NLS time-based charges
Product | Price € (excl. VAT) | Price € (incl. VAT) |
Implementation of cadastral surveys €/h
121,00 | No VAT |
Surveyors from the National Land Survey of Finland €/h
47,00 | No VAT |
Other surveys than those with a fixed price are time-based, both when they are performed separately and in connection to other surveys. Their cadastral survey fees depend on the working time, in accordance with the table below. The list is not exhaustive.
The hourly charge for hourly-based surveys includes
- boundary marker costs
- meeting room costs
Product |
Private road survey and easement survey |
Partitioning |
Expropriation of reliction area |
Road survey |
Railway survey |
Mining survey |
Regional private road survey |
Suojelualuekiinteistön muodostaminen |
Reorganisation |
Property definition |
Employing a surveyor of the National Land Survey as an assistant |
Other costs and reimbursements incurred for the survey, such as assistant costs and expert fees, are charged separately.
The hourly charge for the time-based survey fee is usually the hourly rate valid at the time the work is performed.