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Acts of sustainability: Clear language, transparent procurement and sustainable digital services promote sustainable way of working

In its sustainability programme, the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) is committed to advancing 50 acts of sustainability by the end of 2027. This news article provides information about the acts of sustainability in 2024, related to the theme of Sustainable way of working and economic sustainability, and the progress made with them.


Clear and understandable language, both face-to-face and in writing

National Land Survey of Finland values the development of operations and services in a human-centric and customer-oriented manner. As part of this work, the focus has been on the development of clear and understandable language.

“We receive positive feedback on face-to-face customer encounters and now we want to transfer the good experience also to our written communications and digital services”, says Mirva Kipinoinen, Director of Communications, National Land Survey of Finland.

This year, the National Land Survey of Finland has compiled the principles of customer-oriented language and tone of voice, as well as outlined a customer-oriented vocabulary of terms that are known to be difficult to understand for customers. The results of the work will be implemented throughout the National Land Survey of Finland from next winter onward, when personnel training on the customer-oriented language begins.

“We are gradually clarifying our customer texts and based on the principle of continuous improvement. So far, we have renewed, for example, customer service model responses and the websites of land surveys to make their content clearer”, Mirva Kipinoinen says.

The procurement calendar increases the transparency and predictability of procurements

The procurement team of the National Land Survey of Finland actively promotes the sustainability of procurement activities. The procurement calendar for strategic procurements is a new tool of the National Land Survey of Finland to improve the transparency and predictability of procurements. The procurement calendar is also part of proactive financial planning.

“The procurement calendar provides a better snapshot of the money allocated to procurements in the coming years. The procurement team of the National Land Survey of Finland compiled strategic procurements for 2024–2028 in the calendar, and the calendar is constantly updated”, says specialist Juha Lindfors from the National Land Survey of Finland.

Strategic procurements are procurements that are necessary for the implementation of the National Land Survey of Finland’s strategic objectives, help to carry out tasks defined by law, or are essential services procured from the state’s joint service providers. The largest cost items of the National Land Survey of Finland, in addition to salaries, are related to ICT services, equipment and software, premises, and administrative services.

“When preparing the procurement calendar, it was noticed that seeing the future is also difficult in terms of procurements. The procurement calendar facilitates the work of procurement category managers, for example, in scheduling and planning future competitive tendering”, Juha Lindfors says.

Sustainable digital services

The task of Information Management at the NLS is to produce and develop high-quality and secure IT services. Sustainability in Information Management is examined from the perspectives of both IT service production and enabling sustainable operations. The aim is to make sustainability a built-in part of all operations.

“We want to produce digital services in a customer-oriented, sustainable and responsible manner. The digital solutions we have developed shape the operations of NLS, so the choices made in them will affect the sustainability of the entire institution’s operations for years to come”, says Jenni Mielikäinen, Department Director of Information Management, National Land Survey of Finland.

In system development, sustainability is examined from many different perspectives. For example, energy efficiency, minimising environmental impact, accessibility, data security and cost-effectiveness are important factors. Digital tools are also used to build a sense of community and increase the flexibility of working life. In turn, the extensive use of open source solutions, helps to make the solutions developed with tax funds available for as wide a use as possible and for the benefit of the society.

“Our goal is to make sustainable thinking part of our specialists’ daily lives and make sustainable choices every day. This year, we have recorded sustainability as part of Information Management’s main objective, indicators and measures. For example, we have organised learning cafés about accessibility and the green code. In the future, sustainability aspects will be introduced as part of Information Management’s key operating models and guidelines, such as the principles of change management and the application development manual”, says Jenni Mielikäinen.

Further information

Annukka Kokkonen, sustainability specialist,

Sustainability at the NLS


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