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Ubiquitous spatial communication (UbiMap)
The new technologies make it possible for geospatial applications to be adapted to support the varying user tasks in specific contexts.
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Drones and AI can help suppress wildfires in the future
Last week, a new kind of technology was tested in Finland to help suppress wildfires. Drones and AI can help rescue professionals significantly in detecting wildfires, coordinating the situation and selecting firefighting measures.
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Acts of sustainability: Data and actions reduce the carbon footprint
In its sustainability programme, the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) is committed to advancing 50 acts of sustainability by the end of 2027. This news article provides information about the acts of sustainability in 2024, related to the theme of Sustainable environment, and the progress made with them.
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Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services (HaptiMap)
The aim of this EU-funded (FP7) project is to develop multimodal location-based services (LBS) that are accessible also by special user groups and support their use of spatial information.
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Accessibility statement:
This accessibility statement applies to the website.
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Indoor/outdoor Seamless Positioning and Application for City Ecosystems (iSpace)
The goal of this project is to develop a handheld seamless indoor/outdoor positioning platform that consists of several navigation sensors and a visual sensor for navigation and non-navigation applications in city ecosystems.
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Interference spoiled aerial photography in southeastern Finland, potentially resulting in damage of millions of euros – the National Land Survey of Finland has solutions for preparing for GNSS disturbances
Intentional interference with satellite positioning caused significant harm during the annual aerial photography and laser scanning flights of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS).
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Detection, Analysis, and Risk Management of Satellite Navigation Jamming (DETERJAM)
This project analyses the effects of intentional interference on satellite based positioning.
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Wireless Positioning in the Next Generation Digital TV Network (WiPiNGDTV)
Utilizing digital TV (DTV) signals, a novel wireless positioning method can be developed for indoors and urban environments, which has potential advantages over GPS.
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Map services for outdoor leisure activities supported by social networks (MenoMaps II)
In the project new possibilities for creating map-based leisure services for outdoor activities are investigated.
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