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Study on harmonisation of the data models used in topographic data management

The harmonisation of data models will be needed to increase the usability of topographic data collected in municipalities. Major part of the population and economic activity is concentrated in the urban areas, in which the municipalities have large scale topographic data sets. Today the National Land Survey uses this information for the Topographic Database, which is the most accurate medium scale topograhic data set covering the whole country.

This study will investigate the possibility to harmonise the data models of these two data sets. This would benefit the data quality and process management of the topographic data available in Finland. The study will consist of the user requirement analysis and case studies of some municipalities. The results will be published in the publications of the Geodetic Institute and doctoral theses. Based on the results there will be recommendations for the procuder organisations on how to change the data models. - Reported in Finnish.

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spacial data infrastructure
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