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Isomäki, Harri; Tammisto, Sami. 2023.
Yksityistien tieyksiköinti 2023. Maanmittauslaitos. Maanmittauslaitoksen julkaisuja, (nro 119).
Isomäki, Harri; Tammisto, Sami. 2023.
MML on päivittänyt yksiköintiohjeistuksen. Yksityistieuutiset - Yksityistieasioiden tiedotuslehti, (2024).
Itäinen, Karolina; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Riekkinen, Kirsikka. 2023.
Kansainvälinen vertailu kiinteistöjärjestelmän kehittämisen apuna. Maankäyttö, (2).
Itäinen, Karolina; Krigsholm, Pauliina; Riekkinen, Kirsikka. 2023.
Towards Enhanced Evaluation and Comparison of Mature Cadastral Systems. International Federation of Surveyors. Proceedings (FIG international congress).
Jaeger, Ninon; Keskin, Merve; Kettunen, Pyry. 2023.
Automation of the visualisation of eye-tracking data with animated heatmaps. Copernicus GmbH. Abstracts of the ICA, 6, 104.
Jakobsson, Antti. 2023.
Suomi sijoittui ensimmäistä kertaa johtaviin maihin paikkatiedon hyödyntämisvertailussa. Positio, 2023, 17.3.2023.
Jerez, Gabriel O.; Hernández‐Pajares, Manuel; Goss, Andreas; Prol, Fabricio S. et al. 2023.
Two‐way assessment of ionospheric maps performance over the Brazilian region: Global versus regional products. American Geophysical Union (AGU). Space Weather, 21(2), e2022SW003252.
Jiang, Changhui; Chen, Yuwei; Chen, Chen; Chen, Shoubin et al. 2023.
Cooperative Smartphone GNSS/PDR for Pedestrian Navigation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70(6).
Jiang, Changhui; Chen, Yuwei; Chen, Chen; Hyyppä, Juha. 2023.
Walking Gait Assisted Vector Tracking GNSS for Pedestrian Position. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72.
Jiang, Changhui; Chen, Yuwei; Chen, Chen; Hyyppä, Juha. 2023.
Walking Gaits Aided Mobile GNSS for Pedestrian Navigation in Urban Areas. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Jiang, Changhui; Chen, Yuwei; Liu, Zuoya; Xia, Qingyuan et al. 2023.
A Probabilistic Method-Based Smartphone GNSS Fault Detection and Exclusion System Utilizing PDR Step Length. MDPI AG. Remote Sensing, 15(20), 4993.
Jin, Xiangbo; Wang, Chongru; Han, Guicheng; Wang, Yueming et al. 2023.
A Novel Stitching Method for High-Precision Low-Overlap Thermal Infrared Array Sweeping Images. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 5000117.
Kallio, Ulla. 2023.
Towards daily-based local ties at Fundamental Geodetic Sites - Development of local tie processes as a part of the renovations at Metsähovi Geodetic Research Station. Aalto-yliopisto. Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL THESES, (133/2023).
Kallio, Ulla; Eskelinen, Joona; Jokela, Jorma; Koivula, Hannu et al. 2023.
Validation of GNSS-based reference point monitoring of the VGOS VLBI telescope at Metsähovi. Editorial de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Proceedings of the 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring - JISDM 2022.
Kallio, Ulla; Eskelinen, Joona; Näränen, Jyri; Poutanen, Markku. 2023.
An Agile Method to Detect Deformations of the VLBI Dish. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA/ CP–20220018789.
Kallunki, Juha; Hase, Hayo; Zubko, Nataliya. 2023.
Spectrum Management for the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) Observations. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA/CP.
Karila, Kirsi; Matikainen, Leena; Karjalainen, Mika; Puttonen, Eetu et al. 2023.
Automatic labelling for semantic segmentation of VHR satellite images: Application of airborne laser scanner data and object-based image analysis. Elsevier BV. ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 9, 100046.
Karjalainen, V.; Hakala, T.; George, A.; Koivumäki, N. et al. 2023.
A Drone System for Autonomous Mapping Flights Inside a Forest - A Feasibility Study and First Results. Copernicus GmbH. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-1/W2-2023.
Karvonen, Hannu; Honkavaara, Eija; Röning, Juha; Kramar, Vadim et al. 2023.
Using a Semi-autonomous Drone Swarm to Support Wildfire Management – A Concept of Operations Development Study. Springer, Cham. Lecture notes in computer science, 14018.
Keitaanniemi, Aino; Rönnholm, Petri; Kukko, Antero; Vaaja, Matti Tapio. 2023.
Drift analysis and sectional post-processing of indoor simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)-based laser scanning data. Elsevier. Automation in construction, 147, 104700.
Keskin, Merve; Kettunen, Pyry. 2023.
Potential of eye-tracking for interactive geovisual exploration aided by machine learning. Informa UK Limited. International Journal of Cartography, 9(2).
Keskin, Merve; Krassanakis, Vassilios; Çöltekin, Arzu. 2023.
Visual Attention and Recognition Differences Based on Expertise in a Map Reading and Memorability Study. MDPI AG. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(1), 21.
Keskin, Merve; Rönneberg, Mikko; Kettunen, Pyry. 2023.
The effect of dominant background color and visualizing cycling routes on the readability of topographic maps: An eye tracking study. Copernicus GmbH. Abstracts of the ICA, 6, 123.
Kettunen, Pyry; Jussila, Anssi; Koski, Christian. 2023.
Compositions of generalised built areas for topographic maps.
Kettunen, Pyry; Keskin, Merve; Rönneberg, Mikko. 2023.
TUGEVA: Tuntemattoman paikkatietoaineiston ymmärtäminen tekoälyavusteisella geovisuaalisella analytiikalla. MATINE/Puolustusministeriö, Helsinki. Tutkimusten tiivistelmäraportit, 2021(2021/2500M-0134).
Khoramshahi, Ehsan; Näsi, Roope; Rua, Stefan; Oliveira, Raquel A. et al. 2023.
A Novel Deep Multi-Image Object Detection Approach for Detecting Alien Barleys in Oat Fields Using RGB UAV Images. MDPI AG. Remote sensing, 15(14), 3582.
Khoramshahi, Ehsan; Näsi, Roope; Rua, Stefan; Oliveira, Raquel A. et al. 2023.
A Novel Deep Multi-Image Object Detection Approach for Detecting Alien Barleys in Oat Fields Using RGB UAV Images. MDPI AG. Remote Sensing, 15(14), 3582.
Korhonen, Niina; Ahonen-Rainio, Paula. 2023.
Reforming the Topographic Map for the Digital Era. Positio, 2023, 25.5.2023.
Korpela, Ilkka; Polvivaara, Antti; Hovi, Aarne; Junttila, Samuli et al. 2023.
Influence of phenology on waveform features in deciduous and coniferous trees in airborne LiDAR. Remote sensing of environment, 293, 113618.
Koski, Christian; Kettunen, Pyry; Poutanen, Justus; Zhu, Lingli et al. 2023.
Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning—Exploring the Causes of False Predictions. MDPI AG. Remote Sensing, 15(11), 2776.
Kotilainen, Mikko; Mäkelä, Maija; Hanhijärvi, Kalle; Olkkonen, Martta-Kaisa et al. 2023.
Detecting consistent patterns in pseudorange residuals in GNSS timing data. IEEE. International Conference on Localization and GNSS.
Krigsholm, Pauliina; Riekkinen, Kirsikka; Itäinen, Karolina. 2023.
Kiinteistöjärjestelmien tietosisällöt ja kehityssuunnat: kansainvälinen vertailu. Maanmittauslaitos. (nro 118).
Kukko, Antero. 2023.
LAS3R-projekti: Lumen ja jään tutkimista Etelämantereella. Positio, 2023, 10.5.2023.
Kuusisto, Minna; Malm, Marianne; Kaisko, Outi; Rinne, Lauri et al. 2023.
Results of Monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2022, Rock Mechanics. Posiva oy. Working Report Posiva, (2023-04).
Kyrylenko, Ihor; Golubov, Oleksiy; Slyusarev, Ivan; Visuri, Jaakko et al. 2023.
The First Instrumentally Documented Fall of an Iron Meteorite: Orbit and Possible Origin. American Astronomical Society. Astrophysical journal, 953(1), 20.
Laaksonen, Heli; Pitkänen, Olli. 2023.
Aerial photos reveal the hidden past of Porkkala. Positio, 2023, 27.1.2023.
Lappalainen, Yrjö; Lassila, Matti; Heikkilä, Tanja; Nieminen, Jani et al. 2023.
Migrating 120,000 Legacy Publications from Several Systems into a Current Research Information System Using Advanced Data Wrangling Techniques. Publications, 11(4), 49.
Lehtinen, K.; Prusti, T.; de Bruijne, J.; Lammers, U. et al. 2023.
Carte du Ciel and Gaia - I. Astrometry. Astronomy and astrophysics, 671, A16.
Lehto, Lassi; Kähkönen, Jaakko. 2023.
Dynamic Integration of Climate Properties with Geospatial Data for Energy Applications. IARIA. International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services.
Lehtola, Ville; Markkula, Markku. 2023.
Can digital twin techniques serve city needs?. Geodetical Information & Trading Centre. Gim international, (2).
Lesjak, Roman; Schweitzer, Susanne; Vallet García, José M.; Diengsleder-Lambauer, Karl et al. 2023.
A Comparative Experimental Performance Assessment of RTK+OSNMA-Based Positioning for Road Vehicle Applications. MDPI. Engineering proceedings, 54(1), 45.
Liebsch, Gunter; Schwabe, Joachim; Varbla, Sander; Ågren, Jonas et al. 2023.
Release note for the BSCD2000 height transformation grid. International Hydrographic Organization. The International Hydrographic Review, 29(2).
Liu, Chang; Calders, Kim; Origo, Niall; Disney, Mathias et al. 2023.
Reconstructing the digital twin of forests from a 3D library: Quantifying trade-offs for radiative transfer modeling. Elsevier BV. Remote Sensing of Environment, 298, 113832.
Liu, Jingbin; Huang, Gege; Hyyppä, Juha; Li, Jing et al. 2023.
A survey on location and motion tracking technologies, methodologies and applications in precision sports. Elsevier BV. Expert Systems with Applications, 229, 120492.
Liu, Jingbin; Liang, Yifan; Xu, Dong; Gong, Xiaodong et al. 2023.
A ubiquitous positioning solution of integrating GNSS with LiDAR odometry and 3D map for autonomous driving in urban environments. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Journal of Geodesy, 97(4), 39.
Lopatin, Eugene; Väätäinen, Kari; Kukko, Antero; Kaartinen, Harri et al. 2023.
Unlocking Digitalization in Forest Operations with Viewshed Analysis to Improve GNSS Positioning Accuracy. MDPI AG. Forests, 14(4), 689.
Lopatin, Eugene; Väätäinen, Kari; Kukko, Antero; Kaartinen, Harri et al. 2023.
Unlocking Digitalization in Forest Operations with Viewshed Analysis to Improve GNSS Positioning Accuracy. MDPI AG. Forests, 14(4), 689.
Lundvall, Anniina; Kylmäaho, Jani; Ilves, Risto. 2023.
Building 3D models help in saving energy and mitigating climate risks. Positio, 2023, 2.6.2023.
Moilanen, Jarmo; Kettunen, Jarkko. 2023.
Varpaisjärven meteoriitti hukkui lasten leikeissä. Tähtitieteellinen yhdistys Ursa r.y.. Tähdet ja avaruus, (3).
Montegriffo, P.; Bellazzini, M.; De Angeli, F.; Andrae, R. et al. 2023.
Gaia Data Release 3 : The Galaxy in your preferred colours: Synthetic photometry from Gaia low-resolution spectra. EDP Sciences. Astronomy and astrophysics, 674, A33.