Environmental research with active sensors (ActiveSensing)

The research group of Environmental research with active sensors, i.e. ActiveSensing-group, is a mix of remote sensing experts in the field of physics, mapping, environmental research and measurement techniques equipped with versatile tools for research, e.g., terrestrial laser scanners, supercontinuum laser, close-range laser profiler and a laboratory for laser intensity calibration. The major aim is to develop and demonstrate new applications of active sensing methods, such as laser scanning and SAR, in environmental remote sensing. The research topics include laser scanning for forest carbon cycle estimation, snow cover monitoring with mobile and terrestrial laser scanning, development of hyperspectral lidar (and its environmental applications), applying SAR and radar-lidar synergy in environmental remote sensing, and the radiometric calibration concept for laser scanning.
More about this topic:
26-Mar-2013: Anssi Krooks and Olli Nevalainen present their MSc (tech) thesis in Masters of Aalto 2013.
22-Mar-2013: Our team participates in the development of Earth Observation services for ESA, see article "Developing agriculture from the sky".
20-Feb-2013: Our paper, "Radiometric Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners with External Reference Targets" was awarded the Remote Sensing Best Paper Award 2013. More information about the award can be found here.
8-Jan-2013: News of the new hyperspectral lider: Positio (in Finnish). A pdf-version of the magazine can be downloaded here.
2-Nov-2012: News of the new hyperspectral lidar: T&T, Finnfacts and Academy of Finland.
25-Sep-2012: The development of hyperspectral LiDAR was presented at the XXII Congress of the ISPRS in Melbourne. The presentation can be downloaded here.
17-Aug-2012: The ActiveSensing group participates in the European Space Expo in Helsinki (Aug 17-21 in Narinkkatori). This is a major ESA event in Finland this year.
12-Mar-2012: The first description of the novel Hyperspectral LiDAR + first results have now been published in Optics Express, see http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-20-7-7119
7-Mar-2012: Our research proposal for the Dragon 3 co-operation call of the NRSCC and ESA was accepted.