Search results
Why does the address show the wrong building?
The address search in MapSite is based on address data derived from the NLS topographic data system. The address in the dataset is a calculated address based on the line of the road, it is not the official address of the building or real estate unit.
The most precise scales of the background map material show the address numbers according to the Building and Dwelling Register maintained by the Population Register Centre. This data is maintained by the municipalities.
Why is the photographing year of the aerial photos not visible?
MapSite always shows the most recent aerial photo. The service receives the aerial photos through the WMTS interface. The interface does not make it possible for the information about photographing year to accompany the image. The index shows the photographing year (in Finnish)
In geoportal Paikkatietoikkuna you can watch historical aerial photos and see their photographing year.
Can I use a map printed out from MapSite as an attachment to an official application?
You have the right to copy, store and print out individual maps for private use and for a thesis or a final year Project. More information about terms of use.
How can I stop using, for example, the Measure Distance tool?
One tool is active until you select another tool. You can also disable the selected tool by re-clicking its icon.
In which format should I submit the geographic coordinates?
Submit geographic coordinates into the coordinate tool, including needed punctuation marks, that is degrees, minutes and seconds.
Example 64.33926208° 26.89675786° 64° 20.356' 26° 53.805' 64° 20' 21.344'' 26° 53' 48.328'' You may replace the degree sign ° with the letter d, e.g. 64d 20.356'
In which formats are the coordinates presented?
Coordinates in different coordinate reference systems are presented in various formats. The following are examples of coordinates used in the service and their presentation formats.
Plane coordinates and geographic coordinates in the ETRS89 coordinate reference system
Coordinates N / lat E / lon ETRS-TM35FIN plane coordinates 7134868,000 494839,000 ETRS-GKn plane coordinates 7137723,089 27494836,935 ETRS89 geographic coordinates (~WGS84) 64,33965428° 26,89318582° 64° 20,379' 26° 53,591' 64° 20' 22,755'' 26° 53' 35,469'' Plane coordinates and geographic coordinates in the National Grid Coordinate System (KKJ)
Coordinates N / lat E / lon KKJ basic coordinate system 7137856,044 3495009,271 KKJ uniform grid coordinate system 7137856,044 3495009,271 KKJ geographic coordinates 64,33926208° 26,89675786° 64° 20,356' 26° 53,805' 64° 20' 21,344'' 26° 53' 48,328'' -
How can I limit the place name and address search to concern a certain municipality only?
In the search field, you may after the place name or address write the name of the municipality separated with a comma, for example ”Mustapuro, Kuusamo”.
How can I correct after clicking on the wrong place with the measuring tool?
It is worth completing the measurement despite the wrong-clicking and make the corrections only after that. You may accept the measurement by double-clicking or by clicking on the last measuring point again. After this, you may easily edit the measurement by clicking on and dragging any point to the right place. The distance or area is updated on the fly according to the changes.
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