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Camenzind, S. L.; Nussbaum-Lapping, A.; Willenberg, B.; Pupeikis, J. et al. 2025.
Broadband hyperspectral LiDAR with a free-running gigahertz dual-comb supercontinuum. Optica Publishing Group. Optics Letters, 50(4).
Galeano, David; Peltoniemi, Jouni; Enríquez-Caldera, Rogerio; Guichard, José. 2025.
Inversion of the light curves of space debris using simulated satellite-based observations. IOP Publishing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2946(1), 012001.
Gorad, Ajinkya; Zhao, Zheng; Vallet García, José M.; Lehtola, Ville et al. 2025.
Bearing estimation using foghorn sounds. Elsevier BV. Applied Acoustics, 231, 110560.
Jiang, Changhui; Wang, Xinru; Xia, Qingyuan; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2025.
Handheld Smartphone GNSS Spoofing Detection with Walking Gaits Information Aiding. Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 57(1).
Krigsholm, Pauliina. 2025.
Characterising the Ultimate Ends of Municipal Land Policy: An Analysis of Land Policy Aim Setting in Finnish Municipalities. Routledge. Planning theory and practice.
Liu, Zuoya; Kaartinen, Harri; Hakala, Teemu; Hyyppä, Juha et al. 2025.
Tracking foresters and mapping tree stem locations with decimeter-level accuracy under forest canopies using UWB. Elsevier BV. Expert Systems with Applications, 262, 125519.
Olkkonen, Jaakko; Taher, Josef; Hakala, Teemu; Kukko, Antero et al. 2025.
Simulation of ultra-fast structured illumination in single-photon sensitive single-pixel lidar. Optica Publishing Group. Optics Express, 33(3), 4396.
Pohjankukka, Jonne; Räsänen, Timo A.; Pitkänen, Timo P.; Kivimäki, Arttu et al. 2025.
Digital mapping of peat thickness and extent in Finland using remote sensing and machine learning. Elsevier BV. Geoderma, 455, 117216.
Smirnov, Artem; Shprits, Yuri; Lühr, Hermann; Pignalberi, Alessio et al. 2025.
Extreme two-phase change of ionospheric electron temperature overshoot during geomagnetic storms. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Scientific Reports, 15(1), 5043.
Tienaho, N.; Wittke, S.; Yrttimaa, T.; Kivimäki, A. et al. 2025.
Examining low-intensity surface fires in boreal forests using sentinel-2 time series and bitemporal terrestrial laser scanning. Informa UK Limited. Scandinavian journal of forest research.


Abed Alghani, Khaled; Kohtamäki, Marko; Kuusniemi, Heidi. 2024.
The New Space Ecosystem: Insights from the Architecture of Digital Platforms. Springer, Singapore.
Berveglieri, Adilson; Imai, Nilton Nobuhiro; Watanabe, Fernanda Sayuri Yoshino; Tommaselli, Antonio Maria Garcia et al. 2024.
Remote Prediction of Soybean Yield Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning Models. MDPI AG. AgriEngineering, 6(3).
Blåfield, Linnea; Marttila, Hannu; Kasvi, Elina; Alho, Petteri. 2024.
Temporal shift of hydroclimatic regime and its influence on migration of a high latitude meandering river. Elsevier. Journal of hydrology, 633, 130935.
Brauer, Anna; Mäkinen, Ville; Ruotsalainen, Laura; Oksanen, Juha. 2024.
Time will not tell: Temporal approaches for privacy-preserving trajectory publishing. Computers environment and urban systems, 112, 102154.
Bucher, Bénédicte; Latvala, Pekka; Bookjans, Eva; Bus, Nicolas et al. 2024.
EuroSDR Knowledge Graph about Geodata Products in Europe - EuroSDR Linked Data Project Mid-Term Report. EuroSDR. EuroSDR Official Publication, (76).
Calabia, Andrés; Imtiaz, Nadia; Altadill, David; Yasyukevich, Yury et al. 2024.
Uncovering the Drivers of Responsive Ionospheric Dynamics to Severe Space Weather Conditions: A Coordinated Multi‐Instrumental Approach. American Geophysical Union (AGU). Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(3).
Campos, Mariana Batista; Castanheiro, Leticia Ferrari; Shah, Dipal; Wang, Yunsheng et al. 2024.
Overview and Benchmark on Multi-Modal Lidar Point Cloud Registration for Forest Applications. Copernicus GmbH. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-1-2024.
Campos, Mariana Batista; Nunes, Matheus Henrique; Shcherbacheva, Anna; Valve, Venla et al. 2024.
Factors and effects of inter-individual variability in silver birch phenology using dense LiDAR time-series. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 358, 110253.
Castanheiro, Letícia F.; Tommaselli, Antonio M. G.; Hyyti, Heikki; Kukko, Antero. 2024.
Experimental assessment of IMU data processing techniques for a backpack mobile laser scanning system. Copernicus GmbH. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-3-2024.
Cellino, A.; Tanga, P.; Muinonen, K.; Mignard, F.. 2024.
Asteroid spin and shape properties from Gaia DR3 photometry. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 687.
Chen, Chen; Chen, Yuwei; Zhu, Jianliang; Jiang, Changhui et al. 2024.
An Up-View Visual-Based Indoor Positioning Method via Deep Learning. MDPI AG. Remote Sensing, 16(6), 1024.
Chen, Chen; Wang, Yicheng; Chen, Yuwei; Jiang, Changhui et al. 2024.
An APDR/UPV/Light multi-sensor-based indoor positioning method via Factor Graph Optimization. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 9516217.
Chen, Jianchang; Liang, Xinlian; Liu, Zhengjun; Gong, Weishu et al. 2024.
Tree species recognition from close-range sensing: A review. Elsevier BV. Remote Sensing of Environment, 313, 114337.
Christovam, Ana L.; Prol, Fabricio dos Santos; Camargo, Paulo de Oliveira. 2024.
TEC calibration to detect equatorial plasma bubbles with single frequency GNSS data.
Cimdins, Reinis; Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Hyyppä, Juha; Vastaranta, Mikko et al. 2024.
Quantifying changes in forest structural complexity using bi-temporal airborne laser scanning. Taylor & Francis. European journal of remote sensing, 57(1), 2417905.
Courbis, Roméo; Hillers, Gregor; Koivisto, Emilia; Haapanala, Päivi et al. 2024.
The Establishment of the Finnish Mobile Seismic Instrument Pool. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). Proceedings.
Doostmohammadian, Mohammadreza; Jiang, Wei; Liaquat, Muwahida; Aghasi, Alireza et al. 2024.
Discretized Distributed Optimization Over Dynamic Digraphs. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering.
Duník, J.; Punčochář, I.; Král, L.; Straka, O. et al. 2024.
Multi-layer GNSS and LEO-PNT Positioning: Integrity under Constellations’ Correlation. IEEE. 2024 27th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION).
Ejigu, Yohannes Getachew; Boy, Jean-Paul; Raja-Halli, Arttu; Khorrami, Fatemeh et al. 2024.
Analyzing the 3D Deformation Induced by Non-tidal Loading in GNSS Time Series in Finland. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. International Association of Geodesy Symposia.
Faitli, Tamás; Hyyppä, Eric; Hyyti, Heikki; Hakala, Teemu et al. 2024.
Integration of a Mobile Laser Scanning System with a Forest Harvester for Accurate Localization and Tree Stem Measurements. MDPI AG. Remote sensing, 16(17), 3292.
Feng, Ziyi; Yu, Xiaowei; Chen, Yuwei; Puttonen, Eetu et al. 2024.
Feasibility of using Ku-band helicopter-borne microwave radar for stem volume and biomass estimation in boreal forest. Elsevier BV. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 131, 103966.
Garcia, Thaisa Aline Correia; Tommaselli, Antonio Maria Garcia; Castanheiro, Letícia Ferrari; Campos, Mariana Batista. 2024.
A photogrammetric approach for real‐time visual SLAM applied to an omnidirectional system. Wiley. The Photogrammetric Record, 39(187).
Garcia, Thaisa Aline Correia; Tommaselli, Antonio Maria Garcia; Castanheiro, Letícia Ferrrari; Campos, Mariana Batista. 2024.
Filtering Keypoints with ORB Features. Copernicus GmbH. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-3-2024.
Hammarberg, Toni; García, José M. Vallet; Alanko, Jarno N.; Bhuiyan, M. Zahidul H.. 2024.
An Experimental Performance Assessment of Galileo OSNMA. MDPI AG. Sensors, 24(2), 404.
Hassinen, Sofia; Ojala, Arto; Kuusniemi, Heidi. 2024.
The Commercial Aspects of Navigation Satellites: A Systematic Literature Review. Springer, Singapore.
Hattula, Emilia; Zhu, Lingli; Raninen, Jere. 2024.
Building extraction in urban and rural areas with aerial and LiDAR DSM. Copernicus GmbH. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, X-4/W4-2024.
Horppila, Hanna. 2024.
Paikkatiedot osaksi laajempaa tietokokonaisuutta Euroopassa. Positio, 2024, 2.2.2024.
Huo, Langning; Koivumäki, Niko; Oliveira, Raquel A.; Hakala, Teemu et al. 2024.
Bark beetle pre-emergence detection using multi-temporal hyperspectral drone images: Green shoulder indices can indicate subtle tree vitality decline. Isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 216.
Hyyppä, Hannu; Hyyppä, Juha; Ahlavuo, Marika; Kurkela, Matti. 2024.
Tulevaisuuden dataa autonomisista roboteista. Maankäyttö, (1).
Hyyppä, Hannu; Kurkela, Matti; Julin, Arttu; Ahlavuo, Marika et al. 2024.
Rakentamisen ajantasaisten toteumamallien mittausteknologiat. Maankäyttö, (1).
Hyyppä, Juha; Hyyppä, Hannu; Taher, Josef ; Turtiainen, Marjut et al. 2024.
Paikkatietokeskus testasi kehittämiään marjakarttoja Rovaniemellä. Maanmittausinsinöörien Liitto. Maankäyttö, 2024(2).
Hyyppä, Juha; Yu, Xiaowei; Karjalainen, Mika; Liang, Xinlian et al. 2024.
Remote Sensing of Forests from LiDAR and Radar. CRC PRESS. IV.
Hyyppä, Matti; Turppa, Tuomas; Hyyti, Heikki; Yu, Xiaowei et al. 2024.
Concepts Towards Nation-Wide Individual Tree Data and Virtual Forests. MDPI AG. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 13(12), 424.
Islam, Saiful; Bhuiyan, Mohammad Zahidul Hasan; Liaquat, Muwahida; Pääkkönen, Into et al. 2024.
An open GNSS spoofing data repository: characterization and impact analysis with FGI-GSRx open-source software-defined receiver. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Gps solutions, 28(4), 176.
Jia, Jianxin; Wang, Yueming; Zheng, Xiaorou; Yuan, Liyin et al. 2024.
Design, Performance, and Applications of AMMIS: A Novel Airborne Multimodular Imaging Spectrometer for High-Resolution Earth Observations. Elsevier BV. Engineering.
Jia, Jianxin; Zheng, Xiaorou; Wang, Yueming; Chen, Yuwei et al. 2024.
The effect of artificial intelligence evolving on hyperspectral imagery with different signal-to-noise ratio, spectral and spatial resolutions. Elsevier BV. Remote Sensing of Environment, 311, 114291.
Jussila, Anssi; Koski, Christian; Kettunen, Pyry. 2024.
Vectorization of watercourse detection from neural network. Copernicus GmbH. Abstracts of the ICA, 7.
Kareinen, Niko; Zubko, Nataliya; Savolainen, Tuomas; Xu, Ming Hui et al. 2024.
Mitigating the effect of source structure in geodetic VLBI by re-weighting observations using closure delays and baseline-to-jet orientation. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Journal of geodesy, 98(5), 38.
Karjalainen, Väinö; Koivumäki, Niko; Hakala, Teemu; George, Anand et al. 2024.
Autonomous robotic drone system for mapping forest interiors. Copernicus GmbH. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-2-2024.
Kettunen, Pyry; Kubíček, Petr; Liao, Hua; Reichenbacher, Tumasch. 2024.
Cognitive issues in geographic visualisation. Position magazine, 6 August, 2024.

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