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Real property data interface services

The Land Information Query Service (OGC API Features) provides access to both open products and products that require a permit. Products provided under the open data license are subject to a maintenance fee based on the number of searches. Products that require a permit are subject to a material and maintenance fee.  For two products a price per product is charged. 

The minimum fee is €235,40 per year (€295,43 per year, incl. VAT 25,5%). Public authorities do not have to pay the material or maintenance fees when performing their official duties.

Information that requires a permit can only be used inside the organisation.

Open data products

Open data products are subject to a maintenance fee. The maintenance fee is based on the number of searches. A search can contain several answers. For example, searching for parcels on a map using rectangular selection is one search. If the same rectangular selection is used to search for boundary markers, it counts as another search.

  1. Boundary marker location data 
  2. Property boundary location data 
  3. Property identifier location data 
  4. Parcel location data 
  5. Extensive location data on a parcel 
  6. Property identifier location data of projected parcel 
  7. Projected parcel location data 
  8. Extensive location data on a register unit 
  9. Open attribute data on a register unit 
  10. Municipality data on a register unit 
  11. Location data on an unseparated parcel 

Products requiring a permit

The products that require a permit shown below are subject to a material and maintenance fee.  The fee is based on the number of searches. A search can contain several answers. For example, searching for the location data of a unit of a usufruct using rectangular selection is one search in both the material and maintenance fee tables.

  1. Register units with search terms 
  2. Unseparated parcels with search terms 
  3. Units of usufruct with search terms 
  4. Parts of a unit of usufruct with search terms
  5. Location data of a part of a unit of usufruct 
  6. Location data on a municipality’s register area

The products that require a permit shown below are subject to a material and maintenance fee.  The fees are based on the number of objects returned in the search request.  For example, the basic data on five different register units creates five hits. For example, the basic data of five different register units generate five searches in both the material and maintenance fee tables.

  1. Basic register unit data 
  2. 3D attribute data on a register unit 
  3. Basic unseparated parcel data 
  4. Attribute data of a part of a unit of usufruct 
  5. Basic data of a unit of usufruct 
  6. Authoritative decisions on a unit of usufruct 
  7. Joint property unit shares of a register unit 
  8. Register unit's valid formed EUR per register unit
  9. Location data of a section of a private road

The products below are subject to a fee per product, but not a maintenance fee.

27. Contact details of a road cooperative (price per product and road cooperative)
28. Contact details of a shore cooperative (price per product and shore cooperative)

The table shows the maintenance and material fee amounts for a certain number of searches. The fee to be charged is determined by the actual number of searches.

Number of searches (searches per year)Maintenance fee    (euros per year)Material fees(euros per year)
 Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
200072,30 €93,12 €180,80 €226,90 €
5 000114,30 €143,45 €285,80 €358,68 €
10 000161,70 €202,93 €404,20 €507,27 €
20 000228,60 €286,89 €571,60 €717,36 €
50 000361,50 €453,68 €903,70 €1 134,14 €
100 000511,20 €641,56 €1 278,10 €1 604,02 €
200 000723,00 €907,37 €1 807,50 €2 268,41 €
500 0001 143,20 €1 434,72 €2 857,90 €3 586,66 €
1 000 0001 616,70 €2 028,96 €4 041,70 €5 072,33 €
2 000 0002 286,30 €2 869,31 €5 715,80 €7 173,33 €
5 000 0003 615,00 €4 536,83 €9 037,40 €11 341,94 €
10 000 0005 112,30 €6 415,94 €12 780,80 €16 039,90 €
20 000 0007 229,90 €9 073,52 €18 074,80 €22 683,87 €



Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Minimum fee
247,40 310,49
Contact details of a shore cooperative (price per product and shore cooperative)
2,00 No VAT
Contact details of a road cooperative (price per product and road cooperative)
2,00 No VAT

This price list applies to retailers of information. An agreement on communication of information is made with retailers.

The Land Information Query Service (OGC API Features) provides access to both open products and products that require a permit. Products provided under the open data license are subject to a maintenance fee based on the number of searches. Products that require a permit are subject to a material and maintenance fee. For two products, a price per product is also charged.

The minimum fee is €235,40 per year (€295,43 per year, incl. VAT 24%).

Open data products

Open data products are subject to a maintenance fee. The maintenance fee is based on the number of searches. A search can contain several answers. For example, searching for parcels on a map using rectangular selection is one search. If the same rectangular selection is used to search for boundary markers, it counts as another search.

  1. Boundary marker location data
  2. Property boundary location data
  3. Property identifier location data
  4. Parcel location data
  5. Extensive location data on a parcel
  6. Property identifier location data of projected parcel
  7. Projected parcel location data
  8. Extensive location data on a register unit
  9. Open attribute data on a register unit
  10. Municipality data on a register unit
  11. Location data on an unseparated parcel

Products requiring a permit

The products that require a permit shown below are subject to a material and maintenance fee. The fees are based on the number of searches. A search can contain several answers. For example, searching for the location data of a unit of a usufruct using rectangular selection is one search in both the material and maintenance fee tables.

  1. Register units with search terms
  2. Unseparated parcels with search terms
  3. Units of usufruct with search terms
  4. Parts of a unit of usufruct with search terms
  5. Location data of a part of a unit of usufruct
  6. Location data on a municipality’s register area

The products that require a permit shown below are subject to a material and maintenance fee. The fees are based on the number of searches. For example, the basic data of five different register units generate five searches in both the material and maintenance fee tables.

  1. Basic register unit data
  2. 3D attribute data on a register unit
  3. Basic unseparated parcel data
  4. Attribute data of a part of a unit of usufruct
  5. Basic data of a unit of usufruct
  6. Authoritative decisions on a unit of usufruct
  7. Joint property unit shares of a register unit
  8. Register unit's valid formed EUR per register unit
  9. Location data of a section of a private road

The products below are subject to a fee per product, but not a maintenance fee.

27. Contact details of a road cooperative (price per product and road cooperative)
28. Contact details of a shore cooperative (price per product and shore cooperative)

The table shows the maintenance and material fee amounts for a certain number of searches. The fee to be charged is determined by the actual number of searches.

Number of searches (searches per year)Maintenance fee(euros per year)Material fees(euros per year)
 Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
50036,10 €45,31 €255,60 €320,78 €
100051,10 €64,13 €361,40 €453,56 €
200072,30 €90,61 €511,20 €641,56 €
5 000114,30 €143,32 €808,20 €1 014,29 €
10 000161,70 €202,68 €1 143,00 €1 434,47 €
20 000228,60 €286,77 €1 616,40 €2 028,58 €
50 000361,50 €453,31 €2 555,80 €3 207,53 €
100 000511,20 €641,05 €3 614,40 €4 536,07 €
200 000723,00 €906,61 €5 111,60 €6 415,06 €
500 0001 143,20 €1 433,46 €8 082,10 €10 143,04 €
1 000 0001 616,70 €2 027,33 €11 429,80 €14 344,40 €
2 000 0002 286,30 €2 867,05 €16 164,20 €20 286,07 €
5 000 0003 615,00 €4 533,06 €25 557,80 €32 075,04 €
10 000 0005 112,30 €6 410,79 €36 144,10 €45 360,85 €
20 000 0007 229,90 €9 066,25 €51 115,50 €64 149,95 €


ProductPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
8700 Minimum fee247,40 €310,49 €
8728 Contact details of a shore cooperative (price per product and shore cooperative)2,00 €No VAT
8727 Contact details of a road cooperative (price per product and road cooperative)2,00 €No VAT
Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Maintenance fee per username per month
12,00 No VAT
Title registration information per register unit
4,40 No VAT
Mortgage and encumbrance information per register unit
4,40 No VAT
Leasehold information per register unit
4,40 No VAT
Basic plant information per register unit
0,30 No VAT
Contact information per register unit
2,00 No VAT
Register unit search with search terms per search
0,30 No VAT
Unseparated parcel search with search terms per search
0,30 No VAT
Plant search with search terms per search
0,30 No VAT
Basic information
0,30 No VAT
Basic plant information, no personal data
0,30 No VAT
Basic plant information, no personal identity code
0,30 No VAT
Leasehold information, no personal data
4,40 No VAT
Leasehold information, no personal identity code
4,40 No VAT
Mortgage and encumbrance information, no personal data
4,40 No VAT
Mortgage and encumbrance information, no personal identity code
4,40 No VAT
Title registration information, no personal data
4,40 No VAT
Title registration information, no personal identity code
4,40 No VAT
Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Certificate of title
5,60 No VAT
Certificate of title, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Certificate of mortgages and encumbrances
5,60 No VAT
Certificate of mortgages and encumbrances, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Certificate of leasehold
5,60 No VAT
Certificate of leasehold, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Contact information
2,50 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre for an unseparated parcel
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the cadastre for unseparated parcel, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the cadastral index map
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the cadastral index map, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the Land Information System, private road
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the Land Information System, private road, authenticated
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the Land Information System, right-of-use unit
5,60 No VAT
Extract from the Land Information System, right-of-use unit
5,60 No VAT
Chain of formation forward
1,10 No VAT
Chain of formation backward
1,10 No VAT
Forming register units at the time
2,50 No VAT
Formed in force
2,50 No VAT
Formation report
2,50 No VAT
Information about a three-dimensional property
1,10 No VAT

The WFS service will be replaced by the OGC API Features service during 2025.

The service is subject to a material and maintenance fee based on the number of searches. The minimum fee is €247,40 per year (€310,49 per year, incl. VAT 25,5%).

The materials (products) are free of charge for the governmental authorities, but there is a maintenance fee for using the service, based on the number of searches.

The fee depends on the actual number of searches. The table presents how much the material and maintenance fees are for different numbers of searches.

The materials can be saved, but they can only be used inside the organisation.


  • Property transfer identifiers (price per search)
  • Property transfer information (price per property transfer)
  • Extensive property transfer information without personal data (price per property transfer)
  • Extensive property transfer information without personal identifiers (only for government authorities, free of charge)
  • Extensive property transfer information (only for government authorities, free of charge)

The following products are only available for the operation of public authorities:

  • Property transfer information (price per property transfer)
  • Extensive property transfer information without personal data (price per property transfer)
Number of searches (searches per year)Maintenance fee(euros per year)Material fees(euros per year)
 Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
500108,50 €136,17 €426,60 €535,38 €
1000153,40 €192,52 €603,30 €757,14 €
2000216,90 €272,21 €853,10 €1 070,64 €
5 000343,00 €430,47 €1 348,90 €1 692,87 €
10 000485,00 €608,68 €1 907,70 €2 394,16 €
20 000685,90 €860,80 €2 697,80 €3 385,74 €
50 0001 084,50 €1 361,05 €4 265,70 €5 353,45 €
100 0001 533,70 €1 924,79 €6 032,50 €7 570,79 €
200 0002 169,00 €2 722,10 €8 531,30 €10 706,78 €
500 0003 429,50 €4 304,02 €13 489,20 €16 928,95 €
1 000 0004 850,00 €6 086,75 €19 076,60 €23 941,13 €
2 000 0006 858,90 €8 607,92 €26 978,40 €33 857,89 €
5 000 00010 844,90 €13 610,35 €42 656,50 €53 533,91 €
Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Minimum fee
247,40 310,49
Property conveyance fixed fee
36183,00 45 409,67

The fixed annual material fee, based on the agreement, includes an unlimited number of material searches.

The WFS service will be replaced by the OGC API Features service during 2025.

The service is subject to a material and maintenance fee based on the number of searches. The minimum fee is €247,40 per year (€310,49 per year, incl. VAT 25,5%).

The materials (products) are free of charge for the governmental authorities, but there is a maintenance fee for using the service, based on the number of searches.

The fee depends on the actual number of searches. The table presents how much the material and maintenance fees are for different numbers of searches.

The materials can be saved, but they can only be used inside the organisation.


  • Property transfer identifiers (price per search)
  • Property transfer information (price per property transfer)
  • Extensive property transfer information without personal data (price per property transfer)
  • Extensive property transfer information without personal identifiers (only for government authorities, free of charge)
  • Extensive property transfer information (only for government authorities, free of charge)

The following products are only available for the operation of public authorities:

  • Property transfer information (price per property transfer)
  • Extensive property transfer information without personal data (price per property transfer)
Number of searches (searches per year)Maintenance fee(euros per year)Material fees(euros per year)
 Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
500108,50 €136,17 €903,70 €1 134,14 €
1000153,40 €192,52 €1 278,10 €1 604,02 €
2000216,90 €272,21 €1 807,50 €2 268,41 €
5 000343,00 €430,47 €2 857,90 €3 586,66 €
10 000485,00 €608,68 €4 041,70 €5 072,33 €
20 000685,90 €860,80 €5 715,80 €7 173,33 €
50 0001 084,50 €1 361,05 €9 037,40 €11 341,94 €
100 0001 533,70 €1 924,79 €12 780,80 €16 039,90 €
200 0002 2 169,00 €2 722,10 €18 074,80 €22 683,87 €
500 0003 429,50 €4 304,02 €28 578,80 €35 866,39 €
1 000 0004 850,00 €6 086,75 €40 416,50 €50 722,71 €


ProductPrice € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
1023 Minimum fee 247,40310,49
1024 Property conveyance fixed fees36 183,0045 409,67

The files of the archive documents search service (REST) are subject to a fee. The document descriptions and archive metadata, which are used when running the searches, are free of charge on the service. Public authorities do not have to pay a maintenance fee when performing their official duties.

The service is subject to a maintenance fee based on the number of searches. The minimum fee is €229,50 per year.

The service maintenance fee is based on document searches. All document searches are aggregated by identifier and invoiced according to the actual number of searches. The table presents how much the maintenance fee is for different numbers of searches.

Number of searches (searches per year)Price without VAT, euros)
50318,60 €
100450,60 €
250712,40 €
5001 007,50 €
1 0001 424,80 €
20002 015,00 €
3 0002 467,80 €
4 0002 849,60 €
5 0003 186,00 €
7 5003 902,00 €
10 0004 505,60 €
50 00010 074,90 €
75 00012 339,20 €
100 00014 248,10 €
150 00017 450,20 €
Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Minimum fee
229,50 No VAT