Other real property registration data
Extracts from the Official purchase price register
Product | Price € (excl. VAT) | Price € (incl. VAT) |
Purchase price register extracts, 1-3 purchases
17,21 | 21,60 |
Purchase price register extracts, more than 3 purchases, € / purchase
5,74 | 7,20 |
Purchase price register map printout
11,00 | 13,80 |
Tables and indices in the Official purchase price register
Product | Price € (excl. VAT) | Price € (incl. VAT) |
Purchase price statistics
17,93 | 22,50 |
Presentation of property transactions on map printout
Map printouts are subject to a fee in accordance with section Map printouts, copies and files from customer service in the price list.
Data from the Official purchase price register as export files
Product | Price € (excl. VAT) | Price € (incl. VAT) |
Purchase price register data as export file, first purchase
56,18 | 70,50 |
Purchase price register data as export file, following purchases
0,64 | 0,80 |
Property ownership and address information
Product | Price € (excl. VAT) | Price € (incl. VAT) |
Ownership and address information, identification data (and area), 1–6 register units
19,60 | 24,60 |
Ownership and address information, identification data (and area), more than 6 register units, EUR per register unit
3,27 | 4,10 |
Road maintenance association contact information, 1–6 contacts
19,60 | 24,60 |
Road maintenance association contact information, more than 6 contacts, €/contact
3,27 | 4,10 |
List of shareholders of joint property unit, incl. owners and addresses, 1–6 shareholders
19,60 | 24,60 |
List of shareholders of joint property unit, incl. owners and addresses, more than 6 shareholders, EUR per shareholder
3,27 | 4,10 |
More detailed specification of owners and shareholders, EUR per hour
106,85 | 134,10 |
The minimum charge period is 15 minutes. Hourly pricing is used in specifications of ownership, for instance, when the property is owned by a death estate and the information of the parties to the death estate is not in the National Land Survey's register. The National Land Survey can check in the Population Information System if the deceased has a living spouse or children and search the address information from there.