FLEX-EPOS - Flexible instrument network for enhanced geophysical observations and multi-disciplinary research
![The logo of the Academy of Finland](http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/sites/maanmittauslaitos.fi/files/inline-images/AOF_logo_840_8.png)
We will create a national pool of geophysical instruments and multi-disciplinary geophysical superstations to solve fundamental scientific questions in seismology, geomagnetism and geodesy. We will develop and apply complementing geophysical monitoring networks towards multi-technique, multi-discipline solutions using the full benefit of novel technologies. FLEX-EPOS comprises infrastructure and pool of instruments, which can be used in large numbers in various study areas for short- and long-term data collection. The instrument pool and the superstations will be created, maintained and operated in a national co-operation between four universities and four research institutes. The greatly expanded observational capabilities will contribute to science by providing massive new datasets and observations, and thus strengthen the role of Finland in the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). The FIN-EPOS infrastructure is on the national FIRI roadmap as an advanced Infrastructure, and EPOS is on the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) roadmap.
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