SuRI - Supercomputing GNSS data for Navigation Resilience against Ionospheric Interference
Ionospheric scintillations pose significant challenges across various industrial sectors that depend on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Scintillations contribute to substantial production losses in precision agriculture, offshore operations, and transportation. The SuRI project aims to exploit the high-performance of LUMI supercomputer to understand the fundamental characteristics of ionospheric scintillation effects on GNSS receivers installed in high and low latitudes. Novel methodologies are proposed for scintillation detection and classification with highly dense datasets, aiming at the integration of new scintillation models into software defined GNSS receivers. These advanced features can be used in commercial GNSS receivers, shaping the future for robust product developments in navigation systems.
Collaborative positioning and situational awareness
Read more about Collaborative positioning and situational awareness