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The Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) is a research and expert institute that carries out research and development for spatial data infrastructures.


  • provide a scientific basis for Finnish maps, geospatial information and positioning
  • carry out research and development on methods for the measurements, data acquisition, processing and exploiting of geospatial information
  • co-operate with industry, universities and governmental organisations nationally and internationally.

Core tasks

Our core tasks are the following:

  • To carry out scientific research in geodesy, positioning, navigation, cartography, geographic information sciences, photogrammetry and remote sensing;
  • To ensure geodetic, photogrammetric and spatial data metrology;
  • To do nationwide geodetic base measurements and connect them to international systems;
  • To develop spatial data collection technologies and equipment in geodesy, positioning and remote sensing;
  • To promote methods and equipment in the area of spatial data;
  • To monitor developments in the research field and participate in international cooperation;
  • To publish information on its findings and promote their application;
  • To provide opinions in the area of expertise and to make necessary proposals.


Our departments are:

The research topics are currently organised in research groups.

Verbal explanation of the picture below

Verbal explanation of the picture.

Organisational chart of the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI. At the top of the organisational structure is the Deputy Director-General. At the same hierarchical level, alongside the Deputy Director-General, is Research Support. Reporting to the Deputy Director-General are four departments: 

  • Geodesy and Geodynamics
  • Geoinformatics and Cartography
  • Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
  • Navigation and Positioning.

Under the Geodesy and Geodynamics department, there are two research groups: Space Geodesy and Reference Systems. The Geoinformatics and Cartography department includes two research groups: 

  • Geospatial Data Analysis, Visualisation and User Interfaces
  • Geospatial Information, Technologies and Infrastructures.

The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry department comprises four research groups: 

  • Autonomous Mapping and Driving
  • Photogrammetry and Hyperspectral Imaging
  • Change Detection and Mapping with Multiscale Remote Sensing
  • Special Challenges and Innovation

Under the Navigation and Positioning department, there are three research groups: 

  • Collaborative Positioning and Situational Awareness
  • Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing
  • Navigation and Sensing Technologies.

The Code of Conduct

FGI has a code of conduct which concentrates on well-being and the work community. Code of conduct regarding research integrity is defined separately.  

The Code of Conduct