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Land Information Query Service (OGC API Features), organizations

The Land Information Query Service (OGC API Features) provides access to both open products and products that require a permit. Products provided under the open data license are subject to a maintenance fee based on the number of searches. Products that require a permit are subject to a material and maintenance fee.  For two products a price per product is charged. 

The minimum fee is €235,40 per year (€295,43 per year, incl. VAT 25,5%). Public authorities do not have to pay the material or maintenance fees when performing their official duties.

Information that requires a permit can only be used inside the organisation.

Open data products

Open data products are subject to a maintenance fee. The maintenance fee is based on the number of searches. A search can contain several answers. For example, searching for parcels on a map using rectangular selection is one search. If the same rectangular selection is used to search for boundary markers, it counts as another search.

  1. Boundary marker location data 
  2. Property boundary location data 
  3. Property identifier location data 
  4. Parcel location data 
  5. Extensive location data on a parcel 
  6. Property identifier location data of projected parcel 
  7. Projected parcel location data 
  8. Extensive location data on a register unit 
  9. Open attribute data on a register unit 
  10. Municipality data on a register unit 
  11. Location data on an unseparated parcel 

Products requiring a permit

The products that require a permit shown below are subject to a material and maintenance fee.  The fee is based on the number of searches. A search can contain several answers. For example, searching for the location data of a unit of a usufruct using rectangular selection is one search in both the material and maintenance fee tables.

  1. Register units with search terms 
  2. Unseparated parcels with search terms 
  3. Units of usufruct with search terms 
  4. Parts of a unit of usufruct with search terms
  5. Location data of a part of a unit of usufruct 
  6. Location data on a municipality’s register area

The products that require a permit shown below are subject to a material and maintenance fee.  The fees are based on the number of objects returned in the search request.  For example, the basic data on five different register units creates five hits. For example, the basic data of five different register units generate five searches in both the material and maintenance fee tables.

  1. Basic register unit data 
  2. 3D attribute data on a register unit 
  3. Basic unseparated parcel data 
  4. Attribute data of a part of a unit of usufruct 
  5. Basic data of a unit of usufruct 
  6. Authoritative decisions on a unit of usufruct 
  7. Joint property unit shares of a register unit 
  8. Register unit's valid formed EUR per register unit

The products below are subject to a fee per product, but not a maintenance fee.

26. Contact details of a road cooperative (price per product and road cooperative)
27. Contact details of a shore cooperative (price per product and shore cooperative)

The table shows the maintenance and material fee amounts for a certain number of searches. The fee to be charged is determined by the actual number of searches.

Number of searches (searches per year)Maintenance fee    (euros per year)Material fees(euros per year)
 Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)Price € (excl. VAT)Price € (incl. VAT)
200070,62 €88,63 €176,55 €221,57 €
5 000105,93 €132,94 €270,71 €339,74 €
10 000153,01 €192,03 €388,41 €487,45 €
20 000223,63 €280,66 €541,42 €679,48 €
50 000341,33 €428,37 €859,21 €1 078,31 €
100 000494,34 €620,40 €1 212,31 €1 521,45 €
200 000694,43 €871,51 €1 718,42 €2 156,62 €
500 0001 094,61 €1 373,74 €2 718,87 €3 412,18 €
1 000 0001 541,87 €1 935,05 €3 848,79 €4 830,23 €
2 000 0002 177,45 €2 732,70 €5 437,74 €6 824,36 €
5 000 0003 436,84 €4 313,23 €8 603,87 €10 797,86 €
10 000 0004 872,78 €6 115,34 €12 158,41 €15 258,80 €
20 000 0006 885,45 €8 641,24 €17 195,97 €21 580,94 €



Product Price € (excl. VAT) Price € (incl. VAT)
Minimum fee
235,40 295,43
Contact details of a shore cooperative (price per product and shore cooperative)
1,80 No VAT
Contact details of a road cooperative (price per product and road cooperative)
1,80 No VAT