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Register your ownership of a property by applying for a title registration

A title registration means the registration of the ownership of a property in the National Land Survey of Finland’s (NLS) title and mortgage register. A title registration needs to be applied for when the owner of a property changes.

A title registration can be applied for a property, an unseparated parcel or a designated share of a property. An application for a title registration needs to be submitted within six months of signing a deed of sale or agreement. Only a property whose ownership has been registered can be mortgaged and used as security for a loan.

How to apply for a title registration?

You can apply for registration of title for all properties and unseparated parcels included in the conveyance with one application. You can apply for registration of title on behalf of other recipients, too. The price is determined according to the number of properties.

The best way to apply for a title registration depends on your situation:

  1. If you are buying or selling a property, and you are assisted by a public purchase witness, the witness can start the application process on your behalf during the transaction.
  2. You can complete a transaction without a public purchase witness in the Property Transaction Service. In this case, the title registration process will start automatically.
  3. If you wish, you can apply for registration of title by yourself in the National Land Survey's e-service.

    - individual customers in Finnish and in Swedish
    - organisational customers in Finnish and in Swedish

    Those persons who have been registered in the Trade Register as authorised to sign on behalf of the organisation can log in to the service.

    You can apply a few days after the signature of the deed of conveyance.

    Registration of title is paid in the NLS e-service when you submit the application.

  4. An intermediary can apply for registration of title on your behalf. For that, use the application form in Finnish or in Swedish (

If you cannot use our online services, you can also apply for a title registration using a pdf form  in Finnish or in Swedish (

Title registration is paid in the NLS e-service when you submit the application.

Transfer tax

In a property transaction, a transfer tax return must be submitted and the tax must be paid in the Finnish Tax Administration’s MyTax service before you apply for a title registration. However, receipts do not need to be attached with the application, as the NLS obtains information about paid taxes directly from the Tax Administration. More information (


You can easily check the attachments your application needs in our how-to guide. You can send the attachments via the e-service. If you have received a request to complete an application that you have submitted previously, you can also do that via the e-service.

Processing time

Check the average processing times for applications

Registration of ownership of real property (registration of title)

Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Registration of title
172,00 No VAT
Public notice on registration of title
172,00 No VAT
Registration of ownership
172,00 No VAT
Pro forma registration of title, chapter 11, section 6 of the Code of Real Estate (540/1995)
172,00 No VAT
Registration of the authority administering a real estate or a change thereof and other registration in the title and mortgage register
84,00 No VAT

Property Transaction Service

You can convey your own property, apply for mortgages or a transfer of electronic mortgage deeds.

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More information

Do you need help filling in an application?

Contact our customer service by phone at 029 530 1110.

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