INTACT - INfrastructure-free TACTical situational awareness
INTACT project will analyze and develop methods for tactical infrastructure –free indoor simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Most important research questions are how an accurate and reliable SLAM system may be obtained using a single camera and multiple inertial sensors, and how good situational awareness the equipment provides. The research investigates also some sensors, previously less used for indoor positioning but suitable for the task, such as ultrasound ranging equipment attached to the soldier’s person and digital tv signals, whose antenna may also be attached to soldier’s equipment.
Integration of different sensors has been an active research area already for some years, but there does not yet exist an accurate and reliable infrastructure-free indoor positioning system. This project will investigate some sensors less used for positioning, such as ultrasound, for obtaining more accurate positining and also resolving the distance between camera and objects in the view. Also, positioning using multiple inertial sensors will be researched. One inertial unit will be foot mounted and other units will be placed e.g. on the helmet or body enabling context recognition, e.g. observing the dynamics of the soldier or if he has been static for a long time and therefore possibly wounded.