The Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) at the National Land Survey is an innovative specialist and research institute in the spatial data field. It performs measuring and research in the field of spatial data in cooperation with universities and research institutes, public organisations and companies in Finland and elsewhere in the world.
High-quality top research with scientific impact
The Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) at the National Land Survey has been ranked in first place among research institutes in scientific impact by the Research Council of Finland in the period 2020–2023.
A group of international experts that evaluated the quality and impact of research at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI of the National Land Survey considers these as excellent in an intarnational comparison. The research that the FGI does is highly appreciated around the world and widely used in traffic and communications, security, defense, and in the environment and construction fields.
Thanks to its great reputation and impressive research results FGI has been very successful in getting funding from Finnish and foreign sources of research funding, which has made it possible to ensure the continuity of our research in the long term. Read more about our research.
International and diverse
FGI has about 150 employees who come from various parts of the world. Our international employees enrich us. FGI is actively working to ensure that we are a good workplace for all employees. Our diverse work community is noticed and appreciated. The National Land Survey has committed to promoting diversity, inclusion and equality in the work community. The aim is that every member of the work community can feel a sense of belonging to the group and feels valued and empowered regardless of their background and as themselves.
A high rate of wellbeing at work among employees
According to our most recent survey on wellbeing at work, our employees value, for example, interesting work tasks, an inspring work environment and good opportunities for influencing their work methods and job description. Work in multiple locations and flexible working hours increase job satisfaction and the opportunities of smoothly combining work and leisure or family life. A sense of community is important and at the FGI there are lots of opportunities to do things that support wellbeing at work. Our office is in Otaniemi, Espoo, next to the Aalto University, with good traffic connections.
FGI supports employees in their career advancement
FGI provides good opportunities to advance in your career as a research scientist. Employees are encouraged to and supported in studying for academic degrees and to participate in other forms of training to complement their skills alongside work. Research professors and senior research scientists actively participate in thesis guidance in cooperation with Finnish universities. Theses are an integrated part of research projects so that thesis writers will get the chance to do meaningful research and solve challenges that currently affect our society through research at the start of their career.
We accept open job applications to do thesis research at any time. Alternatively, you can apply for a summer internship at the FGI, when you will usually start at the same time as other junior researchers. Open job applications can be sent to rekrytointi@maanmittauslaitos.fi.
An extensive team of specialists in research support services will support researchers from the application stage to submitting the final report. You can receive expert help in applying for research funding, as well as your career path, publications, communication and impact. Our modern facilities and research instruments support research and working.