Navigation and Positioning – Research projects
Previous projects
3D Personal Navigation and LBS for the Shanghai Exposition in 2010 (3D-NAVI-EXPO)
The project 3D Personal Navigation and LBS for the Shanghai Exposition in 2010 (3D-NAVI-EXPO) is an international collaboration project.
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5G-assisted Ground-based Galileo-GPS receiver Group
The objective of the 5G-assisted Ground-based Galileo-GPS receiver Group with Inertial and Visual Enhancement (5GIVE) project is to investigate how to combine satellite positioning techniques with motion sensors and terrestrial radio signals so that the accuracy of the positioning could be enhanced in challenging environments where satellite signals suffer from multipath propagation.
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Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for robust EGNSS Timing Services
The project is investigating the possibilities of developing a robust timing service based on European Global Satellite Navigation Systems (EGNSS), using Galileo and EGNOS as a base.
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The project addresses resilience of aviation operations to GNSS frequency jamming and cyber (i.e. spoofing or meaconing attacks done via a GNSS signal generator) threats. The project shall assess the threats on GNSS signals and resulting risks for civilian flights. It shall develop possible monitoring techniques to detect and localise threats. The project shall also assess possible technical and operational mitigation techniques to reduce the impact of such threats on the aviation operations.
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Arctic Navigation Challenges
The goal of the ARKKI project is twofold. First, we identify the most significant challenges that are faced in navigation and geospatial information based applications in Arctic areas. Then, based on this study, an action plan will be proposed to recommend pan-Arctic solutions to the identified challenges.
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This project will identify and analyse the role of Aurora SNOWBOX as a key infrastructure in the Nordic Hub of the Arctic PNT Innovation Platform, especially with regards to positioning and navigation needs for autonomous driving in Arctic conditions.
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CANDO-project seeks to address the Protection of military and rescue personnel-goal through provision of enhanced situational awareness and blue force tracking within urban and indoor environments. The project will strengthen the international research ties between Norway and Finland through the technology transfer.
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COST SaPPART (Satellite Positioning Performance Assessment for Road Transport) is one of EU's COST Actions.
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Detection, Analysis, and Risk Management of Satellite Navigation Jamming (DETERJAM)
This project analyses the effects of intentional interference on satellite based positioning.
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Development of a Mobile Public Precise Positioning Service Based on the National GNSS Network (P3-Service)
The goal of this project is to develop a public mobile precise positioning service for consumer-grade receivers.
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Development of the EGNOS Pseudolite
FGI participated in the development of an EGNOS pseudolite system.
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Development of the Handheld SISNeT Receiver
The main objective of the project was to develop a handheld single-box SISNET receiver based on the pocket PC environment.
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Development of the nationwide GNSS Application Test Bed
The department of navigation and positioning is now updating the data communication system of the Finnish permanent GPS network (FinnRef).
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Objective of the ENHANCE project is firstly to demonstrate situational awareness of autonomous vessels using AI and machine learning based detection and identification of sea-ice features.
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ESRIUM is a multi-national project with the common goal to set up a service to foster greener and smarter road usage, road maintenance, and to increase road safety. The key innovation will be formed by a homogeneous, accurate and recent digital map of road surface damage and road wear. ESRIUM’s core proposition is a data platform, which hosts highly detailed EGNSS-referenced map data of road damage and associated safety risks at centimeter-level resolution. Further addressed as “road wear map”, it will contain unique information, which is of value to multiple stakeholders: road operators will be able to lower the road maintenance effort by optimal planning.
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Feasibility Study of Using Mobile-IP to Relay EGNOS Signal In Space
Feasibility Study of Using Mobile-IP to Relay EGNOS Signal In Space.
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The main objective of FEGNOS research project is to measure the availability, continuity and accuracy of GPS v. GPS+EGNOS.
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Finalising surveys for the Baltic motorways of the sea (FAMOS Odin)
The FAMOS project aims to improve the safety of marine transport by improving the depth data in the Baltic Sea.
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Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals (FINCOMPASS)
The FINCOMPASS project will bring new knowledge to the Finnish GNSS community and industry about how to utilize the COMPASS system optimally
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GEARS - Galileo Authenticated Robust Timing System
In addition to position data satellite navigation provides very accurate timing information, and it is used in many applications for time determination.
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One of the unique features of the Galileo satellite navigation system is its dedicated Public Regulated Service (PRS). The purpose of the PRS is to improve the resilience of authorized users against radio jamming and counterfeit signals (spoofing).
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GNSS Recorder for Anti Spoofing
Tracking and tracing of goods and people by GNSS measurements is well adopted in the market.
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GNSS signal quality monitoring in Finland (FinSig)
FinSig will use the Finnish National GNSS network ‘FinnRef’ in first-hand monitoring of the status of GNSS signal quality over Finland. A service architecture design will be developed and demonstrated, including a list of hardware, software, inter-modular communication, and system integration needs.
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GNSS survey
The project will carry out an investigation commissioned by the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA), the final result of study will be a description of the provision and operation of GNSS services. The study surveys the supply of GNSS services and operators both in Finland and abroad and provides a description of the overall situation.
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GNSS Weather - the usability service for satellite navigation
GNSS Weather is a preliminary project for examining the needs for usability services for satellite navigation.
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GNSS-Finland Service
GNSS-Finland Service project will offer signal quality information in multiple frequencies for all four Global constellations, i.e., GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou. In addition, it will offer alert messages to Traficom in case of detection of any predefined signal anomalies. Anomalies could be among other things interference on GNSS signal. This project is the successor of the project GNSS-Finland (GNSS Signal Quality Monitoring in Finland - FinSig) that ended in June 2019.
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High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products (FIX_8 )
High Accuracy Positioning using EGNOS and Galileo Products. FGI participated in the development of this Precise Point Positioning project.
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Improve the EGNOS Service in Finland Using Internet Radio Technology
In order to improve the availability of the EGNOS service in Finland, this project prototypes a system for accessing the EGNOS service.
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INCUBATE - Indoor navigations from cubesat technology
LEO small satellites are cost-effective which will make it possible to provide PNT services to new user groups that cannot be reached by traditional GNSS services, while creating new types of commercial opportunities. Technology related to small satellites enable creating new business models when development is done together with companies. INCUBATE -project aims to enhance these types of activities. We intend to investigate how PNT (positioning, navigation, and timing) operations based on LEO satellites can be used in indoor environment. In addition, and partly together with companies, we will explore the commercial potential and prospective revenue streams generated by the solution. The satellite signal and its reception has to be optimized for us to be able to determine a sufficient performance of satellite signal for accurate PNT indoor service. In addition, we are developing the utilization of existing small satellites and designing a new satellite, FinnPNTSat, for positioning. We are also developing a new payload, i.e. equipment and software carried by the satellite.
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Indoor Outdoor Seamless Navigation for Sensing Human Behavior (INOSENSE)
The goal of this project is to carry out research on sensing social context, modeling human behavior and developing a new mobile architecture for social applications.
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Indoor/outdoor Seamless Positioning and Application for City Ecosystems (iSpace)
The goal of this project is to develop a handheld seamless indoor/outdoor positioning platform that consists of several navigation sensors and a visual sensor for navigation and non-navigation applications in city ecosystems.
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Information Security of Location Estimation and Navigation Applications INSURE
INSURE-project aims at novel solutions for improving robustness of GNSS receivers against jamming and spoofing.
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INTACT - INfrastructure-free TACTical situational awareness
INTACT project will analyze and develop methods for tactical infrastructure –free indoor simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).
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Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component (IRC2G)
Integration of a Regional Component to Galileo Global Component, with demonstrations in Europe and in China.
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Kaivos - Efficient and safe identification of minerals
Making Finland a global leader of sustainable mineral industry requires continuous improvement of expertise in mining indstry. Mineral extraction industry demands for fast, cost efficient and safe remote sensing methods. The Kaivos Project works on efficient and safe identification of minerals.
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LiDAR and Aids to Navigation
The objective of this project is to solve how well laser scanners work in maritime conditions detecting nautical signs, and how could different reflective materials improve the visibility of these signs.
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Maritime AI-NAV
Maritime transport currently faces significant challenges, including increases in transport volumes and more stringent environmental requirements. Shortage of skilled workers at sea is also a possible threat for the future. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vessel Navigation (Maritime AI-NAV) will see how these challenges are to be answered by technology.
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The vision of MyGeoTrust is to create an alternative mobile platform for location-based services that ensures excellent privacy protections for its users.
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Operation of the EGNOS RIMS station in Finland
The EGNOS RIMS (Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station) in Virolahti is one of the monitoring stations of EGNOS.
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This project develops optical and other sensing techniques and utilizes them in addition to precision GNSS, to establish the relative position between a tractor and a trailer and then further constructing absolute position of specific parts of the agricultural tool ensemble via detailed system and lever arm model and sensor fusion methods
Paula is an EU-funded research project studying and testing the benefits of Galileo's Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA), Commercial Authentication Service (CAS) and High Accuracy Service (HAS). The aim of the project is to provide better position, navigation and timing (PNT) performance and resilience. NLS tasks within the project are related to studying the HAS and implementing decoder functionality for scientific purposes.
Pitkän kantaman aktiivinen hyperspektraalinen laserkeilaus (HSLidar)
The hyperspectral lidar (HSL) technology developed at the FGI produces non-contact spectral information in 3D.
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PNT Traffic Light (PETAL)
The project PETAL (PNT Traffic Light) will focus broadly in assessing GNSS and SBAS performance at high latitudes (above 60˚ N).
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PRS Pilot Project for Demonstration (3PfD)
One of the unique features of the Galileo satellite navigation system is its dedicated Public Regulated Service (PRS). The purpose of the PRS is to improve the resilience of authorized users against radio jamming and counterfeit signals (spoofing).
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The aim is to analyze innovation trends in the PNT sector (ie positioning, navigation, timing) as well as to identify actions that can support these innovations.
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Real-Time AI-Supported Ore Grade Evaluation for Automated
The RAGE project will develop automatic and reliable mineral detection based on AI machine learning based on active hyperspectral 3D sensing, indoor positioning, and real-time AI.
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Satellite navigation (GNSS) signals provide accurate and continuous position, navigation, and timing (PNT) services to citizens. These services are necessary to critical infrastructures, such as accurate timing for stock market, electricity transmission, banking and security information systems, reliable positioning for aviation, wireless communications, accurate localization for emergency (112) personnel and logistic chains, and transport.
Read moreRead more about REASON -
Secure Tracking Service S-TrackS
Position and timing data in existing asset tracking services are today obtained using open GNSS services like GPS or Galileo OS. These services are however quite vulnerable to spoofing (fraud). S-TrackS Project offers solutions for providing reliable evidence about the past whereabouts of an asset.
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Standardisation of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation STRIKE3
GNSS is being used for an ever increasing range of safety, security, business and policy critical applications.
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Strategic and Operational Risk Management for Wintertime Maritime Transportation System (STORMWINDS)
EU BONUS funded project that contributes to operational and strategic management of ecological risks to the Northern Baltic Sea.
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Urban Navigation with Multi-sensor and Map Matching
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has become one of the major positioning technologies for navigation and location based service.
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Use Of EGNOS In Urban Environments (EGURE)
Use Of EGNOS In Urban Environments: the aim of the project was to develop and test algorithms to enhance the use of EGNOS in urban areas.
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Vessel Operations and Routing in Ice Conditions VORIC
Voric is a two-year research project in the Arctic Seas programme of Tekes.
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Weather Monitoring Based on Collaboratrive Crowdsourcing TROPO
The aim of the project is to simulate the use of thousands of smartphone GNSS receivers to determine of the amount of water vapor in troposphere.
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Wide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo (WARTK)
Wide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo. FGI’s main responsibility in this project was to develop a SISNeT client software that utilizes the ESA SISNeT data server to disseminate the real-time corrections for wide area RTK.
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Wireless Positioning in the Next Generation Digital TV Network (WiPiNGDTV)
Utilizing digital TV (DTV) signals, a novel wireless positioning method can be developed for indoors and urban environments, which has potential advantages over GPS.
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