CANDO - Collaborative Augmented Navigation for Defence Objectives
CANDO-project seeks to address the Protection of military and rescue personnel protection goal through provision of enhanced situational awareness and blue force tracking within urban and indoor environments. To achieve this goal, the project will build on the concept of 'Collaborative Navigation' (CN) whereby members of a platoon operating in the same area are able to act as navigation references and communication nodes for one another. The CN concept provides two primary benefits; the enhancement of absolute and relative position information for every cooperating user, allowing extended indoor operation independent of satellite navigation, and the dramatic enhancement of situational awareness information to every member of the formation, even those that are beyond direct communications range due to the relay nature of the network.
The project will strengthen the international research ties between Norway and Finland through the technology transfer, which will allow the free movement of foreground IP as well as agreed background IP between the research personnel and institutions.