Department of remote sensing and photogrammetry deals with development of modern remote sensing sensors, creation of innovative mapping methods, evaluation of new remote sensing data sources and fostering the adaptation of new remote sensing technology in Finland. Research within the department is divided into four research groups, which are
- Autonomous mapping and Driving
- Spectrophotogrammetry
- Mapping and Change Analysis Applications with Multiple Scale Remote Sensing
The working principles of the department are publish-or-perish, demo-or-die and creating society impact. The department publishes annually 30 refereed journal papers and has coordinated 10 international projects since 2000. Practical impact to the society has been created through technology transfers to national laser scanning for elevation modelling, to adaptation of using laser scanning in practical forestry, snow extent mapping, use of persistent scatterers to monitor nuclear sites and by writing several national specifications for remote sensing data collection. We simply transfer our budget funding into multiple or dozens time higher savings in the society.