The NLS’s prices are cost prices which means that they cover all costs but do not generate any profit. Prices remain valid for one or two years, depending on the decree on charges.
The prices of cadastral surveys, the Land Information Service and API services, as well as the prices of and property extracts and certificates, will change at the beginning of next year.
The prices of land or commercial and residential property services will not change on 1 January 2025 because these prices were already changed in November 2024 as a result of amendments to the Finnish code of real estate.
Cadastral survey charges
Cadastral survey charges will increase by an average of ten per cent. Several types of cadastral surveys charged at a fixed price will be subject to time-based charges so that they will be determined based on the working hours spent. The change concerns partitioning, private road surveys and the expropriation of reliction areas, among other services.
After the change, the type of cadastral survey will have a greater impact on the amount of the charge. In other words, cadastral surveys that require extended mediation will be more expensive and quick settlements will be less expensive.
The most common cadastral procedure is the parcelling of an unseparated parcel of 0.1–1 hectares, which will cost EUR 1,460 from 1 January 2025. The price increase is EUR 140.
Land Information Service (for contractual customers)
The prices of the Land Information Service will increase by an average of five per cent.
Prices of the most popular products from 1 January 2025:
Maintenance fee: EUR 14.80 per username per month
Certificate of title: EUR 5.50
Cadastral register extract: EUR 5.50
Data in the purchase price register: EUR 1.36
Interface services
The prices of interface and material services will increase by about five per cent. The price increases will apply to both material and maintenance charges. Regarding open materials, only the maintenance charge applies, and the authority agreements on free-of-charge property data and material exchange will remain unchanged.
From the beginning of 2025, the price changes will apply to the following services:
Archive documents search service (REST)
Geocoding service (REST)
Map image service (WMS)
Map image service (WMTS)
Land Information Query Service (OGC API Features)
Land Information Query Service (REST)
Property data printout service
Property transaction search service (WFS)
Building data query service (WFS)
Data services
Valid price lists for services are available on our website in conjunction to the interface services’ descriptions or on the price list page.
Other products
The prices of the NLS’s other products will increase by five to seven per cent on average. The price increase of individual products may be higher due to their cost structure. Prices of property extracts and certificates will increase by 12 per cent
Changes to the most frequently purchased services for private customers:
Property extracts and certificates: EUR 19 in the customer service, EUR 16 in the e-service
Document or survey map as a file: EUR 17
Document or survey map as an A3 copy: EUR 18.50
Document or survey map as an A4 copy: EUR 18.00
An A4–A2 map printout as a file through the e-service: EUR 21.10
An A4 map printout as a file through the e-service: EUR 34.00
An A3 map printout as a file through the e-service: EUR 40.00
Ownership and address data: 1–6 pcs, EUR 24.60
Owner and address data: more than 6 pcs, EUR 4.10 per registered unit
More detailed ownership review: EUR 134.10 per hour
Detachment of plot plan data for the area of a single property: EUR 69.20
The National Land Survey’s product and service fees are based on the decrees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry as well as the National Land Survey’s payment decision. The decrees and payment decision will be published on the Finlex service: