Implementation of FIN-EPOS - a FINnish national initiative of the European Plate Observing System (FIN-EPOS-SLE)
EPOS is a single, Pan-European, sustainable and distributed Research Infrastructure (RI). EPOS will be an open-access infrastructure, aiming to be the principal source of data and tools. EPOS will simplify and speed-up the process of combining information from different fields of geophysics. EPOS opens new possibilities for cross-cutting and innovative research in Earth Sciences and their applications for society as well as for raw material and energy exploration.
The FIN-EPOS consortium partners (UH, UO, GTK, FMI, FGI, MIKES, CSC) own and operate the geophysical and geodetic observatory and laboratory RIs in Finland. IT solutions for interoperability require certain level of standardization and harmonization. Each partner is obliged to follow and harmonize their data and metadata accordingly. This will impose a severe workload on all the RIs during EPOS-IP in 2016-2019. This proposal seeks to ensure that FIN-EPOS RIs are fully connected with EPOS-ERIC infrastructure from the start of its activities.