Responsible and open science represent a change in the way scientific research is carried out and shared. They highlight transparency, reliability, ethical perspectives and accessibility. The ethical practices of research are highlighted in responsible science, including the responsible use and development of evolving technologies. As part of responsible science, openness fosters cooperation and strives to remove the obstacles of accessibility, so that the wider public can benefit from scientific progress. By promoting openness, the research community strives to promote quick accessibility, increase reusability, and ensure that the research will have more significant social impact than before. This approach encourages researchers to consider the wider impacts of their work and its possible applications, while taking into account social values, environmental perspectives and potential risks. Responsible science acknowledges that the pursue of knowledge includes responsibilities, both towards the research community and the wider public.
Openness promotes responsible science
These pages offer information on how the National Land Survey of Finland promotes responsible science and research.
The NLS is committed to promoting the openness of science and has thus signed the national Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020–2025. The NLS’s updated Open Science Policy, accepted on 22 February 2024, introduces the institution’s principles for open publishing, the life cycle management of research data, and open organizational culture.
National Land Survey of Finland’s Open Science Policy
Promoting responsible conduct of research and maintaining the integrity of research pertains to all NLS employees. We are obliged to ensure that we act responsibly in all research and development projects of the National Land Survey of Finland, throughout the project’s life cycle. The NLS must actively keep up with international and national developments and include the practices of the national recommendation for researcher evaluation as part of its researcher recruitment and evaluation practices.
Visibility of the National Land Survey of Finland’s research activities:
The NLS constantly invests in improving the visibility and social impact of its research. The NLS’s research data is collected and stored in the National Research Information Hub. The National Research Information Hub’s portal provides an overview of the NLS’s publications, research data, research infrastructures and researchers.
The NLS recommends that its researchers register for the persistent researcher identifier ORCID and use it in all their research activities. ORCID helps in linking information to a researcher and transferring information between systems.
Open Science services at the National Land Survey of Finland
The National Land Survey of Finland is actively developing services and guidelines to promote open science. The support services are provided at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) of the NLS. We help you with all aspects related to open science: