposes of new construction, modernisation or repairs to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System from 1 September 2025. Banks and loan providers are responsible for ensuring that information about housing company loans is accurate in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System. The information must be submitted to the Residential and Commercial Property Information System by 30 November 2025.
Housing companies are responsible for ensuring that apartment-specific loan shares are accurate in the Residential and Commercial Property Information System. Housing companies can start submitting information about loan shares from 1 December 2025. The information must be submitted after board meetings and whenever there are changes.
Software suppliers can test APIs
Software suppliers can become updated on technical documents of API services for companies’ administrative information and test maintenance APIs in the test environment.
If you want to use the test environment, request a test user licence by emailing You can obtain a user licence without specific grounds if you have a Finnish business ID and you use the environment in the EU area.
Development work is currently underway at the National Land Survey as part of a further development project of the Residential and Commercial Property Information System established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The project is funded by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Read more about the further development on the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s website (in Finnish)